Chapter 2

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Still sat at the kitchen table they were all quiet. Until Lisa decided to ask,
"Okay, Amy told me while I was outside with her that Ahmed started acting strange towards her so, Ty would you check your phone please for phone calls and Texts from Amy, why dont you two do the same Jack, Lou, let's make sure you actually got them".
" Err Liza, I don't have any".
"Neither do I Lisa".
" Jack??".
"No None".
"Well I'd say that either all your phones are broke or someone has messed about with Amy's Phone".
"Lisa, who would mess with Amy's phone".
"Well from what Amy said about Ahmed and not allowing him in the house, I'm thinking we all know who could have".

A couple of Hours later Amy came out to the kitchen and Lisa told her to sit down as she put a mug of her favourite Tea in front of her, Lisa also noticed that Amy had puffy eyes from crying.
" Hey sweetheart, what's brought on the tears, thought you'd be glad to be back home, I know it wasn't a very warm welcoming ".
"To be honest Lisa I don't feel it was worth coming home, I thought Ty at least would be pleased to see me, but he stopped answering my calls and hasn't messaged me back from my calls and Texts in over 3 weeks, has he got himself a new Girlfriend or something ".
"When you went to bed I got them to check their phones for calls or messages from you and none of them had any, so let's check that okay, I want you to phone Jacks right now".
Amy got her phone and brought up Jacks number then pressed call.
His phone didn't ring.
"It went straight through to voicemail Lisa".
"Okay, let's check, no nothing there. I think someone has messed with your phone or its broken. So let's get you a new one."
"Okay Thanks Lisa".
Amy's phone then rang, she looked down and saw it was her least favourite person.
"Hello, what do you want Ahmed, yes I'm alone, now what do you want, hang on a minute ".
Amy put her finger to her lips and put it on speaker, Lisa put hers on record as Amy asked her by whispering.
"So what do you want Ahmed, I told you I wasn't going to renew my contract and what the hell did you do to my phone EH".
" I want you working for me and no one else, as for your phone, you can't prove anything, did that boyfriend of yours let you down Just like the rest of your family. How did you get home, I told you I can offer you more than they can ".
"And I told you I thought you were a friend not some perverted monster. You stay away from me and my family, I have no feelings for you and never will, there's only one person who deserves all my Love and affection and I'm going to marry him in the next 3 months so leave me alone".
Amy ends the call, just as Lou comes in and she sees Amy hitting the table.
" What's happened Amy".
"All through the tournament Ahmed was fine, I hardly saw him, infact he said he didn't need coaching and to concentrate on the team. But he's the reason why they didn't get First place, everyone did fantastic. Then the last night he threw a party to celebrate 2nd place, he started trying to come on to me so I stayed away from him. But later he said that the team had all got together and bought me something, a necklace and he asked if he could put it on for me so I let him, as I brought my head up after looking at it he made his move.
He never got to actually kiss me because I stood up before he could connect and I told him the Necklace was beautiful and was going to thank everyone so I could get away from him. That worked really well then I decided to go to my room.
On my way I was grabbed and shoved against the wall with his fingers round my throat and he tried to force himself on me but I kneed him in his Crown Jewels and ran to my room and locked it then made sure I left the Key in so he couldn't open it.
I packed up my cases then phoned for a cab to take me to the airport and bought my own plane ticket".
"Wait, I don't understand this, you must of given him some hints or flirty moves to let him think he was in with a chance  I mean Amy your engaged ".
"What the hell are you implying Lou, Ahmed is totally mad and obsessed,  I never said anything to him apart from morning and goodnight that's if I saw him at all".
"Well what else did you do when not working Amy , did you and Ahmed go out somewhere ", "THAT'S ENOUGH LOU, why are you giving Amy the third degree, don't you believe her, or are you trying to make her look like she asked for this  because after dinner your going to owe Amy a very big Apology".
Lou got up and walked to her car to go to Maggie's.

"That's why you wanted to record his conversation ".
"Yes, once the competition was over, he changed Lisa, one of the girls warned me beforehand and she told me what he was planning, he even had someone waiting to video him kissing me , obviously to use it to try and break me and Ty up. But I told him it wouldn't change anything because I don't have any feelings for him anyway. I don't think he liked that answer, and Lou always questions what I do , am I to blame for this etc.".
"Now I understand, look I forgot to switch this off so if you don't want to stand there explaining this I can just play it including the phone call".
"That would be great, thank you Lisa, I'll be there anyway".

"Where's Ty, Lisa".
"He got called to the clinic".
"Okay, I'm going for a trail ride".
"Would you like some company Amy".
"Err, yes please, thank you".
They both set off for the trail ride and Amy asked Lisa which one she would like to go on, lisa picked Amy's 2nd favourite trail and off they went, it was 1pm when they set off and they were now on there way back as it was past Lunch time.
Just as they were coming out of the trees Amy saw someone riding towards them, as he got closer Amy swore under her breath.
" Amyyy, so glad I found you".
But the smile on Ahmeds face dropped as Lisa came out of the trees as well.
"What the hell are you doing on our property, and better still how did you know where I was, I told you to stay away from me ".
Lisa took her phone out and positioned it for a selfie of her and Amy with Ahmed behind.
"Amy, selfie".
Amy smiled at the camera making sure Ahmed could be seen.
"Little Katie has got Grandma hooked on taking selfies so Ahmed how did you know where I was".
"I phoned the house and they told me".
"LIAR, there's no one at home and we didn't decide which trail to take till we were already out riding".
"There was definitely someone there".
"Even if there was Ahmed they wouldn't know which way we went because as I said earlier,  we didn't decide which way we were going till the last minute ".
Lisa phoned home and got no answers.
"Well as I said Ahmed , LIAR, there's no one there because we know exactly where everyone is. NOW STOP FOLLOWING ME, otherwise I'm going to get a Restraining order against you, come on Lisa let's go home".
With that they set off back to Heartland for a late Lunch.

To be continued

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