Chapter 2

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     They all walked down silently with Nashi swinging on Lucy's hand as she looked straight ahead while Natsu and Happy walked right behind her. " What do you think we should do?" Happy asked Natsu quietly. 

"I'm thinking on that" he replied. Nashi went busting through the doors and ran around the guild excited. "LOOK WHAT I GOT EVERYBODY!!" she screamed in excitement as she pulled the scarf to show it off. Everyone got smiles on their faces and cheered for her. "way to go Nashi!" congratulated Romeo. Natsu and Lucy just slowly walked in. "Passing on the mantle huh Natsu?" said Macaow. "Yup, figured it was time" answered Natsu. "Daddy, can I go practice at the spot, please!" she asked him. "Sure, remember what I told you, Happy can you?" "AYE" he said positively as he took Nashi and flew off.

"Where are they going?" asked Mira. "Ehh, there's a small spot where I told her she can practice using some of her fire magic, Happy is there to watch her" he answered. "Is that alright to do Natsu?" Levy asked questionably. "Sheesh, get off my back people, we've done this before, it's fine" he sniped annoyed. 

"Hey Lu, you doing alright?" asked Levy cheery as she walked over and sat next to her. "I'm fine" she answered. Natsu saw the smile but saw it didn't reach her eyes. "Hey flame ass" greeted Gray as he walked in while Erza waved with a small smile walking to sit with them. 

"Oh we beat you here for once, ha" Natsu said amused. "Shut it pinky" "Do you want to start already? He taunted. "Natsu, Gray!, don't make me" she said threateningly making them slowly turn themselves toward her. "Y..yyes ma'am" they both stuttered out as everyone started hysterically laughing. 

"That never gets old". "Shut up" the two of them yelled as they sat with their arms crossed. "So did we want to go on a job today?" asked Erza. "oh, I'll try and talk to you later Lu, bye" she waved as Lucy waved back. 

"Sure, what were we thinking of today?" asked Gray. "let's see what we have" said Erza as her and Natsu went to look at request board. They both eyed it till something caught his attention. He ripped it off the board. "well alright then" "What is it?" she asked as she came up next to him. 

"This is asking specifically for the Dragneel team." "That is curious, it's asking for the team, not just you two" "Well it's enough for me, what do you say Lucy?" "Sure, let's go" she answered. 

He detected a cheer in her voice but it wasn't much. "Where's the." But Gray was cut off as someone pointed to the sky making everyone look up. There was a fire blast going through the sky. 

Natsu and Lucy immediately stood looking at it. Clenching his fists, he made what sounded like a frustrated grunt. "Damn it, I told her she wasn't ready" "Natsu!, look" He looked up as he saw the fire being sucked. 

"Fuck!, Lucy come on!" he said quickly as they both ran out the door in synch. " arrrrgh" Natsu yelled as they were running. "What did you expect dummie!" Lucy insulted. "Now is not the time Luce" he said as they raced around a corner. "Like father, like daughter, she's as reckless as you are" "Yell at me later ,just come on" he said as he picked up his speed. 

"Crap, crap " "Natsu, what!" Lucy exclaimed but Natsu didn't get to tell her as they went around another corner and stopped right in front of Nashi. 

She had cheeks full of fire. "NASHI DON'T" Natsu shouted as Nashi opened her mouth saying 'FIRE DRAGON ROAAR!" the fire came out but blasted her backwards.

"Nashi!" Natsu and Lucy yelled as they dashed over to Nashi who was blasted against a tree hard. "Baby!" Lucy said scared. They knelt beside her as Natsu carefully checked the back of her head. 

"There's no injuries or blood, whew" Lucy sighed in relief. Their faces changed as soon as Nashi looked at them. Both of them had furious looks on their faces as Happy came sprinting over. "I.I am ssorry..I couldn't ..stop her" he said panting. "It's not your fault Happy" Lucy said kindly. " Nashi...." Natsu said in a low voice. "Daddy?" she said nervously. " I TOLD YOU THAT YOU WERE NOT READY! AND THEN YOU TRIED THE ROAR" he shouted at her.

Hiding behind Lucy, Lucy stood up and said "Natsu, easy" "LUCY, THIS ISN'T A JOKE" "I KNOW THAT DUMBASS, she's only 5 Natsu!" Waving his hand, he lowered his voice but was still angry "I know that Lucy , which is exactly why!! I told her not too and she agreed to not "(cant help but hear the main theme song slow version as this ishappening")" 

"Nashi, is that true?, did you tell your father you would stop?" Nashi looked down "Nashi!" Lucy said sternly. "Y..yyes I did" "How did you even learn the roar in the first place Iggy?" Natsu asked her. "I've watched you do it" she admitted sadly. 

Taking a breath, she released Nashi's grip from her and stood up. "Nashi, this is not up to me, Natsu, this is in your hands" she reluctantly stood back as Natsu looked at Nashi. " told me you would listen and then you did the exact opposite, your punishment no more training. Not until you can show me you will listen." 

"DADDDY NOOOOOOOO" "that's final" "pleeeeaseee" she cried Natsu turned his back to her as she threw a tantrum. " Come on Iggy" said Lucy as she picked up a screaming Nashi and started walking to their house. "Luce, you alright?" "I'm going back to house, I'll see you later" was all she said not even looking back at him. " come on Happy, let's get to the guild" he told him though not really wanting to leave Lucy alone.

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