Chapter 12

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Amy was awake first so decided to start breakfast, Ty could smell the Bacon and pancakes cooking but instead of getting up he lay there thinking about the day ahead and drifted back to sleep.
Amy came in a while later with a tray of breakfast for them both but found Ty still asleep,  so she put the tray down quietly and ran ,Jumping on top of Ty, Amy couldn't stop laughing at the look on ty's face of shock, then he burst out laughing but attacked Amy with his fingers tickling her in her sides, eventually he stopped so he didn't cause her to hyperventilate.
She walked over and brought their breakfast back to the bed, sitting together eating the now warm breakfast.

It was soon midday and Amy made her way up to the main house so she could start getting ready for her wedding, her and soraya and mallory were having a blast while getting ready telling jokes and stories and doing a lot of laughing.
Ty was at the cottage with Caleb getting themselves ready.
Before they knew it the time was ten to three, as they were going downstairs Amy could hear the music playing and her nerves started to take over, Lisa came over and hugged her saying encouraging things to settle her down, reminding her who would be stood waiting at the top of the aisle.
It seemed to work because Amy was more or less back to her normal self .
Jack walked over and told Amy how beautiful she looked, Amy grabbed her grampa in a hug as the hall clock chimed three times.
"Time to go grampa".
"Yes sweetheart,  let's make a move".
The bridesmaid's went first then Amy started walking hanging on Jacks arm, as they reached the Aisle and started to walk down it she saw who she was looking for, Ty stood very proudly at the front and when he saw Amy he smiled that wonderful smile that always turned her to Jelly every time.
There vows were said and rings given to each other to symbolise there Love for each other.  Then the minister declared them Husband and Wife, and he could kiss his Bride.
Everyone cheered and they walked out getting covered in rose petals.
Photos were Taken with family and friends,  then Amy and Ty were taken to the main house for more photos.
While they were being moved around for photos Amy saw a Fireplace almost Identical to Heartland and asked if they could have some taken in front of the Fireplace,  the Photographer agreed, whatever they would like.

After all the photos were taken they went into the dinning room for a sit down  and a coffee before they make their way to the main Tent for a buffet and burgers etc on the BBQ, Just how Amy wanted it, not some boring sit down meal that Lou wanted, even though Amy and Ty insisted that is not what they want,  but lou wouldn't listen. When they broke up Amy Just looked at lou and said "At least we won't have to have the wedding we didn't want".  Lou of course as a big drama queen made it all about her and how ungrateful her sister was  but nobody bought it.

Eventually Ty and Amy entered the tent and had there first dance as Husband & Wife, Amy hadn't stopped smiling since she walked down the Aisle.
They took there seats and caleb announced that the buffet was open, there was about 30 guests altogether with family, friends and Staff Amy works with,  they were really enjoying themselves and felt relaxed without any drama from certain family members.
The food was out of this world and so tasty.
They had a few short speeches but Jacks speech brought Amy to tears as he praised her for her dedication to helping those who can't talk to humans but she listens to them. How her mother would be so proud of everything she has achieved,  he praised Ty too for overcoming his past and concentrating on his future with Amy and his work as a Vet specialising in Horses.
The rest of the night was a great party  and lots of Dancing.

The following morning they woke up and Just cuddled holding each other  , eventually they decided to get dressed and go to the main house where they were all having breakfast. They walked as they usually did with Amy holding on to Ty's arm.
They walked in to mornings and some not quite repeatable but brushed it off and sat with everyone else for Breakfast.
Amy was going to miss having her grandparents here and her girlfriends,  Ty had another week but said he'd be back in 4 weeks for a week .  Amy thought about taking it in turns after all she was a married woman now and Lou and Tim couldn't boss her around anymore plus she had her grandparents and her husband behind her, hopefully Lou would be gone by the time she went to spend a week with Ty.

They had a great morning until it was time for Amy and Ty to take Jack and Lisa to the airport and Elaine was taking Soraya and Mallory, Robert was taking Caleb and Lilley.
They all arrived at the same time as there flights were about half an hour apart ,  Lots of tears and Hugs.
While there Jack suggested what Amy had been thinking about,  to take it in turns visiting as Ty would now be sleeping in Amys room as he's now her husband.  Amy explained that she was thinking about it this morning but as long as Lou's not their she will visit every other month to Ty's visit.
Everyone said goodbye to each other, Amy was a mess but Ty was looking after her.

That evening they went for a walk around the Town, stopped for some food and visited the park and it's fountains.
"Ty,  I hope this week goes really slow, because I'm really going to miss my husband very much".
"Me to sweetheart,  because I'm going to miss my absolutely beautiful wife ".

To be continued

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