Chapter 18

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Alex pov
Ive been standing in the rain, my feet stuck to the ground for what feels like an eternity. It hurts, with the foggy atmosphere and the voice of a broken mother drowning in the background.

Me, frozen. The woman who has lost her daughter, the boy who lost his everything. Is there any hope. Am I going to be alone. I cant do this, not now, not ever. I zone back into the empty world i live in and grab my phone from the floor. To my surprise Ella's mother is still on the phone, practically screaming at me now for taking so long to answer her crying.

"Alexander!" "Yes, I'm still here" i stutter, but the words come with a hiccup. "Alex, where are you, are you home?" No, I'm still frozen in place, breathing heavily, my home isn't here, my home isn't anywhere, my home is a person. Right now my home is missing, my home isn't here with me. "I'm in Evergreen" i say with a slight bit of insecurity. "Wait your here, on your own, Alex" "its fine, don't worry" i try to reassure her from the phone. "I'm coming over" i try to build myself up, with all the strength that i have but my feet wont move from the ground. "It's raining, your not walking anywhere, ill come get you." Before i can argue that it'll be okay, that i can walk over to her house, she puts the phone down and i sigh, waiting in my place... its not like i can lift my feet up anyway.

I'm in the warmth of Ella's mom hug, with a mug of steaming hot chocolate in my hands and my tears dripping from my face. "Ive always been a wuss" i try to make conversation as she sits back into her chair.

She darts her gaze at me, as i look down at my mug and take a sip of what was inside of it. "What do you mean?" Confused she keeps her gaze on me and waits for my answer, which i didn't want to give her, but later did after some seconds of hesitation.

"Well my father has always told me that I'm weak, that I'm a loser because i express my feelings." Ellas mum shakes her head, "Alex your father will never be twice the man that you are growing up to be now", i look up from my hot chocolate as she continues.

"I don't know him well enough, because he is always busy, but you are not a loser or a wuss, or weak. You are a very broken boy, who needs that expression of feelings to show how strong he is." I smile up at Ella's mum, "he always calls me a dreamer" "well, your not, and never will be." I put my mug down on the counter, and hug Ella's mum as she stays put in her chair.  This was somewhat a nice conversation to have, however it didn't totally take my mind off the girls. I'm just really scared, i say in my head, which i knew by her embrace, in her head, she was saying the same thing two.

Ella pov
The noice comes back, the sound of a baby crying and the sound of screaming, people in pain. Someone is shaking me, my eyes are two weak, my body is two stiff. It takes me more time then it should do to fully come out of the zone i was in.

When i get my vision back, to my surprise the lady is hovering over me still "are you okay, your legs, is your baby okay, can you hear me, what is your name?" All these questions come at once, and i can only answer one of them. "Who's baby" she shifts to a beautiful blonde baby wrapped tightly around me, with - luckily, only a few scratches on her face. "Oh, that baby" i say but the woman shows a face of sympathy.

"Sweetheart, can you remember anything?" As i look to the woman, all my mind is giving me, all that I can remember is that my names Ella. "Ella" the lady turns from the baby to face me, "what" "my names Ella" i say happily that I remembered. I try to fidget around but the lady stops me, "wait, no don't, you cant do that, stop it your stuck." "I'm what" i cant tell if shes feeling sorry for me or that she is getting really frustrated.

"Do you know the baby's name?" I look at the baby, who has her hand in her mouth and show a smile. "Bay" i lightly say as the lady claps her hands and answers "great, great so your slowly remembering".

I look around me, noticing that were in a terribly crashed airplane, with other survivors helping other people. The lady, who was helping, if i put it up to assumption, was the lady that sat next to me on the plane. "Whats your name?" I shift once more, but the lady grabs my shoulders and once again tells me not to. "Lindy, I'm Lindy. I sat on the side of you during the flight over from America, i dont know what happened to the plane, only that it crashed early this morning and that were on some island somewhere." "America?" I remember everything. "Yeah, are you from America?" She questions me, "no, i live in Evergreen" the lady, Lindy stares at me for a moment.

Someone tugs on my legs as i feel cold hands on my left ankle. I get pushed by some person, on the other side of the broken seats. I couldn't feel anything until the lady stops the man, and i move further down from where i was and scream. All of a sudden the pain comes shooting through my body. "The hell is wrong with you!" Lindy asks the man who shows a shocked face. "I'm sorry, we're trying to get all the people of the plane, i didn't see you and thought she was dead." Lindy looks down and grabs Bay off me, my legs go numb.

"What's happening?" Lindy looks down at me, reassuring Bay. "Sweetheart, your legs are stuck, there crushed by whats left of the seats. That's why i told you to stay still" I look down after being told not two, to see my legs mangled in with whats left of the seating in front of me.

Now my legs are numb i cant feel any more pain. However the sight isn't something you'd want to see. "Your loosing two much blood. I need someone to help me get this off you." Unable to talk, because I'm two stunned, i don't realise that Lindy has given Bay to another person, another woman who was unable to get up herself, but was aware.

Lindy and the man worked together to remove me from the situation that i was in. Causing me only much more pain, in the end i got through it.  "Can you move your legs?" The man asks, i shake my head. Lindy grabs me, and carry's me over her shoulder out of the plane.

Laying me on the island. The sand is warm, and the man gives me my baby, and goes back with Lindy to help the other lady. I stare up at the sky, the blue barrier protecting us from whatever is above it. Making shapes in the clouds. I sigh in relief, maybe even shedding a tear. Were going to be okay.

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