Chapter 16

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      Nashi turned her head some to see Natsu looking at her snapping her head back towards Lucy. "Baby," she said putting two fingers gently under Nashi's chin having her look at her. "Your father would never hurt you" Nashi's eyes became incredibly sad as she put her head down. "That's not true" she said quietly but it was so silent that everyone heard her making people gasp. 

Lucy's eyes widened in shock as she grabbed Nashi's arms and brought her body down to nashi's level "Nashi, what on earth are you talking about?!" she exclaimed freaked out. Everyone looked at Natsu as he got defensive and said "What the hell are you all looking at!, you don't really think I would hurt her". 

 He scanned everyone's faces and some of them looked like they didn't believe him. " For Mavis's sake, I WOULD NEVER HURT MY CHILD!! DAMN ALL OF YOU FOR THINKING THAT, I may have a quick temper but I WOULD NEVER EVER HIT MY DAUGHTER LIKE YOUR ALL THINKING." He screamed. "Natsu's right" Natsu turned his body towards Erza, Gray and Happy. 

"All of you who think Natsu would ever do harm to that little girl should leave right now because any of you who think that don't deserve to be called a Fairy Tail member" They all saw by Gray's face and tone of his voice that he meant every word. " How dare you." Erza said angrily. 

"Erza..we didn't" "NO, stop right now, we can see it on some of your faces and you should be ashamed of yourselves because I've been a partner with Natsu  for years and have never had a doubt of him.. Now think about that, If even as angry and hotheaded as he can be and never hurt me , Gray or his wife, do you honestly think he would hurt his own flesh and blood". Erza glared at her guild mates as she could see their guild written faces for thinking the worst of Natsu. Happy didn't have the words as he so disappointed in some of his guild mates.

Lucy was so angry that she knew if she dared open her mouth that nothing good would come out so she gritted her teeth as her hands turned to fists. Mira saw that as she cautiously said " alright honey?" 

 Slamming her fists into the ground " YOU ASSHOLES!!!!!!" she screamed. The volume of her voice made some of them stumble back a step as she whipped her head around with tears of fury stinging her eyes. " The very fact that even some of you could even establish a thought in your minds, means you don't know Natsu at all. You really fucking think he would hurt our daughter. He is not just Nashi's father but my husband and I can tell you HE WOULD NEVER!!!!!"  

"mommy that's a lie" Lucy's scream was cut off as she looked back towards Nashi. "What?" she said. "mommy, daddy is mean, he's hit me." "what baby?, what are you talking about?, he's never hit you. "He's hit me, smacked me,... and stopped training me" "Baby, your daddy has never any of that to you" 

"You weren't there!" she yelled at Lucy. "He's done it when you haven't been there!" "Nashi, your not making any sense , you've been with me baby. You haven't been alone with him at all for the last 2 weeks." Natsu was watching carefully and warily, everything Nashi had just said made no sense at all but he was positive something was not right. 

"No mommy!!" she yelled as she shoved Lucy arms away from her and ran to the door way causing everyone to back up who was standing there . "Are you with him!!" she yelled at Lucy while pointing at Natsu. "Nashi, baby your father is not a bad guy" she tried to reason, her voice cracking.

 Nashi glared as power started to rise from her as Natsu got in front of Lucy protectively. "Natsu, what are you doing?" said Lucy confused. "Stay behind me" he said seriously making Lucy nervous as she stood behind him. 

 Power still rising, she said " If you are with him mommy, then you are an enemy too and just as mean", "Nashi!" Lucy cried out as Natsu grabbed her to keep her from running to Nashi. Nashi screamed and raised her head in the air. 

As she lowered it back down, Natsu's face grew very concerned as dragon scales appeared on her face and dragon claws on her hands. "Nashi" he said intensely. "I HATE YOU , YOU TOOK MOMMY!!!" she screamed as she drew in a big breath making Natsu's eyes widen for he knew what she was going to do.

"EVERYONE BRACE YOURSELVES!!!"Natsu shouted as he threw  himself on top of Lucy's body shielding her. "FIRE DRAAAAAAGOOOON ROAAAAAR!!!!!!"Nashi shrieked as a huge blast of fire came shooting out of her and straight towards Natsu and Lucy. 

Natsu felt it but stayed over Lucy protecting her. The blast hit the wall at the back but not enough to penetrate it through. Natsu lifted his head up looking at Nashi and looking at some of the front falling and crumbling where she stood. 

Lucy managed to lift her head some under Natsu's body. She glared at them as she turned and started running. "NASHI!!" they both screamed getting up and running after her. " Do we go after her?" Mira asked. 'NO you all stay here, come on Gray and Happy" she ordered as they ran with her. The guild members felt the anger and disappointment in Erza's voice as she yelled no at them

Please let me know what you think of this chapter. 

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