Chapter Six

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December started of being terrible, I wanted nothing to do with Alex however high school had the best of me. In every lesson I had, having to deal with loads of rumours and Alex were exactly what I didn't want to happen.

"She's the girl who got played by Alex", "Alex loves you haha", "Do you still have a crush on Alex?" My brain was flooded with questions that I couldn't take it anymore. The hardest part of school was that I had to deal with all the drama I didn't want to deal with.

After school for the past couple of weeks I've been going back to the garden, where we had that party. The garden around this time of year is very pretty covered with lights and is also very peaceful. I enjoy my time there very much because I like to refresh my mind. Relax and just enjoy myself.

This is the only place where I can chill, and let it go. Kayleigh and Morgan are worried about me, Morgan tries to communicate with Alex since what happened but Alex has cut off every boundary. Alex is out of his social life, and I for one was happy about that.

I take a deep breathe. Today was the last day in school, no one has seen Alex for the past two weeks and of course I didn't care...okay I cared a bit. I even wonder sometimes what it would of been like with him, would he of treated me like a women, would he of been a gentleman towards me.

Looking back at everything that has happened is hard, but I got to go through it. It started raining and I of course didn't have a coat or umbrella. So here I am, sitting on a bench, in a lonely garden starring at the lights, getting soaked. Then out of no where I see a shadow in the lights from a person behind me, I turn around to confront the person but then sore that, it was him...Alex.

He sat by me dripping wet with that guilty look on his face, as I try to keep my focus on the lights in the garden. The garden was mine and somehow his favourite place, I have never had a place where I could go to back in Woodstock, however this place I could always count on. Not leaving my side was a wet, guilty and pale Alex. He took a deep breath and managed to gain his confidence. "Ella" he said softly... I try to keep my concentration on the lights around the trees but he knew that I was struggling.

He moved his soft hand onto my jaw moving my face to face his. His pure touch always sends shivers down my spine. I get lost in his eyes once again. I can't help but feel something different whenever I'm around him. "What do you want from me?" I said softly, removing his hand from my face and putting it into my lap... he looked at me with sorry eyes as he said "listen Laura was drunk and she forced herself on me, she was jealous". I look up to see a now in nearly tears pale boy pleading me to forgive him, but I can't... I have lost my trust in him. I've lost my trust in us. "Morgan told me everything, from what she has been saying to what she has been doing, I'm so sick of how she treated you behind my back" he said a little angry. "Sick, but your not sorry" I replied back, leaving him with a questioned face but then he understood.

We sat in the rain a lot longer then I wanted, but I can't seem to move from the space I have placed myself in. Alex broke the silence "over the last few months I've got to know you better then I've known any girl, and you know things about me that no one knows. I didn't even know myself that I was to care for a women as much as I do care about you." He seemed really sorry and then in that moment, I fell speechless.

"The first day I met you, after your meeting with the principal was most probably the best day of my life", he said but then I intruded by saying "so when I fell on my face in front of you and all you did was continue your conversation". He slightly but not fully smirked when I gave him that oh so sassy comeback. "I helped you out afterwards, besides the only thing you've never told me was how you even got here, why did you come to Evergreen?" I sighed and then told him the truth.

"I'm not a party person, or a drinker, or a crazy person who just happens to have had one to many energy drinks. I've always put my head in books and my studies, my mother is so proud of me but I just wish that sometimes it could be different". I stopped and took a deep breath, he comforted me by rubbing my leg with his hand that was already placed on it. "Your father, and brother have no idea how spectacular and special you are Ella, yes you've done some out of your comfort zone stuff these past few months... but I can tell that you have enjoyed it". I was about to speak again but then he finished what he was saying, then leaving me speechless again. He said "you can be whatever you want to be in life, so just... be free".

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