Chapter 19

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   Aggressively, she wiped her tears off her face as she turned to face Eve and Caleb. "You bastards have caused enough pain. You hurt my friend, you hurt my husband but you crossed the line going after my daughter and now I'm going to make you pay!" Eve squeezed her hand as Lucy's body started acting against her. "haha cocky words for someone whose body I'm controlling now haha" laughed Eve. Lucy however was not going to be controlled this time as she pushed herself forward once and then again. 

"What the hell? Why are you able to move? I'm controlling your body" She squeezed her hand again causing Lucy pain but she still pushed herself to move. Every instinct in Natsu's body was telling him to help her but he decided against them. 

Someone had to protect Nashi and he thought she was doing what she needed to do as he watched intensely. Bravely with confidence she stuttered saying "I'm able to..move because I'm not a mindless victim.ahh. we aren't like other people you guys have conquered. We are..Fff.Fairy Tail..and don't..dont give up. You can control those who aren't strong enough to fight back. The thing is I've already been through this shit once before.." 

Eve and Caleb glared at her as her voice got more confidence and cockiness to it. "Your bitch master Lilyanna already put me through hell once...AND I'M NOT GOING THROUGH IT AGAIN!!" she screamed as she took the dagger from her pant leg. 

Approaching Eve, in a very dark voice " you made a mistake when you even thought of involving my child in your scheme. Now I'm going to make sure you don't come after us ever again." She raised the dagger up. "LUCY DON'T!" Natsu begged realizing what she was going to do but he couldn't stop her as Lucy plunged the dagger right into Eve's heart. He quickly covered Nashi's eyes in time.

Eve grimaced in pain as Lucy twisted the dagger and whispered "This is for my family" as she pushed until Eve started sliding to the floor. Taking the blade out of Eve, with her hand in blood, she spun it in her hand and threw it directly at Caleb who didn't even notice until it was too late. It hit directly into his heart as he fell to the ground. Lucy had a cold look in her eyes as she watched Caleb fall. 

She felt no mercy for them as she looked back at Eve. Gray, Happy and Natsu were speechless as they stared at her. "LLucy.." Happy stuttered nervously. She walked over to Natsu and Nashi while he didn't say a word as he moved aside letting Lucy hug Nashi. "Mommy!!!" she cried as Lucy said softly "hey baby girl" she cooed as she rubbed Nashi's back while hugging her. "Does she realize" Gray thought.. "That she killed them" Natsu thought to himself as he watched Lucy smile at Nashi.

"This is going to come back to her " Natsu thought grimly then grunted in pain as his shoulder sent a shock of pain through him. 

 "Let's get you and Erza home" urged Lucy as she picked up Nashi in her arms. " Gray, you got Erza?" she asked. "Yup, I got her" he told her as he put her onto his back. "Let's get home" said Lucy as Happy said "Aye!" They left the castle with Lucy and Happy leading the way as Natsu and Gray hung back watching Lucy. 

"Natsu.." "I know Gray, , trust me I know, let's get Erza home first....then I'll worry about that" "You too you idiot, your arm is half covered in blood" Natsu made an amused sound as they continued the walk-in silence. 

Once they got to Magnolia, the first stop they made was the infirmary where Erza was immediately placed into a room where Wendy began healing her. Once she was done, Wendy said "she will still need a day here to recover" They all nodded their heads understanding. 

"Now let's check out your shoulder "said Wendy as she had Natsu sit down and remove his vest to see a deep wound in his right shoulder. "Jeeze Natsu, what did you do this time? "Ha, had an axe thrown at me" "How" Natsu cut her off saying "it was to protect Iggy" Wendy opened and closed her mouth not needing to say anymore. 

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