Chapter 9

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In the morning Amy and Ty made there way up to the Main House,  Amy wanted to introduce them to Ty as well as asking questions about where they could get married.
Elaine Mitchell answered the door.
"Amy  so lovely to see you and who's this handsome young man ".
"Hi Elaine,  this is Ty my Fiance,  we're in need of some help and advice if you and Robert can help us".
"Of course,  come in both of you, it's nice to meet you finally Ty, Amy's always talking about you ".
"It's nice to meet you too Mrs Mitchell  you have a great place here".
"Call me Elaine, Ty".
"Okay thank you Elaine ".
"So what can we help you with".
"Well Ty and I want to get married here in Belgium this Saturday,  is it possible ".
"Yes it is Amy, and we can do it here".
" what do you mean Elaine ".
We cater for the best Weddings here. We also do other events, fetes we also have Some wedding dresses as back up and a few suits . The dresses will definitely fit you Amy and Same for you Ty .
"Errm, I won't be wearing a dress Elaine. "
They all started laughing.
"I'm so sorry Amy, Ty . We forgot to ask if what we'd like to do is okay with you both",
"Yes, thank you". They said in unison.
"Just let us know how much"
"Don't be silly Amy, this is our gift to you both"
" Are you sure".
"Yes Ty were sure, and I will sort out the minister".
"Amy, Elaine wants to know colours for the flowers etc".
"Thank you so much Robert".
Amy went and found Elaine and told her what colours she would like then gave her a hug.

Back at the cottage Amy and Ty are talking about who to invite short notice and agree on three each.
Amy wants Lisa and her bridesmaids Mallory who's in France .
Soraya who's in England.
Ty wants his mum.
Caleb his best man.
But can't think of a third.
They have lunch then Amy works out what the time is at Heartland.

Lisa is still at Heartland when her phone rings, upon seeing a private number she walks to there bedroom for some privacy, she was about to close the door when she heard Tim's voice and quickly closed the bedroom door.
"Hi Lisa,  how are you and Grampa".
"Ohh we are Just fine sweetheart,  how are you doing ".
"Very Happy Lisa, very happy".
"Oh good  Whys that".
"Can you keep a secret Lisa, a very big secret ".
"Of course I can, come on out with it, actually let me guess  Err Ty is with you".
"Yesss he is and we've been calling and video calling each other for over 2 months ".
"You kept that secret young lady,".
"Yeah, well with Dad and Lou, I don't want them to know , Dad actually beat Ty up, did you know , it was not long after I left. He was blaming Ty, but the truth was I wanted to get away from Dad and Lou. You remember when she was giving me the 3rd degree to admit something that wasnt true Just so she could be proved right".
"Yes I remember,  I did think that you left because of them two.".
"Anyway Lisa, can you, Just you come to Belgium on Friday , Soraya and Mallory are coming,  so is Caleb and Lily.".
"Why Just me Amy".
"Because you can keep a Secret,  and if Dad finds out Ty's here he'll keep on at Grampa to get the address "
"Err yes I can do that, there away Friday to Sunday on a Cattle Drive anyway, what's this about
sweetheart ".
"This is the second part of the secret Lisa, Me and Ty are getting Married ".
"OMG , Congratulations,  everything worked out then".
"Yes, Ty put the ring back on my finger Monday night,  but I told him I couldn't get married at Heartland or Hudson because of Dad and Lou would do the wedding as she wants it irrespective of what I wanted, so Ty suggested we get married here, we should of been married by now anyway".
"That is so true sweetheart I'm over the moon".
"It's so weird Lisa, being here with Ty and there's no drama, no worries about Dad turning up, not being watched then having Grampa walk in as if he'd been watching us then we kiss and he's there coughing,  I'm nearly in my mid twenties and they all treat me like I'm still a 15 yr old teenager , we've had a wonderful time so far. Oh, Lisa will you walk me down the Aisle please".
" I would be honoured ".
"Thank you, I'll send you my Number but keep it to yourself, phone me the time you land at charleroi airport.
Oh Lisa would you tell Lou I'm cashing in my Investment from when I sold Storm and put it in her Dude Ranch, $50,000, Thank you , byee".

Just as Lisa was ending the call she heard Jack's booming voice.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING LOU, ( Lisa opened the door to Lou standing the other side) listening to private conversations ".
"Lou how could you ".
"So who was on the phone ".
"None of your business Lou".
"I think it's time Lou, find yourself somewhere to live  your in New York most of the time and swan around here and talk to family, especially Amy as if you own the place  no wonder she left between you and Tim".
"Fine I will".
"Oh Lou it was Amy on the phone actually , she asked me to tell you that she's Cashing in her Investment of 50,000 that she gave you after she sold Storm, apparently you were supposed to give her yearly updates on her investment which you didn't ".
"What, she's cashing in, that will break me".
"Well Lou you'd better talk to the bank nicely,  you should of kept track of Amy's money better  its  obvious that she'd want it back eventually ".
"Actually Lou if you have any problems I'll be happy to buy you out".

To be continued

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