Chapter One

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Amy was at the Airport in Paris and phoned Ty to pick her up but there was no answer.  Next she tried Lou  again no answer.
Amy then thought she'd try Grampa,  no answer.
She phoned her Dad.
"Hello Amy, how are you".
"Actually Dad I've tried to get hold of Ty, Lou, Grampa and no one's picking up".
"Why what's up".
"Nothing's up Dad, I was going to ask Ty to pick me up from the Airport in about 15 hours time".
"Oh, your coming home, what's happened ".
"Nothing,  my Job is finished,  my contract has ended and the Team came 2nd".
"Oh right  well I'd pick you up ""Oh thanks Dad" Err yes well you see I can't because I'm in Moose jaw ".
"Oh right okay don't worry about it   bye Dad".
Amy was trying to think how she could get back home, so left a message with Ty and Lou to  " let her know by Text which she should receive when she lands, if one of them can pick her up please, she's tried phoning but no one is picking up there calls. She'll be landing at 9AM as it's an 8 hour flight at least".
Amy was waiting to board when they finally get the okay to get on the flight.

Calgary Airport
Amy landed, picked up her bags and came out looking around for hopefully Ty or Jack or Lou.
She couldn't see anyone.
Amy went to the coffee stand and got a coffee ,then went to the waiting area  and sat down.

At Heartland everyone was having breakfast when Ty walked in, they all said morning back and forth and Lou put a coffee infront of Ty.
"You must be looking forward to Amy getting home Ty, what day does she get back ".
"Err she said she'd text me when to pick her up".
Lisa was sat at the table and could hear these little pings.
"Okay who's phone's are pinging because that means you have a notification,  like a message or phone call you haven't answered ".
They all looked at there phones and almost but not exactly at the same time " it's Me,,, me,,,,me".

They read there messages , none from Amy
Lisa was watching them and new something was wrong , then her phone went off, so she answered it, "Amy, bless you. When you coming home, ohhh is that right, what time, not one of them, I'll come and get you sweetheart,   Oh okay, that's going to be expensive , yes I understand you've been waiting for 3 hours,  okay love. See you soon. Soooo, why did none of you answer Amy's phone call at 6pm last night or Text messages, what's worse is she tried again this morning.
She's been waiting for three hours ".
"I'll go and get her now".
"Don't bother Ty, she's on her way home in a Taxi which will cost her a bomb.  You lot are going to get it when she gets back you know".
"We didn't know she was coming home today, and none of us have received any calls or messages from her Lisa".
" Really Lou, on your calendar on the fridge it's got for today, Amy coming home today, Party or meal, pick her up 9am".
Lou Just looked at the fridge and shrugged her Shoulders.
"How could I forget her coming home Lisa, she's my Fiancee ".
"Then what were you doing last night Ty".
"I was with Caleb and left my phone in the truck but I don't have anything from Amy".
"Well your definitely in for it Ty".
"Lou, Jack what's your excuses ".
They both Just shrugged their shoulders, we haven't had anything from Amy either.
They then started arguing about that one of them must of checked there phone at some point last night, Just as the argument got louder Lisa got up and went outside as she heard a car which the others hadn't and saw Amy getting out the car.
Lisa ran over to her and Amy wrapped her arms around her,  lisa hugged her back.
" I'm so sorry Amy, there in there arguing about how nobody got any of your calls or messages last night,  Lou  had it on her calendar that you were coming home this morning ".
"Lisa, thank you for welcoming me back home,  I wished I'd phoned you instead".
"Why didn't you,  I'd have picked you up ".
"Well I suppose I was hoping my Fiance would get me , I've missed him so much. But now I feel so Jet Lagged I Just want to sleep then I'll explain what happened. Lisa, do not allow Ahmed into the house  or speak to him as I no longer work for him and he's shown a completely different side of himself ".
"What happened sweetheart ".
"I'll explain everything after I get some sleep ".
Amy walked in pulling her trolley bags with her and stood there listening to them arguing,  no one noticed her and Lisa felt so sorry for her, Amy walked through to her room and Lisa sat back down , then they heard a really loud door Slam.
Everyone was quite but Jack looked concerned.
It's  okay Jack, it was Just Amy slamming her Room door and boy is she in a pissed off mood. She's Jet lagged so gone to get some sleep, not really the welcome home she was expecting, especially from her Fiancee. Oh and Amy asked that under no circumstances should Ahmed be allowed in the house   she no longer works for him. She said she'll explain after she's got some sleep ".
"Maybe I should go and check on her".
"Ty dear, do you like your head where it is, cause if you go in she'll  bite your head off".
"When did she come in".
"While you three were arguing,  she stood in the doorway for at least 5 minutes and no one noticed her 
Some welcome home for her wasn't it".

To be continued

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