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No one slept last night. All the students from the houses had to camp in old sleeping bags in the Great Hall while the teachers searched the castle for Sirius Black.

In my opinion, it's stupid. It's obvious Black is after Potter, so if they would just hand him over and get it done with, it would do us all a favour. Plus, he's not stupid enough to hang around after attacking both Alexis and a Weasley.

I didn't get a single moment's rest between the loud breathing and my own thoughts keeping me up.

My father found out about Alexis and I, about how I'd been "making a fool of myself and disgracing the family by associating myself with her".

How he found out, I have no clue, but he was furious. He even came to the school to talk to me. He said that mother was upset too, but I highly doubt that. If I knew any better, I'd say she disagrees with father, but she'd never say that aloud. She obeys his every command, never expressing an opinion of her own unless it's to support his.

She's always been like this, although I've noticed that lately, she's been having different feelings towards some of the things father says, and she's even been talking about them to me, like last summer when she said that I shouldn't let Alexis slip away. She would never have said that had father been in the same room. Mind you, she practically sounds like a Ravenclaw these days, speaking in riddles and weird sentences. Can't understand a thing she says.

I've also heard them argue often, especially at night when they think I can't hear. It's always about the same thing. Mother thinks that someone needs to know the truth behind something, and father says that she's mad and she'd be putting us all in danger. Thank god I'm here, or I'd be the one going mad if I were constantly at home. Wouldn't even have Dobby for company anymore.

For the past 24 hours, I've been trying to catch Alexis alone but she's always with someone. I feel some sort of strange emotion that makes me regret what I'm about to do, like I'm responsible and that I'm at fault. Don't know what you call it... maybe guilt. But I don't like it.

I've been trying to find the right time all day, but it's been hard. She keeps biting her nails and her hair is tied up in a very messy bun. I've noticed she only wears a bun when she's nervous and I don't particularly feel like getting incinerated by her chaotic magic.

But I can't wait any longer. I sent her a note telling her to meet me at the astronomy tower at midnight tonight. She might not come, seeing as security measures have been tightened around here, but there's a rebellious side in her that I know she won't be able to ignore.

As I wait, I stare at the snow. It stretches for miles, a pearly white blanket covering everything in sight, from the topmost turrets of the castle to the Scottish mountains in the distance. Everything is peaceful, just the way I like it.

Faint footsteps grow louder and I straighten.

"Hey," she whispers. Her hair is still in a bun, the same one from last night. She looks tired, dark circles under her eyes.

"I almost got caught on the way here. Filch was guarding the fourth floor with a mop." She chuckles and it makes me realise how I really don't want to do this. She's going to kill me when I tell her what I've got to say. But I don't have a choice.

"Lexi, I don't want to be friends with you anymore."

Her mouth falls open. "What? Why? Is it because I walked off the other day? Because I apologize, I take it back and –"

"It's not that. You and I... we just can't be friends. I was stupid to think that we could meet in secret."

She starts hyperventilating. "I don't under- wha- why?... It's because I'm a muggle-born, isn't it?"

Peppermint; Draco Malfoy [2]Where stories live. Discover now