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Theodore Nott is my boyfriend. I'm Theodore Nott's girlfriend. I still cannot believe it. On one hand, it's been amazing. We've been spending practically every second of every day with each other ever since we got together. For someone so young, he knows exactly what he's doing, waiting for me every morning to go to breakfast together, helping me in class and with my homework, giving me sweet little surprises like flowers and boxes of chocolates. I don't think I've ever felt so appreciated.

But then there's the other hand. The jealousy and hatred. Because he's so quiet and laid-back, Theo is extremely popular, almost every girl's dream boy. But now he's taken and everyone dislikes me. The girls glare at me everywhere I go, whether it's in the hallways on the way to class, or when we have our meals, even when I'm not with him and I'm with my friends.

On the way to Herbology earlier today, we passed that Jessica girl who said loud enough for everyone to hear that Theo was only dating me out of pity because he wanted to be the first boy of our year to get a girlfriend.

Everyone laughed, agreeing with her... except those who were in Slytherin. It feels weird, having others hate you for doing nothing at all.

Theo put her in her place immediately though, taking out his wand and pointing it at her face. "Shut the hell up before I hex spiders to crawl out of your eyes."

The smile wiped clean off her face and she stomped away, her other Gryffindor friend running to keep up with her.

That's another thing that I like about Theo. He doesn't seem the type, but he's very protective and not afraid to speak the truth. You can see it in his eyes when he gets angry, the warning. That's what makes him him. Sweet and confident, but also assertive and defensive.

He's glued himself to me all day, constantly making sure I'm okay after what Jessica said. I've been assuring him, but I think he doesn't believe me.

Actually, scratch that. I know he doesn't believe me. We're in Defence against the Dark Arts, and today's class is theory, so he's sitting next to me, and I swear he's asked me five times already if I'm okay.

"You know that... whatever her name is, is just jealous, right? She's had her eye on me, literally, for the past year, and –"

"Theo!" I hiss through gritted teeth, "I'm okay. It doesn't matter."

He nods his head several times and goes back to taking notes about Grindylows. Oh my god. He's being so intense. He clearly cares a lot about me because if this were anyone else, he probably wouldn't even know that they were bothered.

The bell rings and we start packing up, but I stop halfway, a question I have popping into my head that needs to be answered. And Professor Lupin is the perfect person to ask.

"Hey, I'll meet you guys later in the commons. I have to ask a question." The group nods and carries on without me, Theo looking back twice before exiting the classroom.

I walk over to Lupin and bite my lip. The question I have is a little awkward, and I'm actually not sure if he can answer it, but I should at least give it a try.

"Professor, hi!" He turns around and smiles. "Do you have a minute?"

"Of course, Alexis. You've been doing very well lately, your essays are wonderful."

I blush. "Thank you so much! I enjoy writing them... but I actually had a different question, about the Dementors."

His expression sombers a little, but there's also a hint of surprise. "Ah yes, dreadful creatures. What is it you wish to know?"

Peppermint; Draco Malfoy [2]Where stories live. Discover now