Chapter 4

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Ty spent two days with her, the doctors said that she was improving and hopefully the following morning they could take out the Tube and wake her up.
The following morning Ty asked if someone could sit with Amy as they were supposed to be waking her up and taking the tube out, as he had a big test exam today.
Lou volunteered to be with Amy.
By the time Lou got there the doctor had taken out the tube and had already started to wake her up.
Her neck was very badly bruised, almost Purple but the swelling was almost gone unfortunately it would leave Amy with a raspy voice for about a week or maybe a few days longer.

Lou was watching Amy and had tears in her eyes, she noticed Amy was starting to wake up and as she did she was throwing her arms about in a panick as the last thing she recalled was Ahmed's hand around her throat,
"Amy, Amy its Okayyyyy your safe, Ahmed isn't here".
Lou was able to grab Amy's arms and hold them still as Amy started to see where she was and started to relax.
" Lou, where's Ty, whys he not here".
"Amy, he's been here for two days, but he has a very big exam today so asked for someone to sit with you ".
"What's wrong with my voice Lou".
"It's because your throat is very badly bruised Amy,  I can't believe he attacked you in our own house".
" He must of been Just outside the house when he phoned me, he asked if I was alone to talk, so I said Yes what do you want, he said he needed to see me about my contract because there's a clause in it. I told him that I got my Lawyer to go through it and there was no clause,  also that I had the original contract which doesn't have a clause in it either.  I then cut him off ,  next thing I know his hand is round my throat and a lot of pain in my Lips.
He must of thought I was alone in the house".
Lou put her hand to her mouth and started to cry.
"Lou , what's wrong ".
"I Just had this horrible thought, what would of happened if you had been on your own  I mean he could of killed you and then raped you, its obviously what he's been after. Oh my god Amy".
"That thought has already been through my mind Lou".
"He's so Vile Amy, and unfortunately he got away, Ty Dad and Grampa went after him but he and Ty had a fist fight
and he caught Ty off guard and decked him, Dad and Grampa brought him back into the house and by then his head had cleared.  Do you know he sat by you with his Stethoscope keeping an eye on your breathing and next to him he had all he needed to do an emergency Tracheaotomy if your throat closed up anymore from the bruising ".
"Well he's the only one who could do that"
"How do my Lips look because they feel terrible ".
"Swollen and sore with a few bite wounds ".
"Where's Ahmed  now".
"They tried to get him but when they got to the Airport his Jet had Just took off, so god knows,  probably gone back home".
They were quiet for a little while and Lou noticed Amy had fallen asleep so decided to leave a note that she was at the Cafeteria and would bring her a Caramel Coffee back for her.


Ty had finished his Test and was heading back to Hudson.
He still had those words Ahmed said to him going round in his head, as he was approaching the Hospital he decided to go to work instead.
Lou came back to Amy's room with her favourite Caramel and Hazelnut Latte , Amy was awake but Lou could see she was upset.
"Here's your favourite Latte,  and what's up Sis,  you look close to tears".
"Ty should be here by now, is he okay Lou ".
"Give him a ring and ask him".
"I don't have a phone Lou, remember my calls are either blocked or there sent somewhere else".
"I'll phone him and see where he is".

Ty walked into the Clinic and Scott was surprised to see him, "Thought you'd be with Amy, Ty".
"Lou's there so it's fine Scott ".
Ty's phone goes off he see's it's Lou
"Hi Lou , No I can't today, Scott's asked me to work as he's really busy  I'll see you at dinner,  Bye". Ty ended the call before Lou was able to ask if he was going to come and see Amy after Dinner.
"Apparently Scott called him in as he was really busy".
"Oh,  right okay, I'll hopefully see him after dinner".
"Talking about Dinner I'd better get back home otherwise it will be late,  I'll ask Lisa about your phone okay ".
" Yeah thanks Lou, I'll see you".
"Okay Amy, Byee ".
Amy waved but Lou could see she was disappointed.
Amy settled back and decided to go to sleep.

Lou was cooking dinner and Jack n Lisa walked in, "Where's Ty at the Hospital Lou".
"No Grampa,  he said that Scott asked him to go in because he was rushed of his feet, Amy was really upset".
"Well Ty is telling lies then, because we saw Scott in Maggie's Just before 12 and he said it was so quiet it was boring ".
"Something is going on with him, ever since Ahmed attacked Amy he's been a little off, could you see what's going through his head Grampa, make sure he's okay".
"Yes, I think it may be time to find out what's going on with him ".
"Thanks Grampa, he said he'd be here for dinner ".
Dinnertime came and went and no sign of Ty.
Amy was dosing when she heard someone come in, she opened her eyes and saw Ty, she had a great big smile on her face,
"Hey Handsome,  come here Mr Borden and give the future Mrs Borden a gentle kiss cus my Lips are a bit sore.
I can't believe in two months I'll be Mrs Borden".
Ty sat on the side of the bed and leaned towards Amy then just kissed her forehead.
"What do you call that, my Lips are lower down like just here ( pointing ) see ,
Ty,  Ty what's wrong,  I've been waiting all day for you to come and see me and feel your Lips on mine"
"Amy look I think we should take a break, you know, make sure this is what we really want, make sure this is what you want, you have so much potential and I don't want to be the one responsible for you giving it all up.
"What the hell are you on about Ty, I know what I want , YOU , I want to marry you just like I've always dreamed of for the last 7 years Ty, I want us to have our own family and I want to work with horses that need Our help".
"But you could do so much Amy".
"I already have Ty ,
The Fall Finale.
Ring of Fire.
Ring of fire tour
Dark horse
European championships.
That's enough for me Ty, I want you,
Now what do you want, because I think you're getting scared and it frightens you.I love you Ty,  you said to decide what I want, well I just told you. YOUR WHAT I WANT NOTHING ELSE
What about you eh".
"I think we should take a break Amy".
"No, Ty, No, please don't do this to me please, I love you, I didn't do anything wrong,  I was totally honest with you about Ahmed ".
"This has nothing to do about him  We need a break ".
You mean Break up ,you want the ring back".
"No Amy a break not a break up".
"Same thing as far as I'm concerned Ty , either you Love me or you dont, so which is it, I want you to have the guts to tell me right now ".
Unknown to Ty and Amy, Jack and Lou are outside the door.
"I'm sorry Amy , I love you, I do , but I need a break".
Amy falls back onto her pillows,  curls up and Sobs.

He turned and walked out the door.

This didn't go as Ty imagined ,but then he didn't know how he felt, He truly loved Amy but didn't want to hold her back. She could do much better than him, but could she end up with someone like Ahmed,  she needs someone who will care and protect her,  just like him, what has he done.

To be continued

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