Chapter 8

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They got back to the cottage,  Ty grabbed his bags and he and Amy walked into the kitchen, Amy made them both a Hot Chocolate drink and then they snuggled on the sofa.
Ty thanked Amy for the letter she wrote as it helped him see the truth,  the reality hit him when the Ring hit the Table.
"I knew it would all work out eventually Ty".
Then Amy put her mug down and put his down too then kissed him, time went by then Amy stood up grabbed Ty's hand and took him to bed.

Tim walked into the Clinic already to have a go at Ty again but only saw Scott.
"Where's Ty ".
"You come round to have another go at him Tim because he's gone away".
"What do you mean gone away".
" A 2 week holiday , I overheard him booking a flight to Europe".
"Does he know where Amy is Scott ".
"I have no idea Tim, why don't you Just leave him alone, you know it's called Harassment and he can report you to the police don't you ".
"He's the reason she left".
"You sure about that Tim, if you were my Father I'd want to get as far away from you as possible ".
"Are you saying it's  my fault because you know nothing ".
"I hear plenty Tim, and believe me I've heard a lot about the way you treat her, so I'm not going to be surprised at all if your one of the reasons she left".
Tim leaves and drives off for Heartland.

Jack and Lisa were in the kitchen when Lisa saw Tim's Truck coming down the drive.
"Jack, Tim's here".
"What now, I'm getting fed up with his attitude".
Tim comes barging in the house thinking that there keeping information from him.
"Where is she Jack , does Ty Know where she is".
"Woah there Tim, we have no Idea where she is, she won't even give us her phone number ".
"Well Ty's taken 2 weeks off for vacation time and Scott heard him booking a flight to Europe,  which means there on there own".
"Tim, she's nearly 24 for gods sake,  stay out of her relationships, she's old enough to do whatever she wants, you do what you want to do with your girlfriends ".
"She's my daughter Jack,  not yours,  and what I do is my business ".
"Oh, so you can do what you like but Amy has to do what you say".
"Dam right she does".
"I'm beginning to think that she left not because of Ty but because of You, and I wouldn't be surprised if she never came back. Ty may have gone to Europe to try and find her you know, your always Jumping to conclusions ".
"If you find out where she is then you tell me".
"I don't have to tell you a thing Tim and I Won't put her through that,  now go ".
Tim left determined to find out where Amy was.

Amy woke up but to an empty bed, then she smells bacon.
"Good morning,  what's this ".
"I thought I'd make you breakfast ".
Ty put his arms around her waist and pulled her to him, they started kissing and it started getting heavy then Amy felt something.
"Down boy, something is getting a little excited,  lets have breakfast first shall we, then take care of that little problem you have".
"Little !!!!"
"Okayyyyy big problem ".
They both burst out laughing.
They sat and ate this wounderful food Ty had prepared.
After breakfast Amy and Ty went back to bed, Amy was still tired as it was about 2 or 3 am before they went to sleep.
"Ty, please don't laugh but was I okay last night,  I mean like for my first time ".
"That is quite funny actually because I was going to ask you the same thing, but to answer you, yes Amy , you were  amazing,  what books did you read".
Amy blushed so red he thought she'd explode.
"Well you were brilliant too and yes Ty I enjoyed every second, I cant believe we've waited so long. "
"Amy , I know I've only been here a day but can I give you something back that you lost but you must wear it for the rest of your life". Ty held up her Engagement Ring, Amy nodded and held out her hand as Ty put the Ring back on her finger.
They sorted out Ty's big problem then slept for a good 4 hours, then decided that practicing makes it perfect.

Later in the afternoon Amy was sat sideways against the arm of the Sofa on Ty's Lap, she looked at him, she was so happy.
"Ty, I know I still have a 6 month contract to Finish, but we've still got a problem when I'm back , My Dad and Lou , she will take over the wedding and do it as if it's her wedding, she'll take no notice of anything I say or what I like. Dad will be moaning all the time and then bullying,  he'll  threaten to stop the wedding saying I'm not old enough and embarrassing me and my friends and you too. I cant Marry you at Heartland or anywhere near my Dad and Lou".
Ty could see tears in her eyes.

"Hey gorgeous,  I have an Idea, a Crazy idea, you can say no if you want, but we should be Married already shouldn't we".
"Yes we should ".
"So, lets get married here in Belgium this Saturday, so what do you say".
"YEESSSSS TY, and it's not crazy because I love it here".
"It's growing on me too love".
"Let's have a word with Robert tomorrow, I think he could help us, ya know ,what we have to do, where we have to go".
"Amy, who's Robert".
"Sorry Ty,  he's my boss, Robert Mitchell,  he owns this Ranch".
"Ohh right, The Mitchell Ranch.".
"What do you think".
"Definitely, Fancy going for a walk ".
"Yes, let's go".
While they walked,  they spoke about the Wedding and who to invite, the only person Amy wanted was Grandma Lisa, she knew she could trust her.
Ty wanted Caleb as best man.
And if possible they wanted Soraya and Mallory as Bridesmaids.

To be continued

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