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Hii guysss👋🏾
I'm so so sorry for not being able to update sooner but my finals are coming up so things have been really hard😭

My lack of updates have resulted in this far-too-long chapter, but... enjoy!😉



Thank god for Friday. I bolt out of bed, ready to make amends. I head to breakfast quickly and sit down at our table, in between Theo and Quinton. When I look up, Thea, Draco and Pansy are sitting directly opposite us.

Wait wait wait. I must be missing something.

First of all, Thea and Draco... sitting next to each other? Never thought I'd see that.

And what are Draco and Pansy even doing at our end of the table?

I look at Theo for an answer but he doesn't turn his head. I know he can see me. He's deliberately ignoring me.

He sits silently, head bowed, his spoon swirling his cereal around endlessly in the bowl.

"You're late."

Theo and Draco say it at the same time. They glance at one another but neither smile.

A small frown forms between my eyebrows. "I know." I reach for a piece of toast and start eating but the silence is making it hard to swallow.

"Hey..." I whisper to Theo. He remains impassive, his lips in a tight line. "What, you're not going to speak to me?"

"I'm just doing what you've been doing," he says nonchalantly.

Ugggh, why does he have to be like this? "Theo, it's not like that. Don't make this bigger than it needs to be."

He sighs and throws his spoon down. "A bit late for that, don't you think?"

My toast returns to its plate half-eaten. "You know what, I have a right mind to think that this isn't all about me."

I know I'm supposed to be the bigger person, but it's hard when I'm faced with this.

He opens his mouth to reply, but someone else beats him to it. "Alexis, I need to speak to you."

Harry is standing behind me, an uncomfortable look on his face.

"This isn't the best time Harry," I say through gritted teeth, my eyes flickering between him and Theo.

"It's fine. We're finished here." Theo turns back around and hunches over again. I stare at him a little longer, wishing he wasn't being so bitter. I'm used to him being calm and understanding, just how I like him.

He's definitely blowing things out of proportion. He knows me, and I wouldn't do anything to hurt him, not intentionally. I don't fancy Harry, and if he'd just listen, he'd know that.

Harry clears his throat and I remember he's still there. Looks like I'll try Theo again later. I get up and cross the hall, earning plenty of attention as I sit down at the Gryffindor table.

I pass an older Hufflepuff who won't keep his eyes off me and I can feel my anger making its way up. I stare back, narrowing my eyes, training them on him. I think I've rattled him when he looks away and hides his face.

Yeah, that's right. Mind your business.

I glance at my own table to check I'm not getting stabbed in the back, and to my surprise, the only person looking my way is Draco. What does he want?

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