Chapter 15

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Matt spent a week teaching Ty to shoot, and in between that he sat at the table with Matt going through all the information he had so far on Ahmed and his villa's and Ranches.
Ty also carried on training with the firearm for another 3 weeks.
All Ty wanted was his beautiful wife back, but he understood that it would take time and patience, they couldn't Just rush in there in case he had Amy somewhere else.
The planting of the trackers didn't work so Carl and Phil decided to go into the Villa's grounds in the middle of the night. Carl would go and black out the security lights and while they were out Phil would move in with nightvision goggles on, he could attach the Trackers within 20 seconds as all three SUV's were parked side by side, as soon as Phil was clear he would tell Carl and he would switch on the security system again, then both would go out the way they came in without a sound.

The following night they got dressed in there blacks and night vision goggles and set off to plant the Trackers, all went well and they were back 2 hours later. Carl messaged Matt.
When Matt got the message he told Ty to pack up as it was time to head to France.

A week later and a lot of driving they arrived at the place Carl and Phil were staying. They'd been monitoring the trackers but they weren't working properly, after a certain time they switched off, they tried using a European Satellite but the same thing happened.
Matt was in a foul mood. They'd been watching and trying to follow him but couldn't prove anything.

12 weeks
Matt realised that Ahmed didn't trust his brothers so probably had anti tracking software built in to the SUV's.
He got intouch with someone he knew and was able to secure the new Trackers that would work, but how long it would take he didn't know.
They tried tailing him but it's as if he suspected he was being followed and pulled off the road so they had to carry on then turn off.

6 Months
It was now 24 weeks since Amy had been taken.
She had no idea where she was or what country.
She heard the door open and dreaded what was going to happen this time. Ahmed hadn't touched her yet but he had beaten her when she wouldn't consent, but just the thought made her want to vomit.
It wasn't The Prince but she assumed she was a doctor.
"I have an injection for you".
"Whats it for".
" Birth control".
"I will never let him touch me so don't bother, I'll fight him off till my last breath. Infact he hasn't tried to touch me which is weird, because he tried twice before I got married".
"That's because as far as he's concerned you belong to another man now, you have to give him permission to touch you or you make the first move".
"Hell will freeze over before either of those things happen".

A while later and Amy heard the door open and scuffling boots, Amy got up and walked as far as the chain attached to her wrist would allow, she could see the main door, there were two of Ahmeds men with a young woman who had a bag over her head, they took her cuffs off and walked out. The chain was long enough to let her use the bathroom get to the edge of the wall so she could look around it.
Amy called over to the women to walk over to her, so she whipped the bag off her head, she was almost a spitting image of her except she was slightly taller and more sun tanned skin.
"What are you doing here"
"I was out walking then I was grabbed and now I'm here".
"Well are you from here or visiting".
"I live here".
"So I'm not in Belgium anymore going by your accent".
"No, your in Germany, we didn't travel far so we must still be in the Black Forrest".
"Wait, your the the one who went missing over 6 months ago".
"6 Months !!! ".
"Yes, it's been 6 months since you disappeared, my names Anna".
"Mines Amy, so you were Just having a walk".
"Yes, I'm camping with my boyfriend and my brother and his girlfriend, they will raise the alarm when I don't return, probably already have".
"Good I hope so".

The following day Ahmed turned up, and Amy was dreading it.
"Amyyyy, are we finally going to get to do something together, I've been very patient with you".
"Well Ahmed the nurse tried to give me an injection yesterday and I told her to forget it, I will never cheat on my husband".
" So it looks like it will be you Anna".
"You stay the hell away from me".
Ahmed grabbed her bag and emptied the contents on the bed. He started looking through everything and found a box of tablets, he looked at them then saw three straps in the box.
"Ahhh clever girl, your on the pill".
"Yeah and your not coming anywhere near me as I said".
"Well ,we'll see about that".
Ahmed grabbed Amy and threw her against the wall again and started to strangle her like he did at Heartland.
Amy was gasping trying to breath but Anna new about him wanting Amy by the reports in newspapers so didn't think he'd want to hurt her.
Anna started getting worried when Amy started to turn purple and her arms were dangling by her sides, all the fight gone out of her.
"Okay, Okay let her go".
He let go and Amy fell to the floor, Anna went straight towards Amy but Ahmed grabbed her and threw her on the bed, Anna shouted at the Prince that Amy couldn't breath, he looked at Amy realising he'd gone to far and quickly made a call letting Anna go who went straight to Amy, telling her to take small breaths only, Ahmed was still on his phone then walked outside. Amy was breathing but very shallow, then Anna heard the door open and someone running towards her, it was a doctor.
She ran straight to Amy but noticed her breathing was getting worse.
"What did he do to her".
Anna explained that he did it to force her to have sex with him but even when she eventually agreed he carried on a bit longer, then let her fall to the floor.
"He's an Idiot with no self control, I've only stayed so I can keep an eye on Amy".
"I'm going to need your help, are you afraid of blood Anna".

To be continued

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