Chapter 10

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Lou was gobsmacked that Amy wanted her money, if she was totally honest she'd forgotten all about her investment, it had been 8 years and it would bankrupt her, she was getting fed up with having to come home all the time to check on the Dude Ranch, she wanted to open more Maggie's so maybe this was a blessing, Lisa was going to work out how much Amy was owed and deduct it from her payment for the Dude ranch.
Lou was now wondering if Amy wasn't coming back home.
She phoned her Dad and told him what was happening , of her thoughts that she reckoned Amy was staying in Europe and that's why she wanted her money.
Tim wasn't happy about that scenario , who knows what she'll get up to.

Jack and Lisa were in the kitchen having some Lunch.
Tim walks in.
"Do you think you could knock and wait to be called in or wait till we answer the door".
"We never have before Jack, or is this one of Lisa's Ideas".
" Actually Tim it's my Idea, this is my or I should say our house , so from now on knock and wait. Now what do you want".
"Amy's not coming back. I need to find her and bring her back".
"How do you know that Tim, no one knows, She does Have a 12 month contract so your looking at another 6months before she comes home, if that's what she wants. You can't make her do anything Tim, she's an Adult so stop trying to control her.  Who told you she wasn't coming back home anyway Tim".
"Well Lou knows spiddley squatt, she's assuming that because Amy's calling in her investment that she's not coming back,and she probably wants to clear everything up, I mean Lou had completely forgotten about the money Amy invested ".
"Have you heard anything from Ty and what he's up to".
"Why would we know Tim, we haven't heard anything from Ty since he left, and so your aware I won't be going on that cattle drive".
"Because I said so, I don't have to explain to you".
Tim turned around and walked out.
Jack had thought about not doing it anyway as it wasn't his herd he didn't know the bloke either, Tim had volunteered him without asking.

"Jack, can we talk ".
" Of course Lisa ".
" Where's Lou".
" Err in her room ".
" Let's go to my car".
Jack turned to where the bedrooms were and realised what Lisa meant.
" Good Idea".
They got in Lisa's car and out the corner of Jack's eye he saw Lou watching them.
" We are being watched".
" No problem Jack".
Lisa started the car and drove off, when they got to the main gate, Lisa pulled off the road and turned the car off unlocked her seat belt then turned to face Jack.
So Jack did the same.
" Okay Jack with whats happened with Tim and I can't believe Lou was listening at the door I think there's some things you need to know about, but you have to promise me that Lou Nor Tim will find out because its not our decision. Can you truthfully promise me that Jack".
" Yes Lisa I absolutely promise ".
" Okay , Now whether you will come with me is your decision but I know it would mean a lot to a very important young Lady you Love very much".
" Your talking about Amy".
" Yes Jack I am, now Ty is not where everyone thinks he may be or doing what they think he is, he's with Amy at the Ranch where she Lives and works ".
"Well I can certainly understand her not wanting Tim to know or Lou , but why didn't she tell me ".
" How many times have you been told not to say something and then to get your own back on Tim you've let the cat out of the bag so to speak".
" Yeah, I see her point, but this will stay between us I promise ".
" Good, because their's more you need to know, that's why I was on the phone to Amy and seeing Lou outside the door I prayed she didn't hear anything ".
" If she had I think she would have been asking a lot of questions ".
" I really hope so, anyway Amy n Ty have been communicating with each other every day by text, phone calls and had video calls every evening for the last 2 months, then Amy invited Ty over to see her".
"See, I said they'd sort things out if no one interfered ".
"Yes you did, now the reason she phoned me, there getting married this Saturday at the Ranch and she asked me of all people if I would walk her down the Aisle, now I Don't think she asked you because you don't like flying, so Jack are you going to surprise your Granddaughter and come with me so you can give her away".
" It's a bit quick for them to be getting married ".
"Seriously Jack, how can you say that, when did Amy Leave Heartland ".
"Err 6 months ago".
" But what was the day after she left Jack".
" Ahhh, that was the day they were supposed to get married ".
"Don't you think that the've waited long enough Jack".
" Yes, your right Lisa they have, when do we leave ".
" Really, your coming with me".
" Yep , she's not getting married without me".
"Okay, we leave on Friday ".

Lisa and Jack drove back to the Ranch House. Lisa needed to start dinner and Jack offered to help.
During Dinner Lou walked in and sat down, everyone was eating and for a change it was quiet, Lou was just about to speak when Tim walked in he was about to sit down when he and Lou realised there were no empty chairs.
"Where am I supposed to sit Jack ".
GET OUT OF MY HOUSE AND OFF MY RANCH, If you want to see Lou and the kids, do it at Big River Ranch.
Tim just walked straight out and drove off.
After Dinner Jack and Lisa walked in to there bedroom to Text Amy as it was late and they would be asleep due to the time difference and let her know that Jack was coming to the wedding and can't wait to walk Amy down the Aisle and about what happened with Lou and Tim.

To be continued

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