Chapter 12

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    Two weeks went by and things had not gotten any better with Nashi. For Lucy, things had gotten worse. Nashi couldn't be in the same room with  because if she saw Natsu, she would immediately cling to Lucy or call for her. Natsu and Lucy had taken turns going to the guild now because Natsu couldn't be in there if she was or it would cause a scene. 

The first week made Lucy's life hell. She would wake up but if Natsu even set foot outside their room, Nashi would run into her room and wait till Natsu left to come out. Lucy felt torn at the guild because as soon as they got there, she would smile when she saw Happy and Natsu but then quickly turned into a frown because they had to leave. 

Nights were hard because often Lucy would hear Nashi cry and then go to comfort her but she wouldn't want Lucy to leave making her stay with her for the night. The second week came around. 

Everyone felt bad for Lucy because they could only imagine how she felt. Her and Natsu had barely seen each other and when they did, it was only for a minute before she got dragged away. "Has she gotten any better at all?" Gray asked Natsu. 'Not a single bit. Every time I see her, you would swear I had beat her or done something horrible to her" he said discouraging. "I haven't even seen Lucy. Only time I've seen her at all these last couple weeks is at night and even that's difficult. "

"I wish we could do something" said Happy. "Yeah, me too buddy, me too" They barely heard her but they heard the sounds of little feet as Nashi and Lucy came in. Nashi was as energetic and happy as ever, however Lucy was not. 

 She came in dragging her feet. "Go play baby..please" her voice sounded so croaky. "Okay mommy!" Nashi said as she ran over to Asca. Bisca walked over to Lucy. "Hey darling, we could take Nashi for a sleepover if you want. Asca's been wanting her to come over" Lucy shook her head yes with a small grin. 

"Thank you" she said quietly. Bisca smiled a kind smile and said " you got it" as she winked and walked back over to tell the little girls she was staying the night. Asca and Nashi jumped in the air excited as Alzack and Bisca laughed with the other members. 

Team Natsu was not laughing, they looked over at their teammate. Lucy leaned over a table putting her arms out. She closed her eyes and took a breath. " I don't know how much more of this I can take..but I can't ask him for help" she thought to herself as her arms started to shake. She didn't even hear someone walking up behind her. 

Lucy felt a warm strong hand touch the back of her shoulder. Without opening her eyes or even looking, with a warm smile, she spun around and put her arms around him. 

Still keeping her eyes closed, she felt his arms around her comforting her. After a minute, she opened her eyes. "Natsu" she said gently. "I'm here" She squeezed her arms tighter around him. "I miss you" " I do too. We live together but haven't seen each other in two weeks" he said with light hearted humor. He had her pulled from his neck so he could look at her full on. 

He eyed her up and down. He put a hand to her cheek and started rubbing with his thumb as Lucy put a hand on his. 

"Natsu" she said with a pained expression on her face. "Luce, your exhausted baby" he said honestly as he looked at the dark rings under her eyes and the expression on her face. "You need to slow down, your going to make yourself sick if you keep like this". He also felt the small shakes her body was giving. "I'm fine" she lied. He heard what she said but her eyes didn't tell the same story her mouth was saying. 

"Baby" he started to plead but she shook her head as she kissed Natsu's hand as she took it off her cheek. "I gotta get over there before s.sshe.seeees.youu" she stuttered. She gave him a warm, compassionate smile as she turned and walked away to where Nashi is.  

Watching her walk away with him, Erza asked "Is she alright?" "No..she's not" answered Natsu seriously. He looked over at Nashi who was too distracted playing with Asca to notice anything around her.

 "First time I've seen her in two weeks and feel like she's already gotten bigger,da" but he was pulled out of his thought as Levy yelled "Lucy!" Lucy had collapsed just as she was getting to the table. 

 Everyone gathered around her all with worried and concerned faces as Erza and Gray told them all to move as Natsu made his way through. "Do we need to take her to the infirmary?" "Should we get Porlyusica or Wendy!" He got down to his knees moving the hair out of her face and turning her on her side.

 He breathed heavily as he in a clear voice "No, you don't need to get anyone. I know what the problem is" "Huh??" "What is it?" someone said. Picking her up, her arms hung by their sides. "She's overexerted herself...she's exhausted" he told them bluntly. 

"I'm going to take her home..can you guys please keep an eye on her?, you too Happy? " he asked. They all nodded their heads kindly while Happy said "you got it" happily. He smirked as he looked down at Lucy in his arms" leave it to my Lucy, .damn stubborn" "Thanks guys" he said as he left with Lucy. 

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