Chapter 9

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   Getting just inside the guild, Natsu got in front of her easy and grabbed her shoulders slamming her into a wall. "Natsu, what are you doing, let me go" "Lucy! You dumbass, what are you doing? " Getting back to looking" "Natsu, what's going on?" said Mira as everyone saw them.  

"Trying wife..from..Lucy stop damn it..getting killed." He strained to say as he kept his grip on her shoulders hard but Lucy was determined to get out. . Slamming her again but not hard, he shoved her chin up at him. " Lucy, you were just stabbed!!." Gasps were heard from around the guild as nobody knew they stopped at the hospital before coming to the guild. 

She grew silent as Natsu stared at her with serious intense eyes " what your doing!, it's reckless as fuck Luce..look I can't say I'm any better because we all know I'm not but this is not about us, this is for Nashi!, I told you we would get her back but damn it, this is not the way to do it, Keep doing stupid shit like that and your going too....." he cut himself off as his eyes went down to the floor.

"Get killed..right?..that's what your not saying" Lucy said coldly as he looked back up at her. ""Luce" "No Natsu, I'm going to do whatever it takes to" And what!!"he yelled. "DAMN IT LUCY, I ALREADY LOST YOU ONCE, LOOSING YOU AND NASHI BOTH! YOU THINK I COULD LIVE WITH THAT" he screamed in her face. 

Pounding his fist into the wall, he got very quiet and then in a low quiet tone he said " look I am not saying I don't have faith in you, you know that, all that I am saying is please be careful and I can't loose you again" She could hear the slight emotion in his voice as she remembered herself dying in Natsu's arms from her wounds and what it did to him afterwards. She saw a part of Natsu she never wanted to see again.

Taking his face into her hands, she saw the pleading in his eyes as she wrapped her arms around him. "I'm sorry" she apologized. "Your right, I got too caught up and wasn't thinking," "That's every parent's biggest flaw" Natsu and Lucy turned their heads to see Makarov looking at them. " Let her go Natsu" he said calmly as Natsu took his arm away and Lucy let go of him. 

Natsu turned his body so he was looking at Makarov head on with Lucy. " A parent's biggest flaw is when their child is taken , they act and do whatever possible to find them" "Is that a bad thing?" Natsu asked. "No I'm not saying it is, the problem is when they act too rashly and charge blindly" he looked at them intently as they got the message. "Sorry" Lucy said ashamed. 

"I understand Lucy, truly but with what we just heard Natsu say about you getting stabbed, this is the time to stop and recover your thoughts. We don't want either of you getting into a serious situation again" She looked at Makarov with apologetic eyes as he sighed and said " But I also know, that comes with the territory of having you two as parents. A hothead and an overthinker, ha" Makarov said with amusement getting them and the other guild members to smile. 

 "Hey" they all turned and looked and saw Gray and Erza standing in the doorway. "Did we miss something?" Erza asked questioning the dead silence she walked into and everyone standing. 

"What did you do this time you pyro freak?" Gray sniped at Natsu. " I didn't do a damn thing you cold stripper" He jumped and was about to go for Gray when Erza stepped right in the middle of them grabbing Natsu's hair and slamming his face into the floor. 

"Ow" he muffled as his face was in the floor. " Seriously..we just get back..and you two start fighting" she said glaring back at Gray who slowly backed away. "Sorry Erza" the two of them apologized as Natsu got up off the floor.

"Did you two find anything?" asked Makarov. "Sadly no. there were traces of them but none of the townspeople saw which way they went and they covered their tracks so we couldn't' even follow them." She informed as Lucy got a depressed look on her face as she turned and leaned against the doorway looking out into the sun. 

( Kanashiki Kako. Fairy Tail soundtrack Vol.1 is the background song I see playing in my head during this part) Gray, Erza and Natsu slowly walked up behind her. "I'm sorry Lucy. That we couldn't find anything" said Gray. Erza nodded in agreement. 

Tears started slowly dripping down her face. " It's guys tried ." her shoulders started to shake as she brought her hands to her face. In a swift motion, Gray turned her around and had her head on his shoulder shocking her.. He put his hand behind her head caringly. "It's alright Lucy" Realizing what he meant, she buried her face into his shoulder and cried.

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