Chapter 10

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      Natsu and Erza were silent as Lucy cried into Gray. He didn't say anything or show it but Erza knew Natsu felt the same way as Lucy. How could he not. The fact that he wasn't showing it made Erza feel all the worse inside but she put on a brave face and smiled. 

Acknowledging her, Natsu smiled and nodded his head thanking her for doing the same as him. After a few minutes, Lucy stopped crying and pulled her head up off Gray's shoulder. Rubbing her eyes, she took a breath and said "What's the next move Natsu?". "I think the next thing to do is our team together go out and find her." "Agreed" said Erza as Lucy and Gray nodded in return.

"Hey wait guys, I'm getting a message" said Warren as they all looked in his direction. "Up in a few miles, people are saying a child is up there" "Wait!" said Erza quickly as she saw her team stop as they were about to run.

 " We don't know if this child is even her, Warren who is even telling you this?" "One of the other members from Saber tooth, they were passing through town." "Ask them if the child has pink hair" They all watched as Warren asked. "Yes!, yes the child has pink hair" That was enough for Lucy and Natsu as they took off with Happy. 

"Come on! Erza" Gray yelled as he went running behind them. "Thank you Warren" Erza said as she went with Gray. "Our baby" thought Natsu and Lucy as they went.

They ran the whole few miles until they skidded to a stop. Nashi was laying there unconscious. "NASHI!" they screamed as they ran over and kneeled beside her. 

Picking her up, Natsu looked for any cuts or bruises. "I don't see anything Lucy, it doesn't look like they hurt her" he said. "Come on, let's get her to the infirmary and call Porlyusica to look at her." Said Lucy as they both carefully rose up. Natsu laid Nashi's body across his arms as he carried her. Lucy was right beside him as Gray and Erza caught up.

They both smiled seeing that the child was indeed Nashi. They walked with the other three to the infirmary where Wendy called Porlyusica to come take a look at Nashi. 

While they waited for her, Natsu and Lucy were on both sides of the bed staring at their daughter. " I see she hasn't been harmed , that's a blessing" said Makarov. "Hey gramps, yeah it doesn't look like it but I don't know if I trust it" said Natsu uneasy. 

"Me either, why would they have kept this long..I'm not asking for their to be something wrong..but after everything, It begs the question why was she returned now without us having to put up a fight. I can't see wizards trained under Lilyanna giving up that easy" she said as she eyed Natsu who nodded. " I agree, that bitch was anything but the surrendering type." "Hmmm" said Makarov questionably. 

 Porlyusica arrived shooing everyone out of the room so she could examine Nashi without any interruptions from anyone. After a little bit, they came back in. "You know I don't normally make visits like this..but since this is your child and given how many times I've lost count over the last year looking after you two fools, I wasn't going to let her down on account of her reckless parents. Anyway, I don't see any signs of tampering with her at all. Physically she appears fine. I can't say anything about her mental state. We don't know what they did to her." 

Lucy and Natsu continued to look at Nashi with worried looks on their faces. "I've done all I can, goodbye for now" she said as she moved past them leaving. "Thank you Ms. Porlyusica" Lucy said softly as she gave a small grin to Lucy and left. Lucy walked back and sat on the other side of Nashi's bed with Natsu. 

He grabbed her hand and squeezed. "come on baby, wake up" said Lucy. Siting back, she laid her head on Natsu's shoulder as he leaned his head down on top of hers. "We have her back Lucy, it'll be okay. Just let her rest." "I love you Natsu" 

Lifting his head up to look her, he put a hand to her cheek. "I love you too Luce" he said compassionately then brought her face to his for a deep kiss as they closed their eyes. She brought her hand to his cheek as they stopped thinking about anything but each other for a moment as they kissed, ( Fairy tail main theme slow version)

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