Chapter 18

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A fews days later Amy, Jack and Lisa were all having breakfast,  the last few days had been quiet and Ty had finally got back to work although Amy was finding it difficult without Ty there, but she was working on it, she knew the prince was locked up and she was safe with Lisa and Grandpa.
She had to get her confidence back and stand up for herself .
Breakfast was finished and Amy helped Lisa wash and clean up when once again Lisa saw the Truck knowing he'd waited till Ty was back at work.
"Jack, better get in the Kitchen fast".
"Your Joking, thought it had been too quiet".
"Amy sit by the fridge so your always looking at him okay, stand up to him, he's the one who kept trying to push Ahmed and you together, make sure you call him out, your Dad kept encouraging Ahmed and made things worse".
"Thanks Lisa".

Tim walks in a bit cooler than the other day.
"So now that you haven't got your body guard what do you have to say".
"Actually Dad, I don't have to explain anything to you.  Your the one who kept pushing Ahmed on to me, all you were concerned about was how much money he had, not about my feelings or how much I loved Ty, and don't try slagging him off,  he's  my soul mate.
I could of ended up in one of Ahmed's Hareems in his four houses, 2 of the women they found were his former trainers.
If you want to point blame then look at yourself,  had you minded your own business Instead of hating on Ty , things could have been different.
From now on you speak to MY Husband with some respect, I don't care if you like him or not, as for me ,I will make my own decisions.
Now for the final thing, Ty and I will move to Europe if you carry on the way you have been. Sometimes I Love you Dad but most of the time I wish you'd stayed away and never turned up. Now I have work to do".

Amy got up and walked out to the barn.
Tim was still stood there.
"Why don't you sit down Tim, have a coffee ".
Tim sat, still in shock at what his daughter Just said to him.
"Have I really been that bad that she left, am I responsible somehow for her getting kidnapped because of what I've done".
Jack looked at Lisa, then Lisa sat infront of Tim, "Without taking the long way round Tim the answer is a plain YES, sorry to be so blunt, and Lou will probably get the same speach".
"You've been on at Ty since you came back into Amy's life, when you came back Amy had Ty and at that time Lou was with Scott, but you saw Ty as a rival because Amy would go to him not you, she didn't know you Tim and then when you interfered with Ahmed and everything blew up you left her again by disappearing to Moose Jaw when she needed you the most, so as far as Amy was concerned you let her down a second time. Think about what she said Tim, as long as your there when she needs you, you'll have her in your Life, carry on like this and she will leave for good. I don't want that Tim, I want her here close, I'm sure you do too".
"Thanks Jack, and you to for being honest Lisa".


A few day's later Tim showed up and asked Amy if they could go for a walk for a chat which she agreed to.
"What ya looking at lisa".
"Tim and Amy having a chat I assume by the way their walking".
"Let's hope he's finally seen sense for her sake more than him".

Three months later and Tim is a changed man, he and Amy are getting on well, even Lou has backed off after Tim had words and he apologised to Lou too.
Tim realised he had a much better relationship with Amy now than he did before, he was learning to bite his Tongue before he spoke as what Amy and Ty did was none of his business.
As Jack reminded him that he didn't interfere in his and Marion's marriage.
Amy and Ty felt more relaxed now that Tim and Lou were okay, life was good and with them being more relaxed and working hard they soon had news for the family. Amy asked Lisa to invite Her Dad and Lou etc to dinner as they had an announcement  to make.
At Dinner everyone was enjoying a totally different family meal. Tim was well behaved and Lou was Lou.
Amy went into the kitchen to get the big Chocolate cake.
"Woah what a cake, who made it".
"Me and Lisa,". Amy put it on the table,"Before we cut the cake we have an Announcement,  WERE PREGNANT, ".
Everyone congratulated them, even Tim, he could see how Amy was glowing and happy and that was good enough for him.
7 months later Lyndy Fleming Borden was born, Four years later they had a Boy and two yrs after that Amy found out she was pregnant again with another Girl.
Tim was brilliant as a Grandfather to four Grandchildren and Auntie Lou was good too. Katie loved being the eldest and watching over her cousins.
Ty and Amy were soul mates and loved there little family.

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Deep down below ground an emaciated figure was slumped in a corner, no one knew he was there apart from 4 people,
The King.
The Jailer.
2 Elders.
He was fed twice a day but not the sort of food he was used to, he was deemed mad, a danger to women,  and especially Amy Borden,  he was never heard from again.


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