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It's been three days since we've seen him. Malfoy has been in the infirmary for almost three days now, his injury 'extremely bad' says Pansy at every opportunity.

"He's milking it for all he's worth, I'm telling you," says Thea while we're in Potions. "Madam Pomfrey regrew Potter's bones in less than 24 hours."

At that very moment, in saunters Malfoy, his right arm still bandaged and in a sling. Pansy squeals and claps her hands.

I roll my eyes. He's hardly come back from war.

"Dracooo," she coos, "I'm so glad you're okay! Does it hurt terribly?"

"Yeah," he replies, putting on a brave face for her.

Pleaseee! Even I know it wasn't that bad.

I go back to what I was doing, looking for the next ingredient I need for the new potion we're making.

Today we're brewing shrinking potions. There were many trips to the infirmary with enlarged... body parts last week, which drove Madam Pomfrey mad.

"Every year it's the same bloody thing," she muttered as she attended to Thea.

I told her not to do it but she wouldn't listen - she ended up with watermelon boobs. Literally. She couldn't see past them because they were so big.

Professor Snape clearly heard about all the student's incidents and deemed fit that we learn the counter potion.

"Lexi, he's looking at you..." warns Thea, side-eyeing Malfoy across the classroom. "He's walking this way... he's coming..."

"Why? Shouldn't he be with Pansy?" I ask panicked.

"He's here!" she whispers before turning away.

I clear my throat and look. Malfoy is setting his cauldron down right next to me with his good arm.

"Sir" he calls to Professor Snape, "sir, I'll need help cutting up these daisy roots, because of my arm—"

"Hendrix, cut up Malfoy's roots for him," says Snape without even looking up.

I freeze. I haven't seen him since I visited him after our class with Hagrid. I won't say I haven't thought about him, but I've tried to focus on other things. I look at Thea, who looks across the table at Quinton, who looks beside him at Theo, who looks back at me.

We're all clueless.

I raise my hand and look at Snape. "Uhm sir, I don't really think I'm the best person to—"

"I didn't ask if you were the best candidate, Hendrix," he drawls.

Malfoy smirks at me. "You heard Professor Snape; cut up these roots."

Crap. I pick up my knife and start chopping his roots, a scowl on my face. Theo leans across the table and looks at my Shrinking potion, checking it's alright as I tend to other things.

"So, mate. How's the arm?" he asks.

I keep forgetting that these two are friends. It always catches me off guard.

"A lasting injury like this" he gives a huge, fake sigh, "who knows if it'll ever be the same? Pansy will have to do everything for me."

"Sounds like a plan," says Theo, bringing Malfoy in for one of those bro handshake things. I look at Thea and we roll our eyes. Boys.

"She's gonna have a great time, waiting on my every beck and call."

I snort and almost chop my finger off.

Peppermint; Draco Malfoy [2]Where stories live. Discover now