Chapter 16

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Alex pov
Why am i here? Why am i wasting my time with my parents, when i have a family back in Evergreen. Ive been on this plane for ages still staring at the message from Ella. Should i reply back, should i just turn my phone off. Should I call her, tell her not to worry and that i will turn the fucking plane around right now and come back.
We finally reach the airport and I decided on just leaving Ella on read. I dont think i can ever stop messaging her if i do it now. And now it's not like i can go back.

"The taxi will be here in a hour, whats wrong with you?" Oh my mother has the nerve, seriously. "You miss your girls already?" My brother nudges me as i put on a fake smile, "yes and i just know that this place is gonna suck". We spend the hour waiting for the taxi by going to get food in a cafe by the airport, and i decided on turning off my phone. I cant think straight and its something I've always been good at. What if she thinks that I am gonna meet someone else, like the movies and we're gonna break up. What if she meets someone else and we break up. What if on the 'what if' question - we just break up.

I cant, i physically cant. I leave the cafe, turn my phone back on and call Ella. She answers straight away - thank god. "Alex whats wrong?" I pace outside the cafe with my family watching but does it look like i care. "Were not gonna break up right, because this hole long distance thing has to work if were both gonna be okay with each other and be there for Bay." She giggles which set me off, as to why she is fucking giggling. "Stop panicking" Ella laughs, which makes me smile. Makes me calm down, shes right we can do this. "I love you" i say into the phone as she quiets the babbling baby in the background. "I love you, and so does Bay." We end the phone call and i go back into the cafe.

Here we are, at the home away from home. We arrive there and for some reason I'm smiling. Maybe its because all the stress and worrying about the girls has finally left me alone. We spend the first week getting used to the new surroundings and me and Eden are starting the new school year next week. Which Eden seems excited for but i not so much. Ive been alright though, from FaceTiming and talking - calling Ella and seeing her and Bays face everyday. Eden and my mother will show up and say hi and tell them what it is like around here, as my father is really busy with his job which is why we are bloody down here.

The long distance is going great, I am enjoying it somehow and it seems like Ella is okay. Ella looks like she and Bay are doing great - which makes me sad but then happy. "School starts back next week" Ella says as she finally puts Bay to sleep. "Yeah i know, I'm started that freshman crap down here with Eden," Ella laughs which makes me giggle because i find that her laugh can cheer me up all the time. "I miss you girlie" i say into the FaceTime as she lays her head back on the sofa. "I miss you two boyo."

Ella pov
I put down my phone. Take the biggest deep breath ever and then release it. Its been ages since i felt Alex's touch, FaceTiming has worked miracles as Bay has been able to see her father and it has helped with my mental health. But being thousands of miles away from him and relying on hearing his voice, laugh and seeing his face and his smile over a camera still saddens me. How did we end up here in this together.

I am now getting ready for school. Kayleigh and Morgan cannot wait to begin our first year in college and Bay can stay in the nursery there when i have my lessons. This is good because it takes a lot of weight off my shoulders and allows me to breathe a bit more. Of course if Alex was here it would be better. But we can't always have what we all want. I bath Bay as she babbles, laughs and smiles. She enjoys the bath so much and is always full of light. Then i get her ready for bed in her onesie and put her in her cot as she rubs her eyes and coos. Then drifts off to sleep.

The night went smoothly. Not a cry or wake up call from Bay and I'm in awe this morning watching her sleep. Not creepy at all... shes my daughter. I decide on not waking her up just yet only to be stressed out. So i get myself ready and then change her while shes still sleeping but that only wakes her up. She wakes up to my face smiling at her and she shows the biggest smile ever back. "Morning baby girl, you have your daddy's smile", why did i say that. She also has his eyes... stop it Ella.

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