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It's pouring – and this time it's not my fault. The rain hasn't stopped all weekend, forcing us to stay inside. We've played all kinds of board games in the commons together as an entire house, from Monopoly to Virus to Jenga. Even the seventh-years joined in, teaching the first-years all their tips and tricks to win.

It's actually been nice spending time indoors. I was so worried that my housemates grudge would last forever but I had nothing to worry about. They got over my blood status months ago and all is forgotten. They can't change who I am so they've moved on. And I couldn't be more grateful.

Today is Sunday, Quidditch opening day, and I'm terrified. I think it's ridiculous that anyone should have to play in this weather. They're going to be blown off their broom before they even free the quaffle.

I walk through the common room to go to breakfast, my arms crossed as I rub them warm. It's freezing down here and I can't find my fluffy jumper anywhere in my trunk. I bet Daphne has it...

Theo stands by the fireplace as he waits for me. I hug him from behind and melt as the warmth from his body heats me up.

"Morning," I mumble into his back. He turns and hugs me back, sending a shiver all over my body.

"You're freezing! Here, put this on." He takes off his jumper and gives it to me. The material is soft and cosy, about two sizes too big for me. He laughs as it reaches my bum, the sleeves covering my hands so they disappear.

"You're so cute," he says.

I blush and giggle. "Thank you."

We walk to breakfast and all I can see are worried faces. Gryffindor and Hufflepuff are to play. It was supposed to be Slytherin, but Draco kept complaining that his arm wasn't completely and utterly healed, so he shouldn't, moreover couldn't play.

As I sit down at the table, I notice Draco watching me. He doesn't take his eyes off me, even when I look at him. We stare at each other silently for a while, lost in different thoughts.

As time goes by, he seems to be more and more closed off. He used to tell me all sorts of things when we were first-years, like his life at home, but now, I can barely get him to talk, even when it's just us. I just wish he would open up.

Before I leave, I stop at the Gryffindor table to wish Harry good luck. I come up from behind, so he can't see me, and hug him fiercely. "Try not to drown out there – I promised I'd keep you safe but this is a little out of my territory."

Harry pulls me down so I sit in between him and Ron. "Yeah, I'll try. Can't make any promises."

The wind howls ferociously and I gulp. "Is there any way you can cancel the match?"

Ron snorts. "It's Quidditch Lexi, you can't cancel Quidditch," he says.

"It's just a bit of rain. I'll be fine," encourages Harry. Violent raindrops splatter against the windows and his smile falters.

He then looks down at my jumper at frowns. "You don't have a Slytherin jumper – do you?"

I look down. "Oh, this? It's Theo's. It's absolutely freezing down in the dungeons. We really need underfloor heating down there."

He strains a smile, reaching for his cup to hide his face. I shouldn't have said that. Now he's gone all awkward and silent. I look away and nod at Theo who's standing by the doors, holding my raincoat and an umbrella. He must have gone back to the commons and got them for me while I was here.

Oliver Wood walks up to us and smiles at me. "Alexis, good to see you. I'll be needing Harry now." I nod and stand up with Harry.

"So... yeah, uhm... good luck!" He smiles and then walks off with Oliver and the rest of the team. Fred and George each ruffle my hair as they pass us.

Peppermint; Draco Malfoy [2]Where stories live. Discover now