Chapter 17

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Amy spent a whole week in hospital,  it took 2 Days to come around from the sedation that Ahmed gave her against the Doctors advice.
Amy was so pleased to see Ty by her side when she woke up, all she wanted to do was hug him and kiss him.
After the Hospital they went back to the cottage and stayed there for two weeks until Amy decided if she wanted to return to Heartland,  she knew she should try but wanted to keep the doors open incase it didn't work which the Mitchell's agreed to.
Amy and Ty both decided together that if Tim and Lou were to much they would both move to Belgium as Ty preferred it to France.
Ty informed Jack of their decision,  he wasn't happy about it as Tim could be quite nasty when he wanted to be but did say that Lou was no longer going to be a problem.
Of course it was in all the Newspapers  and the international newspapers picked it up too which Tim had seen, he knew they were in Belgium but where no one was saying.

Back in Ahmed's home Country his eldest Brother who was now the King had all four of Ahmed's residences  raided by his own Guard and was not Happy by the report's that were coming in , he had no Idea what his brother had been up to but was now feeling as if he and the family were responsible somehow to the innocent young women who had been found at each of Ahmed's homes, he needed to take control of this.
The first thing was to get them all seen by Medical Teams and ascertain what his brother had been doing to them, then he would seek council by the Ruling Council of Elders as to what should be done about Ahmed who broke just about every Law in there Religion.
They found 10 young Women in every home that Ahmed owned and unfortunately after talking to some of the women found out where four graves were , they belonging to his own staff who tried to report him, his security staff were arrested under suspicion of helping to cover up what Ahmed had been up to.
Of course they Sang like Canaries,  giving up lots of details of there bosses activities.
Two of the forty women were the Horse Trainer's who went missing a couple of years ago, all the young women's names were passed to Interpol.

Amy and Ty decided to stay an extra week, then go back to Heartland, Amy had told Ty it felt like there Honeymoon again and were making the most it. But Ty had noticed something else and his wonderful wife was definitely not okay.
Since Amy had been back at the cottage Ty had noticed that she'd been  putting on a brave face, Amy was like his shadow,  if he went to make coffee she followed,  Bathroom she followed,  and sat in the chair as near to him as possible.
"Amy, are you Okay, and please be honest with me because I've noticed how you stay as close to me as possible which I don't mind but there's something your not telling me".
"I'm scared Ty, scared he's going to come for me again".
"I thought that may be the problem love, he's locked up, his staff including security have all been deported. He cannot do anything Amy, the King raided his private homes and found 10 women in each all from Europe, including Drugs . He will either be Jailed here or Jailed in his own country,  we'll get passed this and I'll help you, Just be honest with me about how your feeling okay".
"Okay Ty, I promise".

By the end of the week they were driving down the Heartland drive, Amy didn't think that she would ever see her home again while she was a prisoner of Ahmed's,  but here she was back home.
The Taxi pulled up by the gate and as she and Ty got out Jack and Lisa came running out. Jack scooped her up into a hug and Amy hugged him back tightly while Lisa hugged Ty.
Nearly seven months since they saw each other. Amy was crying, Jack was crying,  then it was Lisa's turn to hug Amy and both started crying again.

They were sat in the kitchen having coffee and a cake that Lisa baked earlier,  Lisa noticed how close Amy sat to Ty which she knew was understandable after what she'd been through but she also noticed how happy they both were until a certain person walked straight in.
As soon as he started calling her stupid for going off on her own and getting kidnapped Amy grabbed hold of Ty burying her head into his side and shaking uncontrollably.
"SHUT UP TIM, CAN'T YOU SEE WHAT YOUR DOING TO HER, she's been through enough without you starting on her".
"Mind your own business Lisa, she's my Daughter".
"Yes she is Tim, but now Amy's MY WIFE which out ranks you as far as I'm concerned, so stop shouting and you call my wife Stupid once more and I'll show you what a husband will do to protect the one he loves".
"Ha, you, really, I don't think so. You couldn't even find her, your hopeless".
" Can I talk to you outside Tim because Amy still isn't right and your scaring her".
"She should be scared, he could of killed her ".
"Outside now Tim".
They walked outside and Ty stood tall with his arms folded across his chest.
"This has to stop Tim otherwise Amy and I will emigrate to Europe and you'll never see her again I promise".
"Are you threatening me ".
"Of course not Tim, but that was what Amy said she would do if you started, she's left the door open for us to return if you don't back off trying to control her, thinking she has to do what you want or say.
Amy's a free spirit who can do whatever she wants without your say so or permission Tim, Amy's 23 and an Adult, you can be there for her if she needs you".
"No, I'll guide her and make sure she doesn't make stupid decisions like she did marrying you".
"If Amy was 10yrs old and you were there teaching her, that would be great,  but you weren't Tim and you can't try to do those things now because Amy's an Adult. You gave up that right when you didn't come back after you sorted yourself out".
Tim took a swing at Ty and missed, but Ty didn't when he punched him back in the stomach causing Tim to keel over. Ty didn't want to get into a fight with Tim so blew the air out of his sails as they say.
"Go home Tim and come back to see Amy when your in a better mood, and you start showing MY WIFE some respect".
Ty turned and walked back into the house straight into Amy's Arms.

To be continued

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