Chapter 6. Time to go.

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Amy took to heart what Lisa said, after she'd made their malted drinks they sat on the sofa talking more and Amy realised that she had to play hard and say what she wants and if that means finding it with someone else then Ty was the one losing out, but Lisa seemed to think that her and Ty would be fine, Amy needed to use a few shocks to bring him back.
Amy needed to send a message to Ty that her dream was to Marry, live on Heartland, work with Horses that need her help, and make babies.
Amy was going to start today, one phone call and one text message every day for a couple of weeks,  then a personal visit to talk to him and see how it goes.

Amy did this for two weeks,  at the Trailer he wouldn't answer the door,  Phone calls were ended without being answered and  Texts were ignored, every time she made a visit to the Clinic which she only did twice he would disappear into a surgery room with an excuse that he had a patient on the table.
Amy decided to make one more call, but this time there was a message saying 'This number is no longer in use '.
Amy couldn't understand his indifference,  and this weekend was supposed to be their wedding day   she couldn't take it anymore so made a decision.
She went into town with Lisa and they went to the phone shop, he confirmed that her phone had been tampered with but he couldn't repair it, so Amy bought a new phone and had her number transferred from her old phone to her new one.
" At least you can have your phone to yourself now ".
Lisa laughed

It had been three days since Ty changed his phone number and Amy had been busy making calls and sending emails , now she was writing Letters,  one to Ty and one to the family.  It was Thursday and Saturday would of been her Wedding Day ,she made one final call and made sure it was booked.
Amy walked into Maggie's for Lunch and to see Soraya one last time,  for now at least. As she walked in she saw Ty at a table and went and sat down right  opposite him.
"Ty, this is the last time I'm going to try and talk to you.
Please answer this one question,  Do you still love me,  Yes or No.".
Ty looked at her  his heart heavy then got up and started to walk away.
"So I am going to take that as a No you don't ".
Amy walked back to see Soraya and explained how things had been over the last few weeks.
Then she told Soraya that this was goodbye for the time being as she couldn't stay in Hudson as it was to painful but she could call anytime.
They hugged and said there goodbyes,  but before Amy left she asked her not to tell Ty, he would find out eventually  if he ever went to Heartland as she'd left a letter for him.
Friday morning came and at 4am Amy  moved her Luggage bags up to the Barn , then went to say goodbye to Spartan .
She heard the Taxi arrive at the Barn and walked out to the Taxi driver who put her luggage in the boot, she switched off the light and closed the door then got in the Taxi and they Left Heartland.


                    3 Months Later

The family had finally come to terms that Amy was gone, the first month was the worst, they didn't know where she was or who with if anybody at all, then Amy finally got in touch, as the next month passed and the next it got easier, now it's been 3 months,  Amy had kept her phone number for those 3 months then after hearing nothing from Ty she got a new Sim card and new number which she didn't give to the family,  she phones every week to let then know how she is.
Tim took it very bad that she left probably because of Ty's indifference towards her and  she couldn't bear to see him and he'd ignored her.
Of course Tim saw Ty one evening and lost his temper, they had a massive argument where Tim told Ty a few home truths before beating him up. Tim didn't let on that Amy had gone.

4 months since Amy Left

Lisa was washing up the breakfast dishes when she saw Ty's Truck approaching the Ranch House, 4 months since Amy Left.
As he came onto the Porch he stopped unsure whether to knock or walk in, so he knocked.
"Hello Ty, long time no see, come in".
"Thanks Lisa, I actually came to see Amy, I know it's been a long time, but something happened".
"What do you mean something happened ".
Just then Jack walked in and saw Ty sat at the table.
"So Ty you finally managed to get that cork out of your butt and pay us a visit".
"Jack, I'm sorry ".
"SORRY FOR PUTTING AMY THROUGH HELL  you mean, I thought better of you Ty".
"I had a weird dream Jack, I think it may of been like the ones you said you have sometimes and this one felt like I was actually their because I cut myself on a sharp piece of wood, look".
Ty held up his hand and had a fresh cut on it".
"So who was talking to you in this dream Ty".
"Marion ".
This immediately got Jack's interest.
"What did she say".
"Well she talked to me by the upturned Boat by the pond, but she showed me things to and spoke to me about Amy and what a big mistake I'd made, how Ahmed was a keeper of words and could make you doubt yourself".
"Yes , that sounds like Marion ".
"I need to see Amy and grovel for her to forgive me ".
"Okay  I'll tell him, Ty ,its to late to grovel, Amy's,,,, Gone".
"What, what do you mean gone, she didn't do something stupid did she, please say she didn't ".
"No she didn't, but she gave up trying to get through to you in the end, the way you were treating her. So the day before you and her should of got married originally, she Left Hudson ".
"What, she left to go where".
"We don't know Ty  she was gone when we got up, she Just left us a couple of Letters and her Truck keys saying we could use her truck while she's away. Oh she also left a letter for you but we could only give it to you if you turned up at Heartland of your own accord ".
Jack passed Ty his letter. He opened the envelope and took the letter out.

To be continued

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