Chapter 3

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After Amy and Lisa put the horses away they went in to start Lunch.
A while later Ty came back quickly for Lunch as he was in the area, Amy ran out now in a better mood as she understood that nobody ignored her on purpose because her phone had been messed with.
As soon as Ty got out of the truck Amy pounced with a big Lip Lock kiss and her Arms around his neck with her fingers playing with his hair like she always does.
Eventually they came up for air.
"Wow Amy, I should come home for Lunch more often, I've missed you so much  I love you"
"I love you too, will you be home for Dinner ".
"Yes definitely ".
"Good because I need to let everyone know what's happened with regards to me coming home separate from the team and why I will not be working for Ahmed anymore ".
"Okay I'll be here".
"Thank you. Come on I'll make you some Lunch ".

Amy looked out of her bedroom window and saw Ty pulling up .
She rushed out and met him as he came into the Mud room,  Lips locking.  They'd  Just come up for air when Lisa  called Dinner .
They all sat down. It was quiet and everyone was eating when Tim being Tim started.
"So Amy when are you getting back to work".
"Not that it's any of your business anymore, I'll get back to work when I feel ready Dad, I've only been home a day and I've worked non stop for 4 months,  so I think I deserve a week off".
"What, of course it's my business,  I'm your father and a week off".
"No it's not  your business what I do or when I have a break, if I want a week off to recharge my batteries I'll take a week off ,you concentrate on your own business Dad, I'm 23 not 13 anyway you'll  see things differently after I've explained what's happened".
"What does that mean, what's happened,  if you've had an argument  apologise and get back to work".
"DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME WHAT TO DO, I am not going to work for a sexual monster who attacked me and held his hands n fingers around my throat till I almost blacked out,  here look I've taken the makeup off so you can see it now".
Amy pulled her shirt open and was just in her T Shirt. Everyone gasped when they saw the bruised neck that she had,  Ty pulled her into him to give her a cuddle.
Tim was going red in the face from rage, but still couldn't believe that Ahmed would do that.
After dinner Amy and Lisa got them all to sit in the lounge room,  Amy explained what happened then lisa put on the recording , everyone listened and were shocked at how different Ahmed was when he thought it was just him and Amy.
After the recording stopped Amy told them that she would never work for Ahmed again and  they all agreed. Even Lou Apologises for thinking bad of her sister.
A while later Amy's phone went off and yes it was her least favourite person,
* What now Ahmed".
"Are you alone to talk please,  it's about the contract, you see there's a clause in it.".
"Yes I'm alone and able to talk, but  Err no there isn't,  you see I got my Lawyer to check it out first, so dont pull that one on me, I have the original contract".
Amy put the phone down. The family were all in the Lounge ,when suddenly and unexpectedly in came Ahmed unaware that Amy meant she was alone in the kitchen  to talk not on her own, he grabbed her round the throat pushing her up against the wall trying to force himself on her again but this time he was way more forceful,  Amy couldn't breath, Ahmed was squeezing her throat so hard she was unable to get a breath and he was kissing her that hard her lips were bleeding , Amy was going Purple, then there was a crash of something hitting the floor, this happened so quickly that Ty, Tim, and Jack were only now out of there seats and almost at Amy's side when Ahmed left her collapsing to the floor , Ty went after him and He and Ahmed started exchanging blows and words, some hitting Ty harder than his punches,  then he caught Ty off balance and he hit the floor. Ahmed ran for his Truck and Took off.

Jack and Tim came running out and saw Ty laying on the floor, they helped him Up then told him that the police and an Ambulance were on there way as Amy's throat was swelling up and could stop her from being able to breath, they then walked back in. Ty was by Amy's side holding her hand and had his stethoscope Amy bought him so he could watch her breathing.
He had everything ready by the side of him ready to do a Tracheaotomy if he needed to as her throat was still swelling, thankfully Amy was unconscious.
The police had cars going here and there looking for Ahmed,  then they saw his Jet take off Just as the police got to his Hanger.
The Ambulance arrived and they immediately incubated Amy while they still had the chance, then rushed her to Hospital.
The police labelled the incident as a Sexual assault with intent to Murder.
Amy never got a chance to scream or shout when Ahmed attacked her, nobody turned round as they thought Amy had gone out on the Porch, it was only because Amy threw her arms around hoping to knock something over which she was able to do,  then they turned and saw what they couldn't believe was actually happening.  Amy was already purple when they got to her and her body finally took a ragged breath.

Doctors at the Hospital gave her an injection to hopefully reduce the swelling,  but she was comfortable.
The family were in the waiting area when the Doctor came out to see them, he explained that the only injuries Amy suffered were her throat and Lips, but were hoping that the swelling would be gone in a couple of days,  they'd given her something  to help reduce the swelling and once she can breathe on her own she can go home.

To be continued

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