Chapter 14

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"Kidnapped , who would want to take Amy".
"We could think of one person Ty, so could you ".
"No, No  not him,  Robert he'll kill her either on purpose or by accident,  you know what he is".
"Yes we know Ty, his Plane in France has been impounded, but I need you to look at a photo of one of the men who took her Ty, as during the fight she put up she ripped off his Ski Mask. I'll send it to you, actually Elaine will send it to you, then tell me if you recognise him as one of his men".
Ty received the photo and his Blood ran cold.
"Robert, that is his top security guard".
"I was worried about that , he definitely has got her".
"I'm  getting the next plane out Robert,  I'll see you soon".
"Okay Ty".

Ty woke Jack and Lisa and they met in the kitchen ,coffee was waiting for them.
"So what's this all about Ty".
"I've just had the worst phone call ever, Amy's been kidnapped by you know who".
"WHAT, no he can't have.".
Ty continued to bring them up to date  then told them he was going to find his Wife, and he didn't care how long it took him, he wasn't going to leave her to him.
Jack and Lisa told Ty not to worry about money, they would both make sure he was okay. Lisa told Ty she knew a friend who had an acquaintance who was ex military and would get him to help, at first Ty said he'd be better on his own except Lisa explained that this man would have equipment and technology he will need to find Amy and herself and Jack need him (Ty) to find her.
Lisa booked Ty on the next Flight to Belgium, then phoned Lou.

When Ty arrived at the home of Robert and Elaine they took him down to the cottage which hadn't been touched since Amy went missing,   as per the Instructions they received from Matt who was going to be working with Ty as he needed to check the scene for anything the police may of missed.
Matt was British and ex Military SAS,
he'd been undercover in Iran and Afghanistan,  when he left the Military he turned to working with Governments and Organisations to find missing people and anyone kidnapped and hadn't lost anyone.
He had other friends who were the same as himself and did similar Jobs, sometimes they would work together but separately, sharing with each other what information they had, very rarely would they come together,  but this case was different because this time they were after someone who had Diplomatic Immunity and was a serial predator of young women but also because the victim was a Granddaughter of a friend of a friend.
As soon as Lisa phoned her friend he contacted Matt  who then made contact with the detective in Belgium and then Interpol.
When they got to the cottage they met Matt who only being in the UK was there within 2hrs and had already gone through the bedroom.
"Hello Ty, I'm Matt and you and I will be working very closely together, after going through the bedroom and looking at the report I must say that your wife must of put up one hell of a fight, they found blood and hair on a poker that she hit one of them with , can I ask , did she know about the cameras".
"Hi Matt ,you like getting straight to the point and yes Amy knew they were there".
"I thought she might, that's why she pulled the Ski Mask off so we could hopefully identify the bloke,while the room is tided up let's go for a walk and a chat about things and how we're going to get this bastard".
Ty liked Matt already and while walking Matt told Ty about himself and his friends who offered to work together on finding Amy and stopping Ahmed from doing this to anyone else.
Matt also explained that starting tomorrow he would be teaching Ty to shoot a gun and then when he's satisfied that Ty can protect himself he will always wear the gun along with a new version of a bullet proof vest under his T-shirt.
"Don't wear it over the top of clothes Ty, if they see it they'll shoot else where like the head, also as he knows what you look like, throw your Razor away, from now on your going to let your hair and beard grow, I'll get you some brown contact lenses too, your green eyes are a giveaway ".

"Matt, can I ask if the police are okay with this".
"They've been after the Prince for a long time Ty and this is what myself and my friends who are also Ex SAS do on a regular basis,  you see they have to follow the Law, but we can bend it, we also have approval from Interpol who we work closely with on many occasions.  Now on the quiet The Prince is Capture or if he wants a fire fight kill order on him. But we need to find where he's keeping your wife first. He's probably left orders so if he's killed or captured his men would kill your wife and Bury her body so we never find it,and that is not what we want.
First we find her, then we get him.
"Sounds good to me Matt".
"Well my friends will be set up by now watching his French Villa, and from the intel we've received he always travels with 3 black SUV's and tinted glass".
"If the glass is Tinted Matt, how do you know which SUV he's in".
Well you can put different filters on camera's,  it doesn't make it completely clear but enough so we can tell which car he's in, from  tomorrow using distractions they'll try to fit Trackers on all three SUV's so we can see where they go ,how often and how long they stay".
"I know you want to rescue your wife Ty, but we must do surveillance first, and find her".

To be continued

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