Chapter Nine

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Alex Pov

Ella couldn't look more beautiful, the stars were out and they were all shining on her, I couldn't contain my thoughts or feelings... love this, this lust of Ella's friend zone made it a challenge.

A challenge i wanted to complete. If need be I'll happily fall for her, I've already fallen. Sirens go off in my head as time caught up with us and that's when I said something I never thought she'd agree two. "Come to my place, my family ain't there and, just keep me company".

"Yes" she said in a way that made me lovestruck. Her smile give her face more beauty that she didn't need and when we got to my house and settled in, the moment hit us hard. Harder then hard it felt like destiny was with us this hole time leading up to this moment.

A kiss, we shared a kiss that both of us were not aware of, unsure then turned to sure when a kiss turned into a sweet and blissful make out, and then a make out turned into heartwarming and soothing memories.

That night was miraculous, the following morning after we slept together was like the heavens were looking down on us. She awoke so peacefully until she realised that she wasn't alone... I was there.

Ellas Pov

"Oh god, what did I do... what did we do" i am in disbelief when he tells me what happened, how could I be so stupid. "Stupid, listen Ella I know I hurt you before but last night was epic" of course he'd say that.

Using me now is a hard thing to get over, he soothes himself with my looks, I gave him my body without even realising it. I left without any discussion afterwards leaving him alone. Yes, I have a habit for doing that but that time seemed necessary.

My heart ached more then ever, I didn't even want to face Morgan or Kayleigh I wanted to go home and pout in my bed. My bed was my only blessing right now and I didn't even want to confront my mother.

This has been the most breaking point in my life, how could I ever let anyone else see me like this. I may of hurt him but I doubt that his hurt could ever conquer mine.

Depressed and alone in my room I had nothing to look back on other then moments with Alex. Why him out of all the people in the world. The last thing I wanted was to be caught up in something like this. Down in my old country I'd never, but since moving here, it's changed me.

It's now been a week or so, and I've been bedroom bound. I haven't been to school, Kayleigh is worried, Morgan is worried and has talked to Alex about our dreadful bond, and also my mother is worried.

I haven't talked, only eaten when been forced two and haven't left the house... until today. Kayleigh banged down my door and screamed at me. Telling me straight off the bat, " your a heart broken soul who thinks and believes that staying in this room would benefit you, but you cannot be even more wrong."

"Kayleigh he played me again, he used me more this time." I said broken as she realised why I was doing all this for. "You poor girl, love can be cruel but I doubt that he meant it this time, Morgan talked to him."

I cut her off because I didn't want to talk to her about Alex. It hurt me that much but then as she was about to speak my mother come in with food, food that I must eat. I didn't analyse it because by doing that would make my tummy turn, so I went with it and ate the tasteless food given to me.

Then it happened, something that I never wanted to happen that caused me much more problems. I needed to tell him. I needed to see him. I must go to Alex.

Kayleigh called him and I was on my way to his house, I bought along what I had in my hand since the first time I found out. However soon I was at his house, greeted by his parents who seemed lovely. I run upstairs and waited for him.

He flew into the bedroom, making me jump he looked so scared but he didn't know what was about to happen. I grab his hand to help him gain his balance," what ever is the matter, why are you in here?" I can't just say what I've been trying to get my head around for the past hour. We're sixteen years old, I take a deep breathe. I knew that in that moment of time he knew that something was up, because the look in his eye never left. Just say it Ella... I took the biggest breathe of air I could, the words then flew out that left him then speechless. "I'm pregnant..."

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