Chapter Ten

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Alex Pov
Love, cherish, memories... I have never been so stunned in my life. For someone who I've known for only a year it feels like I've known her for more, my hands shaking her eyes pleading, her terror... my pleasure.

I started out as a young boy who had dreams like many and some dreams become reality, but two suddenly. My grandfather was never in the picture he left my mother and his wife after attempts of winning them over, my mother made week and her father made blessed to call himself a winner, when he was nothing but a loser.

Growing up had ups and downs being the eldest in the family it meant that helping, being there for and cherishing my family was my main goal. My friends I've known since forever them to me are more like family. They helped me in belief that I will carry on... I will make it, I never thought in a million years that my life would change from the sad, somewhat lonely world I was in to the most pleasant, beautiful and memorable life i loved living.

She, took my hand, my breath, my soul and carried me along her side through the world I was once in and now into a world I have beamed into. Her eyes, voice and soul encouraged me beyond ways before, to carry on a war-hood soul and turn it into a smile, something that has changed my life.

Her name, the way she presents herself I have never not been unhappy around her, her looks, charms and wits make me believe that she's my forever. We may not stay together, but she would be my living, she'd be the reason I'm living, she'd be my forever... ill die protecting her and I will carry on loving her. I will always love her even if together means friends forever.

Ellas pov

The best part of being in love is cherishing moments like this, moments that we thought would be a lot later on in life. He stood there wearing a shocked look on his face, his mouth open for the hole world to see his perfect white teeth. His tongue stayed in place meaning that he wasn't talking.... looked like he wouldn't talk either.

Speaking truthfully i come back to my senses, pause took a moment, and then said "I'm not aborting this baby, so its either your with me or without me". He took a breath and then come over to where i was, he put his hands on my shoulder and rubbed it, then he replied "with you, always with you".

I smiled and couldn't help myself, all that worry about him not wanting to keep this baby and him leaving, soon brushed off when i jumped into him and hugged him. He put his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly, as my arms were around his neck. We hugged after a moment or two... maybe three.

"We have to tell everyone" he said happily, i looked up at him with turned eyes "what are they going to say about this?, were sixteen... two young to even think about having a baby." - "but this wasn't planned Ella" Alex said. He clasped my hand gently and ensuring-ly. He rubbed it so softly that it immediately calmed me down, i knew in that moment that he didn't care about the consequences. He and i both knew that in that very moment i was safe. We were safe.

The following week went by, nothing else happened apart from us telling Morgan and Kayleigh the truth about why I've been a bit M.I.A. Kayleigh is of course very excited, Morgan was shocked at first with the expression on his face for a following hour and a half. Then, he catches himself again and congratulates me and Alex.

What could possible go wrong... right? Well, i was suddenly so wrong when two of the popular boys, jocks even who knew Alex and Morgan come over to us without a fuss. One of them has dark think black hair and brown devilish eyes. "The names Oliver" he said with a thick tone in his voice, i stutter and look up at Alex who looks down at me and chuffs with a smile.

"Hi Ollie, Henry" Henry looks directly at Alex meaning that the boy with the beard, and the very long brown hair was called by that name. Kayleigh hugs both Oliver and Henry, they hug back. Of course she knows them, if their Morgan and Alex's friends shes been around them more then me. Morgan takes a silent minute to adjust to his surroundings then comes clear after cleaning his chest. "What's up boys?"

Henry and Oliver look at Morgan who of course has a silent tinge is his eyes, "nothing much, what about you two?" Said Henry after releasing Kayleigh from a hug. Alex starts to find that Morgan is clearly a bit awkward around his friends at this time of... well suddenness. "Alex help him" i say and nudge him. Alex then walks over to Oliver and Henry pushing them back from where they come from with Morgan following them.

Kayleigh and i were left alone and watched from a far, "what now Alex cant we not see your new tool" said Oliver. "She's not my tool Ollie, shes a descent human being." "Are you seriously falling for her, this isn't the Alexander we know" Henry said confused. "He can do what he wants, people change boys. At least Sam cares!"

Samuel then hears his name and heads over from the table to see the group. "What's going on, why does it look like your all at each other's throats?" Alex takes a step back and before he turns to walk away he stutters and then says "come on Morgan, we don't have time for this", Morgan then looks away from the boys and heads in the same direction from where him and Alex left.

"What was that?" I say awkwardly and Alex's pushes me away from the eyes watching us "nothing, come on were gonna be late!" Oh right I forgot about my first scan today, I'm nervous and I hadn't even told my mother yet. They think that I'm staying over Kayleigh's house, as does Alex's family.

Kayleigh smiles up at Morgan who is frustrated by what just happened. "don't worry about them, okay lets just have fun." Morgan nods his head and they walk in the same direction as Alex and Ella. Outside of the school Kayleigh and Morgan say their goodbyes to Ella and Alex and head in the different direction.

As we're waiting for the bus because none of us drive, I can see the sweat poor down his arm and i take a deep breath. "You scared?" Alex looks down at me, "no I'm good" he says and puts his hand on my shoulder.
When the bus gets here, and Alex gets us both on, we find a place to sit and make our way to the hospital. I know what your thinking... it has to be scary going to the hospital alone, with no parents. Well you got to do it at some point in life. I looked out the window the hole time, each sight i sore made me more anxious. Alex kept his eyes fixed in front of him, but i could still tell that he was nervous two.

As we turn to the corner of the hospital and the bus stops to drop us off, i look up at the hospital and take another deep breath. Alex gently holds my hand while we both walk over to the hospital.

In the hospital room it's plain and somewhat boring, Alex sits on the chair right near the bed that i was currently lying on. The doctor walks in and grabs Alex's hand congratulating him on his path to fatherhood. Then, she looks over at me and smiles. "Let's see your baby!" She says excitedly.

The baby was healthy and safe, the baby was tiny and was not properly formed yet. The look on Alex's face made my heart warm up. Watching him not take his eyes of the scanner and smiling with tears in his eyes at how happy he was. We decided that when we both go home today that we tell our parents.

When I got back at my house i look down at my belly and rub it, i see myself breathing and i gather up all my courage. "Mum!" She was sitting on the chair beside the tv staring at me with tears in her eyes. I look down at her a realise that she was holing the pregnancy test that i kept. "I can explain" I stutter but she shakes her head while crying and swoops me into a hug. "You dont have to" she says then she brushes my hair back and smiles at me. I wonder how Alex is doing at this moment in time. I wonder how his parents are taking his news, our news. The fact that their going to be grandparents.

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