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Guysss, this is the final chapter for year 3!!!



Still in shock, I bump into someone and yelp. Draco stands behind me. "Where have you been? Breakfast finished ages ago... and where is Parkinson?"

I open my mouth and close it several times like a goldfish. I can't get any words out. It's too much for my brain.

Draco tuts. "Well? Spit it out!"

Suddenly, the teacher's lounge door opens with a forceful swing and Professor's Lupin and McGonagall stand in the doorway. The other teachers are there too, nursing mugs in their hands and grim smiles on their faces.

McGonagall shares a quick glance with Lupin before addressing us. "Mr Malfoy – Ms Hendrix. What are you doing here?"

"Just on our way outside. It's warm," says Draco answering for me. He narrows his eyes at Lupin and I place a hand on his shoulder.

To make it less suspicious, I speak up. "We'll be going now. Have a nice uhm, day."

Draco and I walk the opposite way, towards the common room, but when we're out of sight, I stop and lean against the wall. My heart pounds so loudly I can hear the blood rushing in my ears.

"Lexi –" he hesitates to call me that. I nod for him to go on. "What did Parkinson say to you?"

I shake my head. I don't want to trouble him with the details. This is something between me and her.

"Let's just say we won't be besties any time soon."

I look around to make sure no one can see us before I open the door to the classroom behind us and drag Draco in. Shutting the door, I sigh. "Can we talk?"

He furrows his eyebrows and nods. We sit on top of the nearest desks and I tell him everything about Lupin and my parents, from implying that he knew my mother to not telling me what I needed to know when I asked him before he wolfed out. I leave out the part with Sirius and Peter because he wouldn't believe me even if I told him. And truth be told, I don't have the heart to explain it all.

"I feel like he knows them which should be impossible since my parents are ordinary people. Muggles. But if McGonagall said that they asked them to keep a secret, it means that this goes beyond parent-teacher conferences, right?"

Draco doesn't say anything. He looks at me, grey eyes staring into my soul. "So we're not going to go outside then?"

I groan. "Dracoooo, you're not helping." He nudges me lightly and plays with a strand of my hair. I smile to myself at how easily he loosens up around me.

"You never told me what you saw in the Divination exam," he says.

My smile slowly disappears. I had pushed that memory far back into the depths of my brain, to remain forgotten. The memory floods back at the mention and I close my eyes. I don't want to talk about it. "I was just feeling emotional, that's all."

"You sure?" he asks. He gets up and stands in front of me so he's positioned between my legs. I look up into his eyes and nod.

He leans in and kisses me, making me forget all about my problems. I grab the collar of his shirt and pull down, closer to me, while he places a hand behind me on the desk to steady himself. His other hand reaches for my face, his fingers brushing my skin.

His rings come into contact with my cheek and I gasp slightly at the cold sensation. Draco takes advantage of this and kisses me harder, his tongue entering my mouth. It's brief, but it leaves me breathless and wanting more. Wanting him. I want to cherish this before we go our separate ways for the summer.

Peppermint; Draco Malfoy [2]Where stories live. Discover now