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Sorry I've taken so long to upload but I've been super busy😭 But here's the next chapter!



I toss and turn in my bed. Once again, I've messed up everything good in my life. I've reached a point where I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I don't know who I am.

I'm having an existential crisis and I'm only thirteen. THIRTEEN!

Too much has been going on. I need a break. I need to get some air.

I get up and take my wand from my pillow, tucking it in the back pocket of my pyjamas. I throw on a jumper and creep out of the bedroom, making sure not to make any noise. Once I'm out of the common room, I head to the top of the castle. The astronomy tower feels like a good place to be right now.

As my slippers pad down the hallways, I hear the faintest shuffling noise. Oh crap... maybe it's a teacher. Or maybe it's a prefect. If it's Percy he'll definitely get me in trouble.

I press myself up against the wall and close my eyes, readying myself. I can see a light glow in front of me and I know I've been caught.

"Mhhh, mum, turn the light off," I mumble. I start walking blindly, swaying slightly as I stumble around murmuring.

The person who's found me starts snickering, trying to cover up their laugh. I keep walking slowly, muttering stuff under my breath. "Yeah, yeah, I like the blue one. It's prettyyy."

"Alexis... it's me, Harry."

I stop walking. Turning around, I watch Harry laugh at me, his wand shaking in his hand, bouncing shadows around the corridor.

"That was really funny, quite brilliant actually," he laughs.

I walk over and slap him upside the head. "Shut up."

I look down and see a familiar piece of parchment. He's carrying the Marauder's Map with him again. "Who are you spying on?"

"There's a name on the map that I thought I'd check out." He takes out a biscuit from his pocket and hands it to me.

"If you wanted to stalk me, that's not the way to go about it Harry – oohhh, are these Rich Teas?"

He chuckles and shakes his head. "You and Ron can never turn down food. And I wasn't looking for you – this way." He turns left at a corner and leads us down one of the many deserted hallways. "Why are you up... sleepwalking?"

"I was heading to the astronomy tower. I couldn't sleep." I sigh.

I put my hand in his pocket and he jumps, the sudden movement startling him. I take another biscuit and smirk.

"Theo didn't umm, take it well?" he asks awkwardly, his voice raspy.

"You could say that... I think he's going to break up with me."

I'd been thinking about it since the fight. He seemed really angry. He made it seem as if maybe he was done with me. If I were him, I'd get it. From his point of view, I trust almost everyone else but him with my problems. And if he knew about Draco... well, there'd be no us. But he doesn't see what I see.

"Then he's making a mistake. You did nothing wrong." I glance up to see Harry gazing at me intensely. Even in the dim light, the assurance in his eyes shines brightly.

I want to hug him, but I don't want to give him the wrong impression either. This is so hard. I stretch my hand to take another biscuit but Harry holds his hand out and starts walking slower.

Peppermint; Draco Malfoy [2]Where stories live. Discover now