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The first thing I think about when I wake up is that Draco and I are back on good terms. I look at my clock and sit bolt upright in bed.

I'm late!

Nobody decided to wake me up. Everyone in the dorm is already gone, probably enjoying the great Friday breakfast.

I'm going to kill Thea when I see her. She's supposed to stop this from happening. Instead, she's probably wolfing down as many pancakes as she can fit in her mouth.

I run through my routine, my head skipping back and forth through many thoughts. Draco... our trip to Hogsmeade tomorrow... Harry... Sirius Black... breakfast...

I grab my bag and a stack of random books on my trunk that I hope are my classes for today and head out. The common room is deserted, pressuring me to go even faster.

I hate it when I'm late. Being late with a friend is relatively okay since your together, but alone is the worst. All eyes are on you, the centre of attention. I guess my fear of being noticed makes the feeling worse.

I practically run through the dungeon, up the stairs and down a corridor, dodging all the students who are going the opposite way as me, all of them coming from breakfast. I stop when I hear my name being called, grateful for the reprieve to rest my arms with the books.

I turn around and see Theo waving at me. I smile, the dread of arriving last disappearing a little.

As I wait for him to catch up, Malfoy appears in front of me, coming from another corridor off the side of the main one. He's with Crabbe and Goyle, the three of them making their way to the Great Hall too.

I take this opportunity to have a little fun and play around, but before I can even pull my mouth up into a smile, Malfoy crashes into me.

His good elbow shoves me hard and all my books clatter to the floor, skidding across the stone in different directions.

I stand shocked, my arms frozen in position and my mouth slightly open.

Everyone in the hallway gasps, some even giggle. My cheeks burn with humiliation.

Malfoy turns around and walks backwards, smirking at me. "Cat got the mudbloods tongue?"

I look into his eyes and my heart drops. Not a single sign of regret. Just pure amusement.

I bend down to pick up my books, tears springing in the corners of my eyes. I cannot cry, not here, not now.

My fingers brush soft skin and I look up. Theo has half of my books stacked in his arms, a faint smile on his face.

"Give me your bag," he says quietly, standing up straight. His voice is soft and calm.

I hand it to him and he puts my books in neatly, and instead of giving it back, he carries it for me.

"Don't let him ruin the day before it's even started," he says.

I huff and play with a strand of my hair. "Easier said than done."

"Sit with me at breakfast," he suggests.

I was going to sit with Harry since we've barely spoken all week, but now that I think about, I find myself wanting to spend time with Theo.


I can talk to Harry later. We have all weekend.

"I'm sure there's a pancake or two left for you," he says, grabbing my hand and swinging it in the air.

Peppermint; Draco Malfoy [2]Where stories live. Discover now