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I just wanted to say that there are a few things that will deviate from the original plot/script from now on because the whole point is for this fanfic to be entertaining, not boring.

I hope you enjoy this and get ready for the final few chapters of year 3!!! XOXO



I didn't get a chance to look at the book Draco gave me. By the time I had struck up the courage to return to the common room, it was dinner time. I spent the rest of the afternoon trying to get something out of Theo, an explanation or just anything, but it was like drawing blood from a rock. He wouldn't tell me anything about why he was upset. In the end, I stopped talking to him.

Throughout the week, we've been having all our exams. Theo and I haven't spoken since Sunday, not unless he asks for me to "lend him a quill" or if I ask for him to "pass the salt" at the lunch table. I haven't spoken to Draco either. He's been especially on edge since the last Quidditch tournament. Slytherin lost. Again. He's been extremely testy ever since.

Sometimes I'll catch him staring at me from across the room, and when our eyes meet, he carries on looking at me, staring into my soul. I always look away after. And the butterflies multiply with each gaze.

Both my Charms and Transfiguration exams went pretty well I think. One of the exercises we had to do in Charms was a cheering charm, which had Thea in fits of giggles and an overwell happiness that lasted right up to dinner. She started to feel less happy when she saw it was casserole night.

We've also had Astronomy, Herbology, Potions and Defence against the dark arts, which was particularly difficult. But in attempts to avoid the mess that I've somehow made of my life, I spent most of this week studying, focusing on my studies and at least getting that right.

Care of Magical Creatures is our current exam, which is surprisingly the easiest. Hagrid told us to take care of flobberworms for an hour and if they were still alive by the end of the class, we'd have passed. He didn't make it hard for us because he was extremely depressed with the whole Buckbeak issue. I can't blame him. I'm not looking forward to it either.

Since these creatures are better when left alone, I sit down on the edge of the stone wall to think. I watch Theo, Quinton, Thea and Pansy chatting on the other side of the field. They look so happy. Carefree. Even Crabbe and Goyle are with them laughing.

I feel so empty. Like nothing I've done is right. I keep digging myself into a hole further and further away from where I want to be. I hate thinking this but it looks like they're all happier without me. God this is so depressing.

"Your bug looks like it's going to die."

I gasp and check on my flobberworm to see it happily munching on a giant-sized leaf. Bringing my hands to the side of my head, I sigh deeply. The person who spoke sits down next to me quietly. Naturally, I knew who it was before I looked. Draco is looking at his worm pitifully.

"This is the most pathetic exam ever," he murmurs. He looks like he wants to kick his worm.

"Mhmm," I hum absentmindedly.

He carries on. "My father will be disgusted to hear that I spent a year in this class only to have to take care of a stupid worm as our final test." I just nod my head. "And to top it off, Divination with that old witch is – why aren't you listening?"

I tilt my head and look at him. "You could say that I'm not really in the mood to hear your whining, Draco. I've got other things on my mind." Theo was on my mind, which is funny since he hasn't been for a while.

Peppermint; Draco Malfoy [2]Where stories live. Discover now