Chapter 3

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     "Hey, where's Lucy and the munchkin?" Gray asked once Natsu and Happy walked back in. "she went back to the house with Nashi" he explained. Taking a table away from everyone, they all sat down. "Is she any better?" asked Erza Happy watched Natsu put a hand to his head and had a pained expression on his face. 

 "Natsu" a touch of worry in her voice. Taking his hand away ,he looked at the two of them and said "no, I wish but there hasn't , well I shouldn't say that, if anything she's gotten worse. I mean just a few days ago..


Lucy was in the kitchen doing dishes while Natsu was picking up the house of Nashi's cluttered toys everywhere. She hadn't really said anything to him at all that day so he let her be. He was putting stuff in her room when he heard a shatter and damn it from Lucy. 

"You alright?" he called out. "Fine" she mumbled but he barely heard it. He was going to go back to putting something away when his nose picked up something causing him to look back. He ran out of the room and up to the sink where Lucy was washing. 

She stood there barely anything in her eyes as Natsu looked down , his face completely shocked and freaked out. Her hands had cuts all over them from glass. "Luce!" he said shoving her hands down in the water so to make some of the bleeding stop. 

Not knowing what to do, he held her hands down there while Lucy barely reacted. "another scar" "What?" he said not understanding. Acting quickly, he let go of her hands and went to grab a towel. He came back in a flash as he gently took her hands out and covered them. He had them both go over to couch where he sat on the table so he was across from her. "Lucy, why didn't you say something?" he asked looking down as he carefully unwrapped her hands so he could get the glass from her hands.

"Didn't hurt at first" she answered flatly. Walking away, he came back with clothes to wrap her hands. Putting her hands back in his hands, he examined them and said "well good thing is, one of your hands doesn't have much so it doesn't have to be covered but your left hand does. I'm sorry if this is going to hurt" he apologized as he carefully took the glass out of her hands. 

 It was a while before he finished but he wrapped up Lucy's hand delicately as he finished up. 

"There, feel better?" he asked tenderly. "Yeah, thanks" she said not looking up at him. He took his hand and put it under her chin. "Luce, baby..she is gone." " I know Natsu" she replied. Getting up off the couch, she started to walk to their room before she stopped turning her head but not completely she said " the pain is still there". Her tone sounded so empty ,it tore him up. 

"Luce..why don't you talk to me, I told you I'm right here" he said caringly. "I'm just...there's no way I can describe it. Please just leave me alone right now" she told him as she walked and shut the door. 

Taken aback, Natsu stood there unsure of how to feel at that moment as he stepped backwards and turned to leave.

End flashback

"What??" Erza and Gray said in unison. "yup" he sadly admitted. "Where were Happy and Nashi?" "Thankfully, they were outside and didn't hear anything" he said appreciative. She's being have nightmares a lot, she wakes up in the middle of the night sweating.,hell I still have some from that dragon demon. Sometimes I pretend not to hear when she tries to muffle it" 

 "Are you sure even taking her on this job is a good idea?" asked Gray cautious. " I think so" he answered. "I don't blame Lucy entirely" Erza suddenly said. "What do you mean?" Gray wondered. "She went through a trauma that we weren't there or begin to understand Gray. I'm thankful I don't have any physical scars from mine" Natsu and Gray looked down in pity as they remembered what she had gone through with tartaros. " I wish I could say I understand completely what she is going through but the physical damage and mental is way worse than anything I went through" she stated factually.

" I'm just afraid of something tipping her over the edge." His voice had an edge of fear that two of them and Happy picked up on. "Maybe she shouldn't come then" "No, don't take this from her, this job is asking for all of us, that includes her." He said candid. "If you sure" said Erza. Natsu nodded his head. "Did you guys see where the job is located?" Natsu asked. "Yeah, it's about 20 miles from here, no description other then they want us" answered Gray. "Happy, let's go.." he started then stopped as he saw Lucy and Nashi. "Ready to go on the job?" she said soft heartily.

 They all smiled as they walked forward to her. "Stay here baby okay? "Yes mommy" she started to walk until she saw Natsu and hmphed at him. Rolling his eyes, he went up to her and picked her up whether she wanted to be or not.

 Very calmly he said "Nashi this punishment won't last forever. You scared me half to death alright?" hearing the warmth in his voice, she looked up at him. "can you please give me a hug? He asked as she put her arms around him and hugged him tight.

 "I love you daddy" she said so softly it was almost a whisper. "I love you too baby dragon" he replied as he kissed the crown of her head and set her down. " Let's get going guys" urged Natsu. "AYE!" "See you later. "Bye mommy and daddy!!, love you" "We love you too" they answered. 

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