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I eat my dinner hurriedly, watching the time go by slowly as I wait for curfew. Everyone acts normally, no one paying special attention to me, so I still have no idea who it could be.

As I pretend to get ready for bed later that evening, I go through the list of people that could have written me that note. It's definitely not Theo, because he was with me almost all day and I would have seen him put it in my book.

It might be Quinton, but I'm not sure. He probably doesn't even know where the Astronomy Tower is. Harry could have written it since I know he loves to break the rules every now and again, but what he could want that he wouldn't say to me in the day? Nor Ron nor Hermione would do anything like this, so really, I have no clue.

I get into bed at quarter to twelve and say goodnight to the girls in the dorm, turning off the lights and relaxing. Now, I wait.

I'm too excited to fall asleep, so I watch my alarm clock tick and listen to the rhythmic lapping of the Black Lake.

Gosh, I haven't broken the rules since... since last year. With Malfoy.

I scoff at the memory. It's never going to be like that again between us. Hell, there is no between us. He can just about tolerate me now.

It was fun while it lasted, I guess. I look at my hand, at my ring that gleams in the low light. It's just a memory now.

The clock strikes 11:50 and I peel back my covers silently. I better leave now if I want to make it on time.

I slide my feet into my slippers and tiptoe past Thea's bed. I open the door and close it behind me softly. Checking that no one is still up, I walk across the common room and push the stone door open. The castle is empty as I head upwards to the North Tower.

I kind of enjoy it like this, peaceful and still. It feels entirely different yet just as homey as when it's full.

I look at my watch and hurry, 3 minutes until it's 12. Goosebumps form on my skin as the realization of what I'm doing hits me.

A murderer is loose, Dementors stationed around the castle, and here I am, roaming the halls at midnight, alone.

Really clever.

My walk turns into a fast pace, which turns into a run as less than a minute is left. I hurtle up the last flight of stairs and practically throw myself into the tower, just as it hits 12 pm.

I can see a figure standing with their back to me, under one of the open arches.

I step further into the tower, closer to the person. The moon illuminates my view and I gulp.

Platinum-blonde hair.

This is a mistake.

It couldn't have been him... could it?

But why? What could he possibly have to say that won't be blurted out in front of everyone to humiliate me?

I take a few steps forward and stand there, not sure what to do or say.

I know he knows I'm here, but he doesn't turn around.

I'm not sure if I can do this. There's a lot of things swimming around in my head right now, and they don't make sense.

But I guess I'll have to try.

• • •


"Dra- Malfoy?"

I cringe internally as she says my surname. I turn around and look at her.

Her hair is up in a ponytail and her skin glows in the dim light, her cheeks a light shade of pink.

Peppermint; Draco Malfoy [2]Where stories live. Discover now