Chapter 13

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Ty had been back about 2 weeks and was missing Amy already, Scott asked him if he would go to Maggie's and get Lunch or have lunch and bring him something back, Ty agreed and set off for his lunch.
He walked into Maggie's and sat at the bar on one of the stools ready to order dinner when he was suddenly grabbed from the back and shoved up against the wall looking into Tim's face.
"Where is she, tell me now".
"If you think I'm going to tell you where my WIFE is Tim think again".
"W,W, Wife".
"Yes Tim , we got married which is normal for almost mid 20 adults, and it was so peaceful without you and Lou there. We had a Beautiful wedding ".
"You S.O.B, who said you could marry her".
"You did when I Asked you and Jack if you remember".
"But you broke up".
"Then we got back together Just over 3 months ago so when I saw her I asked her again and she said yes as long as we got married straight away, which we did 4 days later, and I have to say I've never seen her smile so much".
Staff at Maggie's had already phoned the Police as Tim was well known for blowing up at anyone and definitely had anger issues.
Tim started punching Ty when he was suddenly pulled back and handcuffed by the two officers who had walked in.
Ty got his phone out and brought up the photo of himself and Amy in a wedding picture in front of the Mitchell's fireplace and showed Tim before he was taken away.
Ty sat back down and ordered his lunch and a take out for Scott.
Ty's phone rang and it was Amy it was 1pm lunchtime for Ty and 9pm for Amy, an 8 hour difference.
They spoke for sometime and Amy told Ty she was going to bed but was looking forward to seeing him in a week's time, neither could wait.
The following morning Lou turned up and knocked the door.  "Come in Lou".
"Morning Lisa, Grampa,  I'd like to apologise for my behaviour,  it was wrong of me to do what I did, I've told Dad that I'm not putting our relationship in jeopardy for him and he can find out things by asking you in future. Also Grampa, thank you for making me get my own place, I'm not a Ranch girl and it's better for me to just have a place to live in Hudson especially with travelling back and fro to NY".
"Thats okay Lou, just don't do it again and don't let Tim control you like he's trying to do with Amy, Oh, in case you haven't heard Amy and Ty got Married in Europe ".
"What, without me".
"Her and Ty didn't want to wait any more, apparently the've been back together for over three months but kept it quiet because of your father.  So blame him Lou".
"Oh, okay. Any news on the dude Ranch Lisa".
"Yes Lou, here's what my offer is after Amy's investments been deducted ".
Lisa handed Lou a piece of paper.
"Deal Lisa, thank you".
"I've got the paperwork ready and a Cheque if you want to do it now".
"Yes, I need to get back to NY really soon, so this is best. Thanks Lisa".
They both went to sign papers and Finnish the sale.

Amy went to bed and had one of Ty's T-shirts on her pillow like a pillow case.
There was a faint noise but Amy heard it, she sat up listening, then went to the fireplace she had in her bedroom and picked up the poker positioning herself to the side, she hoped it was Ty but she'd just spoken to him and he was in Hudson, then her bedroom door opened slowly and two men whispering to each other walked in.

Elaine was Just finishing off her breakfast when her phone rang, she looked at who was calling and answered , "Morning Jenny whats up at the Barns".
"Robert, Amy hasn't turned up this morning and I've tried phoning her but no answer. I think we need to check on her".
"Let's go then".
They both set off to the cottage arriving in a matter of minutes and got out of the truck. As they walked towards the front door Robert noticed the door was open and it looked as if someone had forced it.
Robert got out his phone and called the Police saying that a young woman's safety was in danger but as it looked like a forced entry they didn't want to go in.
The police arrived very quickly and pulling their Guns out started to enter the cottage. As they moved forward they checked every room finally getting to the bedroom.
They checked there was no one around and called out clear, other police and detectives entered the cottage searching and getting forensics to photograph anything that could tell them what happened and any evidence they found.
After about half an hour the detective in charge came up to the Mitchell's,
"You said a young woman was living here, well I can tell you both that she put up a hell of a fight, we found a Ski mask, a fire poker with blood on it and an empty syringe which we think they used to sedate her.".
"Well we could look at the security cameras detective, there's one in that tree facing the door and another in the doorway, Just inside which only shows the Hall".
"Let's have a look then, because one of them is without his Ski mask, do you have any Idea who would want to kidnap her".
"Actually Yes, we do, so does her family and her Husband who is supposed to be coming over the end of next week, omg Elaine, we need to phone Ty".
"Do you think her husband may know the man in the recording ".
"He may do, he met most of the Princes staff".
"Okay as soon as we're ready and have some information we'll be in touch Oh we Just heard that the Princes Plane is still in it's hanger in France so it's been seized for now depending on Mr Borden identifying the kidnappers and any prints we may find on the Syringe ".
"Thank you we will go and let him know". Elaine thought about the time difference but knew Ty would want to know immediately.

Ty was fast asleep when his phone starts ringing "Hello ,Robert why you phoning at 2am is Amy okay".
"Hello Ty, sorry its late where you are but thought you'd want to know straight away".
"Robert your scaring me is Amy alright ".
"We don't know Ty, someone broke into the cottage about 3am our time according to the security cameras, Amy's been taken, kidnapped ".

To be continued

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