Chapter 7

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    Still shocked, she leaned forward and laid herself against Natsu as he cradled his arms around her. "Natsu" she finally said. "how are we going to get Nashi back?, we don't even know where or who took her." " hmmm I don't know yet .hell I can't even get a scent because it was already gone by the time we got there but we will get her back, I will make sure of it"

.Grabbing his hands and putting her fingers between them, she squeezed and said "I know you will" he leaned and kissed the top of her head. "Come on. Let's go to the guild" said Lucy as she stood up. 

"Sure" said Natsu as Lucy gave him a hand to help him up. "Happy?, you still out there?" he called out. "AYE" announced Happy cheerfully. Slipping his sandals back on. "Man, it feels weird not having my scarf now" Lucy smiled softly and said "I'm sure but at least you know it's in good hands. 

Returning the smile, he answered "yeah.. ready to go" he asked holding a hand out. "Yeah" she answered sweetly as he took her hand and they ran with Happy to the guild. They slowly walked into the guild where everyone looked at them.

Some still had guilty expressions while others had nice smiles but the thing that warmed them the most was that nobody looked mad or scared. "Listen everybody" said Natsu in a caring voice. " I..I have to apologize" his voice got a sad tone to it as Lucy squeezed his hand. 

He grinned at her and kept going as he got everyone to look at him. " the way I acted before..I shouldn't have done that. You all know how I get but that's no excuse for how I acted. I was upset for Nashi and then got worried about Lucy. Erza,I appreciate you looking out for too Gray" 

They both gave him light hearted smiles. " I am really sorry and I hope you guys can forgive me at some point" he finished and looked down with a sullen expression.

Everyone looked at each other mummering then looked at Mira. She walked up to Lucy and Natsu. Lucy elbowed him lightly getting him to look up. Mira had a very warm, empathetic smile on her face as she said " Natsu, we can't forgive you because there's nothing to forgive, you didn't do anything wrong." 

Natsu's face immediately witched to an optimistic one as he looked at her. " we understand you were upset about Nashi and you had every right to be. Lucy, you don't have to feel guilty anymore" Lucy looked at her shocked as tears suddenly came to her eyes.

 She had no idea how Mira knew because she never said anything it then again, she knew Mira Jane was very wise and observant. "We all understand the two of you are going through something and we all want you to know that we are here for you. We're Fairy Tail after all" 

Lucy let go of Natsu and ran over to Mira who embraced Lucy as she cried onto her shoulder. it's alright Lucy" she said in a gentle hushed tone as Lucy's body shook asshe cried. "Ttt..tthank you Mira" she stuttered.   

 After a few minutes Mira said "come on, we've to get to work on finding Nashi". Sniffling and wiping her nose, Lucy said" yes" in a confident voice. "There she is" thought Natsu happily. Walking over to a table, Lucy leaned over with maps and hands stretched out. "What do we have so far?" 

"Unfortunately, not much" said Macaow. " We didn't even get to see which way they took off, they made us all dizzy and ran." He explained. " those bastards will pay for taking my child" said Lucy angrily balling her hand into a fist. 

 "Lucy" Natsu said shocked "What?" she said whipping her head around. "Nnothing." He said quickly. She turned back around looking at the maps. " Damn, haven't seen her angry like this in a while...I like's hot" he thought to himself with a sly grin on his face. 

"What's with that grin?" said Gray amused. Natsu jumped not knowing Gray had walked over. "It..It's nothing" he said stumbling over his words as his cheeks turned red. Grinning Gray said "it's about Lucy isn't it" "Shut up Gray" "I see what you mean, heh, heh" " Hey!, clear those thoughts in your head right now you freaking stripper," 

" Chill out there flame breath, I just meant I get it why you were attracted. She's fierce when she's pumped up" he said very relaxed. Natsu said "Hmph" but very loosely and light hearted. "She's on of the reasons I love her. Her drive for those she loves" he thought to himself happily as he walked up beside her.

"Did you guys get a look at them?" Lucy asked. "No, they wore masks so we couldn't see their faces. " Natsu saw Lucy's fist start to tremble. ( the song Inishie no Mahou during this scene.) He lightly put his hand overtop of it causing her to look at him. 

"Breathe Luce" he whispered so no one else would hear. Her hand stopped trembling once he gripped her hand. Closing both their eyes, he put a hand around her waist "we will find her , you gotta trust that. Whoever these people that took her, they won't stay hidden for long" "Huh? What do you mean?" she asked puzzled. 

" I'm not the smartest guy Luce but think about it, they didn't go for anyone else , they specifically took our child. Sooner or later, they are going to come back out and then the second they do, they will be sorry and turned to ashes." 

 Lucy didn't know whether to believe how simple Natsu made it sound or the fact that it sounded like he thought about what he said all the way through and wasn't just shooting from his ass. Either way, Lucy was surprised. "Let's start looking" said Natsu snapping Lucy out of her thoughts and focusing on the maps.

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