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The sticky scent of perfume is strongest at the back of the class, so potent I can hardly breathe.

Thea and Quinton sit together, chatting happily again as if they weren't just tearing each other apart less than five minutes ago, and Pansy and Theo take another table, the two of them behaving surprisingly amicably.

It shouldn't really be a surprise to me. They've known each other for years, ever since they were little. It seems odd that they all get along: Draco, Theo, Quinton, Thea and Pansy. But as soon as I enter the mix, it crumbles. We're no longer one big happy family.

My mind doesn't even bother to connect with the class, my thoughts straying.

Draco has his eyes on me. I can feel his gaze, the intensity of his stare.

I absentmindedly twist the silver ring around my index finger as I stare at our crystal ball, the translucent clouds swirling around.

I remember the day I got the ring, a birthday present from the original six. We shared it between all of us, a ring for every member. Our initials are carved on the inside as a reminder that we would always be friends. How wrong were we...

"You happy now?" Draco's voice floats across the table.

I don't look at him as I speak. "Yes Draco, I'm happy."

There's silence, probably while he studies my face, before he speaks again. "You don't seem it. Try being a bit more grateful."

I clench my teeth. "I am grateful. Very grateful, thank you very much."

He presses on. "Are you sure about that?"

I swivel my head and lean towards him. "Yes, I'm sure. I'm happy, ecstatic if you will. Absolutely through the roof. Delighted, overjoyed, euphoric!"

He leans in closer. "Keep telling yourself that, maybe you'll believe it."

I ball my hand into a fist and slam it on the table. As my hand connects with the surface of the red mantel draped over the tabletop, our now red crystal ball shatters.

The dark, smoky clouds evaporate as the shards of glass slide across the table.

It draws the attention of everyone in the class, stopping Professor Trelawney mid-explanation. She sighs heavily and pushes her glasses up onto her nose, enlarging her eyes.

"Child, do calm yourself. You are awakening the spirits and I do not wish to deal with them today."

Snickers can be heard across the room, but they're the least of my worries. I sink into my chair and cross my arms. Stupid Draco.

Stupid Draco and his stupid blonde hair that looks so perfect, and his stupid grey eyes that make me lose track of time, and his stupid grin that always makes my stomach feel funny.

Stupid, stupid, stupid Draco.

"Now, as you know, finals are well upon us, so little time left until you take the test that will determine what your mind has been opened to throughout these past months. I would like to go back to the tea leaves and master this since it is of utmost importance that you're able to read them correctly," says Professor Trelawney.

I roll my eyes. Again with the tea leaves. I don't want to get another reading. The last one was bad enough.

I look at Draco who is already looking at me. "Go and get our cups then."

"I'll make the orders," he says sternly. "You sit here while I get the cups. Can't have them breaking as soon as you touch them."

I scowl. He's such an arse. I stare at him as he descends the stairs and cues up to get our mugs, taking in his every feature.

Peppermint; Draco Malfoy [2]Where stories live. Discover now