Chapter 17

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Alex pov
Its been a year. I'm missing my baby's first birthday. As we are on FaceTime all i can do is smile. Bay babbling around with her princess dress and tiara on. The cake looks so tasty but I am glad that somehow i was apart of it. Everyone - included my family virtually, cheered and clapped for Bay as Ella helps her blow out her candles. Then we heard the noise so amazing that even my dads heart warmed up. Bay said her first words, she spoke directly to the video camera as if she knew I was there watching her. She said dada.

My heart sunk but not in the bad way. Ella doesn't know about the hole me getting them tickets to come see me in America thing yet. However now that we are alone, together via phone. Its time to finally tell her. "Guess what i did yesterday?" "Had an argument with your dad" she giggled and i chuffed "yeah i did that, but i also got you tickets to come see me in America." She froze and my face changed slightly. "Please say that you'll come, don't be mad at me." "No I'm not mad, i knew anyway. The tickets came this morning. I'm in the middle of packing. Kayleigh and Morgan are jelly." I laughed. "How are they by the way? It seems like I haven't talked to them in ages." "Thats because you haven't, you have been caught up in me and Bay. You should really call them though or something they miss you." I sigh and realise how M.I.A i have actually been towards my friends. "Okay i will do that right now." We hang up and I hesitate to call Morgan until I click the button to do so.

He answered, it felt like i never left when i heard his voice. Like i was still there. Like he was with me. "Hello my best friend..." he chuffed "you finally missed me", i have always missed him, but i do understand where he comes from. "Yes, obviously how is everyone. Its been forever." He makes himself comfortable and continues to talk to me, "everyone is okay, Ella told me and Kayleigh about the tickets. It sucks that your not coming back man." He sighed and I roll my eyes - not at him but at the situation. "I'm coming back Morgan, i ain't staying here." "How are you going to do that Alex, you cant come back to London on your own. Where are you going to stay?" He had a point, but the town we lived in was beyond so much more then beautiful, i want to stay there my hole life. Why does this have to be my life now. "I will figure it out because trust me, i promise, I am coming back."

Ella pov
Today is the day. Kayleigh and my family are currently getting me on the plane with my gorgeous baby. I am so beyond excited. I could explode. "Please have fun, don't worry about us. We will be more then fine and trust me you deserve this." I hug Kayleigh as she hugs me tightly. Then she smiles at me as i say goodbye to my parents and wave good bye. Then head to the plane that would take me to America. I have never been to Florida. I wonder what it is like in Miami. The plane ride over there is chill. Nothing much really happens, apart from me and Bay sleeping off through the flight. I wake up to a nudge from my seat neighbour and i thank her. Grab Bay and leave the plane.

I see Alex with a hug smile on his face. Finally we have ruined. Its like in slow motion. Me leaving all my bags and running, baby on hip to Alex as he is running towards me. We connect via a tight hug as he kisses me. This feels right. Then he grabs Bay then throws her in the air and catches her screaming "baby" as she laughs and smiles at him. Thats it, I'm in love. We go to get my luggage and Alex doesn't stop talking about how much fun we are going to have. I laugh and I really believe that this would be the best trip ever. I am over the moon.
We get into the taxi and head to the house that we are staying in. This is going to be beyond great. Alex hasn't let go of the baby. I don't blame him. She doesn't either. "Oh your a talker ain't you" he tickles her belly as she carries on babbling, telling her father story's.

We get home and Alex rushes us into the house. We are greeted by Eden with a very happy smile. He steals Bay off Alex as we head into the living room. "This place is huge" i exclaim, "perks of having a business man as a father" Alex rolls his eyes as i giggle. I look around the living room, making myself at home. Alex doesn't seem to mind, obviously something is bothering him. So I sit down beside him as he then grabs my hips and place's me on to his lap, facing him and he sighs up at me. "What's on your mind boyo?" "I was thinking of getting my own place, like an apartment of my own down in Evergreen." I look down at his hands, he is playing around with his fingers and carry's on with what he is saying. "I know it sounds insane and not possible, but I have money, a jack load of it and i can stay there with you." "I think that its an amazing idea, but we are in this together Alex. I cant technically live in with my parents all my life. I will save up and put money towards..." Alex cuts me off, "no you will not. This is my decision and I'm buying it with my own money. You are not giving me a penny, just your permission to stay there with me." I nod my head and go to kiss him but unfortunately his father enters the room.

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