Chapter 16

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"Right Anna put on a pair of gloves, then grab two squares of gauze,  you see the mark I made with a felt pen, put the gauze on either side while I cut into her wind pipe".
Anna helped the doctor and pretty soon Amy was breathing properly.
The doctors phone rang and seeing who it was, she answered.
"Hello Ahmed, You almost killed her,  but I arrived in time to do a Tracheotomy".
"3 weeks hopefully if the bruising goes down okay, she should be in Hospital Ahmed, I warned you about not controlling yourself and now the one person you like but can't have because she's already Married is
hurt. Why can't you just let her go home to her family and Husband before you do end up killing her,  she will never give you permission Ahmed, never.
The Doctor ended the phone call".

"Anna, get your things together ,then take my car."
"Won't he come after me".
"No, he's more worried about Amy, listen Anna while your here, your a danger to Amy , not you personally but by Ahmed, he will do the same thing over and over again, if you want to let whoever know that she's in the Black Forest then I'm with you on that, now  go before someone comes".

Jack had just got off the phone with Ty and Matt.
Someone was knocking on the door.
Jack opened the door to see Tim.
"What the hell do you want".
"Hold on Jack, I came to ask if there's  any news on Amy".
"No ,there at a dead end unless a miracle happens ".
"I'm not surprised to be honest ,I mean fancy letting a Vet go to try and find her".
"You don't change do you, always putting him down, at least he's doing more than you are considering your supposed to be her Father,and just so you know Ty's not on his own,  he has Military backup with  him who know what their doing, while you keep popping up insulting her Husband, Amy's never going to come back home, so stay off my ranch and if I hear anything that I think you should know I'll call you".

Jack closed the door and went back into the Kitchen.
Jack looked at Lisa.
"Can you believe what he just said".
"I heard him and shutting the door in his face is much better than arguing with him ".
The phone started to ring so Lisa grabbed it as Jack was in a bad mood.
"Hello Lisa, I'm phoning with some news on your Granddaughter  Amy".
"Please tell us she's alive".
"Yes she is, and was being held in The Black Forest,  Germany ".
"What do you mean was".
The detective then told them on speaker phone what happened, including the Cabin they found Just 3 minutes from the underground hideaway,  there was no one there, she told Jack and Lisa about Amy needing a Tracheotomy because of Ahmed from the evidence they found and what Anna had told them.
The detective also mentioned about Anna and how the Doctor helped her escape and raise the Alarm, but that was all they had for now  Ty,Matt,Carl and Phill were watching the Villa which seemed to be his main occupancy.
"Okay  thank you for keeping us in the loop".
"I can't believe that they just missed her, Maybe he will take her to the Villa, I'll phone Ty".
After Jack spoke with Ty he put his phone down and the house phone rang, so Lisa answered,  it was Lou calling to see if there was any news. Lou went to NY about a month after Amy was taken as she didn't have any choice with the new Maggie's about to open.

After Ty finished on the phone with Jack he told the others what had happened.
"Germany,  no wonder we couldn't find him , Just then the tracker started blinking again from the same location  where it had stopped.
"You know what he's been doing don't you, changing cars before he went across the border that's why the trackers always stopped at that location".

A few hours later they saw Ahmed's SUV pulling into the Villa, they had the video recording and were taking Photos,  they saw Ahmed pull up close to the doors and get out, then a woman Doctor and Ahmed reached inside and pulled out an unconscious Amy, he held her in his arms and Amy's head tilted back showing her bruised neck and a Tracheotomy.
"At least we know she's alive and at the Villa".
"I need to get her out of there now".
"Woah there Ty, we will, but I need to make sure he isn't covered by Diplomatic Imunity,  then we can take a whole squad of SWAT teams in with us ".
Matt made a call to the one person who could take away his immunity , he had a long talk and sent photos they took not long ago.

"Okay, we just wait now for the all clear to go in".
Police and Interpol were ready , so were Matt and Ty also Phil and Carl.
Now it was a waiting game.
They took it in turns to watch the Villa incase he tried to move Amy somewhere else,  they had a Rifle ready with a silencer to take out a tyre, anything to keep everyone there for as long as possible. But there was no movement at all from the Villa,  matt was getting concerned about whether Ahmed's brother would grant his request, if he didn't then it was down to them to get Amy out.
24 hours had passed ,so Matt made the phone call again to see what the answer was.
Ahmed's brother wanted to give permission but the powers that be said no , it was up to them.
Carl asked Matt to hold tight while he made a call to some of his friends who were all ex military and from different countries.
"We've got extra man power coming if we can wait a bit longer".
"How Long Carl".
"24 hrs if thats okay matt".
"How many".
"6 plus".
Everyone nodded, as an extra 6 men would make a big difference.

26 hrs later Carl got a call to say they'd be in position in an hour at the rear of the Villa in the Tree line of the woods waiting for the signal to go in.
Just as they were going to head off Matt's phone phone rang.
After a brief conversation Matt smiled,  "it's done, he's lost his Diplomatic Imunity, I'll make the phone calls to Interpol and the police".

Two hours later the Villa was surrounded,  those at the rear of the villa radioed Matt to say there was a Helicopter ready to take off and a bloke in a white suit carrying a woman and someone who looked like a Doctor walking towards it.
Matt told them to blow the tale off the helicopter .
Thats what they did with a loud explosion and the back half disintegrated. Then one of the Swat team shot Ahmed in the leg and they all poured out of the tree's.
As soon as they got to them Ahmed was cuffed feet and hands.
The doctor was explaining to them to get Amy to hospital as she had an infection and needed urgent treatment which the Prince would not allow.
Two of the Swat team took her, one carrying and the other guarding along with the doctor.
Ty received a call to meet them on the road so he could accompany them to the Hospital .

To be continued

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