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I run my fingers across the wall of the Hogwarts express, dropping them every time we come up to a carriage door and resuming when we've passed it.

My parents took Thea and me to the station and said goodbye, dressing up in tons of clothes and wearing sunglasses indoors once again. I still don't understand why they do this every single time they come to London, but I don't have time to think about it now.

I look through the glass doors and put on a smile for those who wave at me, but I don't really feel happy. I'm nervous.

I pass an abnormally wide compartment and stop, my feet halting as I look into it. Draco and Pansy sit together on one side. He's got his back to me, looking directly at her as she fixes his tie.

Crabbe and Goyle sit on the other side of the compartment, playing with some game and laughing. Another boy is with them, but I can't see him properly because he's looking out of the window, but I'm sure I know him.

Pansy looks up and stops fiddling with Draco, a scowl crossing her face. She's staring directly at me and I cower under her gaze. Draco's head moves but I'm already gone. I stride down the narrow hallway, my heart racing.

A head peeks around another door and I slow down, thankful to see a friendly face. Thea and I step into the compartment and hug our friends, Jordan, Hope and Katherine. Jordan is a Gryffindor, Hope is a Ravenclaw and Katherine is a Hufflepuff, but we're all really good friends. They knew that I was a muggle-born.

Most don't, because it's silly, the whole blood status conflict, but there's not much I can do about it.

"I was wondering where you two were, honestly. Train's about to leave," says Jordan, crossing her arms. Her hair has grown into a large afro that crowns her face and it suits her well.

Thea clicks her tongue. "She stopped on the way to look at him."

I blush furiously. "Did not! I was looking through all of the doors and we passed his compartment... so I saw him."

"And..." says Hope, leaning forwards thoroughly interested.

"And nothing. I didn't see his face," I say, crossing my arms.

"She did see Pansy with him though," adds Thea, her tone too know-it-all.

I glare at her and flop back into the chair, scowling. The seat rumbles and we're moving, the stone arches of London passing by, slowly picking up speed.

"Ugh, I still can't believe she's been such a cow," says Katherine, disgust clear in her voice.

Jordan shakes her head. "Bloody awful. And for what? It's not like Malfoy actually likes her like that."

"Not with that Dora looking hair," says Thea, snickering. "She should have taken my hair cut offer when I gave it to her."

I don't want to listen to this right now. Pansy isn't my main interest. I look out of the window, more interested in the changing scenery. My thoughts buzz loudly in my head.

I couldn't look. I don't think I could bear to see his face. I still remember the way he looked at me at the midnight feast when I woke up after being petrified. He looked at me with such a cold stare, with something that was on the cusp of hatred, but not quite. Like a mix of disappointment and betrayal.

I gulp and squirm, uncomfortable in my seat. I need to get out.

I get up abruptly and walk to the door, my chest rising and falling. "I'm gonna get something from the trolley. Want anything?"

Peppermint; Draco Malfoy [2]Where stories live. Discover now