Chapter 5

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Amy's Sobbing into her pillow, she's thinking of how could he do this Two month's away from the wedding which probably wont happen now.
Lou and Jack had managed to hide before Ty came out.
They both walked in and Lou's heart melted when she saw her little sister sobbing, she ran to her side and Amy threw her arms around Lou and carried on Sobbing.
Jack couldn't believe Ty broke up with his Granddaughter while she was still in hospital and needed him more than anyone else. She was traumatised , emotional , the one thing she was looking forward to was her wedding to Ty, now it didn't look like that was going to happen.
Amy was so upset Lou didn't want to leave her alone,  she was so emotional  Lou was worried especially after Ahmed attacked her.
Jack was driving back and decided to pay Ty a visit while he was still angry.
He pulled up on the road just outside of the Trailers entrance , he saw Caleb's truck then heard laughing.
He started to walk towards them when he heard Caleb's voice.
"So, don't you feel better now you've broken up with Amy".
"We haven't broken up Caleb, were on a break".
"Ty man, its the same thing, you asking for a break is the same as breaking the Engagement,  I mean I take it the Wedding won't go ahead in two months as planned will it".
"Err, No, so I suppose you're right, I still love her though caleb".
"Wait, if you still love her then why did you break it off with her while she's still recovering in hospital, why now so close to the Wedding".
They both swung around to see jack standing there with his arms  folded over his chest.
"J Jack, what are you doing here ".
"Let's see Ty , how about my Granddaughter is in such an Emotional mess that Lou and the Doctor do not deem her safe to be left alone considering she was sexually assaulted by her ex employer and now her inconsiderate ex fiance breaks off the Wedding while she's still recovering in Hospital, and your sat here drinking beer and laughing, with no consideration as to how devastating this is for her, she needs you Ty and those were her words not mine, would you like to do anything else to her, because believe me Ty it wont take much to push her into the Suicide watch.
You couldn't have waited until she was at home,  you had to go and  kick her while shes already down.
But what I want to know is Why now, before Ahmeds attack you couldn't wait to marry her ,now you dont care, so what happened to make you change your mind Ty especially if as you say you still love her, and I want an answer NOW Ty".
"It was something Ahmed said to me when we were fighting ".
"What would that be Ty.
"He said that she has a fantastic future ahead for her but only if she's not tied down and I would be responsible for holding her back".
"Jezzus Ty, Now why do you think he said that uhm,  think about it, he wants her, I think to do unspeakable acts on her, he's a Sexual Predator Ty, what would be better for him if she's not Married or in a serious relationship.
You know what Ty, I'm glad your not going to marry her now,  you've Just handed Amy to Ahmed on a platter.  Congratulations son.".
Jack turned round and walked away back to his truck and drove back to Heartland.


Ty was quiet for some time thinking about what he said. Ahmed planted the seed in Ty's head and he let it fester, now Amy's going to be vulnerable   Ty knows how beautiful she is and now he's feeling guilty for putting her in that position.

4 weeks go by and the family are keeping an eye on her without making it too obvious.
Tim has been away in California racing with his horse, but came back a few days ago, Lou of course had to bring him up to speed which angered Amy and Jack because Tim's the sort to use information for his own good or to wind his daughters up.
They all sit down for dinner,  Amy's Just about hanging on but wants to talk to Ty to try and sort things out  she still loves him as much as he still loves her.
Tim walks in while there halfway through dinner.
"So you didn't wait for me then".
"Now why would we wait for someone who was not only not invited for dinner but we didn't even know you were back in Hudson Tim".
Tim sits down without being asked and then goes to help himself to food which was actually all gone as Lou only made enough for them.
"Theres no food left".
"That's because you never told us you were back so I only made enough for us".
"Great thanks Lou. So Amy what you going to do now after wasting 8yrs on Ty now that he dumped your ass".
Amy who was only Just holding it together broke down and ran to her room  slamming the bedroom door hard.
"I wouldn't put up with that temper of hers Jack".
"I apologise in advance Grandpa Katie cover your ears. You incentive bastard, she's Just about holding it together and then you say that to her, I suggest that you keep your mouth shut".
"How dare you talk to me like that , I'm your father".
"Sometimes I wonder if you even are our father,  I suggest you leave now".
"Yeah right".
" you heard what Lou said, leave my house right now and dont turn up for dinner again unless your invited, which wont be any time soon".
Tim ups and leaves mumbling under his breath.
Not long after Lisa arrives "Hi all, so tim passed me on my way in".
"Did he keep going,  you know he didn't stop or anything ".
"Ha Ha yeah, he kept going , is that Amy I can hear".
"Yep, that's why Tim was driving so fast to get away".
"Ohh no, what did he say ".
Jack told Lisa what happened and what he said".
"Has anyone been to check on her  I mean that was the last thing she needed to hear,  she's been Just hanging on bless her".
"Give it a try Lisa".
Lisa went and knocked on Amy's door and told her who it was".
"Come in Lisa".
Lisa went in and found Amy lying on her bed sobbing.
"Oh Amy, come here".
Amy was being held by Lisa as she cried, Lisa wasn't sure how much more Amy could take.
"Have you tried getting intouch with Ty, you could give it a go you know and if it doesn't work at least you can tell yourself that you tried and it's Ty's Loss. Don't put your life on hold for him Amy , your to young and Beautiful. Try for say 2 or 3 weeks , and if you still cant get through to him then he's a fool, if after then you can't get through to him write him a letter explaining that if he doesn't want to marry you then you'll try to find someone else who does,  and wants to live at Heartland and raise a family, everything you was hoping to do with him. ".
"Thank you Li, err Grandma ".
"Come on, tidy yourself  up and  I'll make Malted milk drinks .

To be continued

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