Chapter 15

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    They were taking on a job for a client who wanted a local group of thugs out of their town for good. They didn't have to look for the thugs for as they came upon the village. The thugs were harassing some of the women. Natsu and Gray went right up to them and punched them in their faces. 

"What the hell" said one of them as they were on the ground backing away. Natsu and Gray both had serious looks on their faces as they said "these guys are from fairy tail!, look at their marks" The others shivered as they saw Natsu's and Gray emblems. " We don't care for men who terrorize women. You morons have terrorized this town enough, the fact that we are here..means you guys are screwed" said Gray with a smirk as he set his hands and yelled "Ice make cannon!" as a cannon formed shooting balls of ice to get the other thugs that were running. 

Natsu laughed gleefully as he leapt into the air as Happy went and grabbed him. "FIRE DRAGON BRILLANT FLAME!!" A fireball came at them and Erza surrounded them with her swords in her heavens wield armor as Lucy hung back incase any tried something.

One of the thugs tried to pull one over on Lucy as one came behind a tree but Happy shouted "LUCY BEHIND YOU!" She ducked just in time as a fist came flying. "LUUUUUCYY KIIICK!" she attacked sending him a few feet as he grabbed his stomach in pain. 

She looked up to the sky where Natsu and Happy were grinning at her. "Hee hee" said Lucy as she gave them a thumbs up. "Gray!, don't let them escape" ordered Erza. Forming his hands he called "ICE MAKE :PRISON!". A giant cage of ice fell upon the thugs as Lucy dragged the one who had snuck up on her and threw him into the cage.

"Come on down you two" said Erza as Natsu and Happy flew down where Lucy hugged Natsu. " thought I lost my touch for a minute" said Lucy. "no way girl, that kick was major" Natsu complimented as the mayor came up to all of them. "Thank you very much Fairy Tail. These thugs have been bugging us for days and just wouldn't leave us alone" "Your welcome sir, I'm glad we could help" said Erza very formal but nice. 

"Here is your reward" he said as he handed them each a portion then they left. " Well it's not much but it's more for Nashi which is good. " said Lucy. " We will get back to taking on higher jobs Luce, don't worry. Our reputation hasn't dulled any" Natsu said confidently as the other three nodded their heads in agreement. 

"Your right, let's get home, I miss my baby!" said Lucy cheerfully. "I just hope she doesn't hate me again..I know something strange happened last night, that much I'm sure of" Natsu thought. "I'm not telling Lucy yet though how worried I am, she just got her spirit back. I'm not going to bring it back crashing down again" he told himself in his head as he looked at her from behind lovingly.

They all got back to Fairy Tail as Erza and Gray walked in first. "How did it go guys? I don't see any bruises or sad faces so I'm guessing good" said Mira cheerfully. " It went perfect Mira, got rid of a group of thugs and got paid. Ha, it was almost a joke on how simple it was" Gray said amused. Erza just smiled as she went to sit at the bar. 

"Hey!!" a little voice was heard as Lucy and Natsu came walking in. Nashi popped her head up and came running as Lucy smiled a bright smile at her as she got down to her knees. She was running happily until Natsu came right up behind Lucy. 

Stopping dead in her tracks , Nashi had a look as if she had seen a ghost as she started shaking. "NOOOOOOOOOO!!" she screamed shaking her head as she lost her footing. Natsu's color drained from his face as he watched his daughter tremble at the very sight of him. "Nashi!" Lucy exclaimed going to Nashi's side going behind her and holding her. 

Gray put a hand on Natsu's shoulder. "Natsu..." he said warily and concerned. Natsu didn't say anything or give any reaction which was freaking Gray out. "Natsu, come on, say something man" he urge "Your freaking me out" Natsu titled his head down shadowing his eyes. "She can't even stand the sight of me" he mumbled quietly. " Mommy!!, keep him away from me!!" she begged as she tried to crawl up Lucy. 

 "Nashi! Baby! Stop" she told tying to control Nashi. "What can we do!" Happy asked Erza desperately. Erza had a serious expression as she watched the whole thing "I wish I knew." That didn't make Happy feel any better as he kept a distance but was worried for his family. 

The memory of the previous night came to Natsu's head as he put his head back up and took Gray's hand off him nicely. " This isn't just some trauma, after last night, I know something is up now. There is no way Iggy can act like she did last night and then be like this right now. Something was done to her " Natsu told Gray. "and thanks .. for being worried" he said kindly him with his head half turned towards Gray.

"No problem and while you maybe does that help us now" Gray said as they looked onward to Lucy and Nashi. Lucy was still having a hard time as Erza and Mira were walking up to help when Lucy held an arm out. "Don't, this needs to stop" She said serious making them stop walking. Everyone was watching intensely as Lucy yanked Nashi down from her shoulders planting her on the ground. 

Gripping her shoulders hard and making her sit still, in a firm but not mean voice she said " Nashi Igneel!, stop this right now young lady" Having heard her mom's serious voice Nashi stopped squirming and looked right at Lucy who continued " tell me right now, why you are acting like this?"

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