Chapter 7

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As soon as Ty took out the letter the Engagement Ring fell onto the table.
Lisa noticed Ty's face drop.
He started to read the letter.

"Dear Ty,
I want you to know that I asked for you to be given this letter only when and If you showed up at Heartland.
I really do not know what happened to you after I almost died.
I tried everything I could think of to get you back, as for you wanting me to think about what I truly wanted, well that was a load of BS. You already knew what I Wanted, You, working with horses that need help Rescue and thoroughbreds, Our house on Heartland and making babies for our own little Family .
As for you holding me back, when in the last 8yrs have you ever held me back. If you remember on the night of Dark Horse I said to you that we should never hold each other back from doing things we love, of course as usual you took it the wrong way.
I told you this many times.
I think you were scared, scared you'd be like your Father which I knew you wouldn't, I didn't like the way you treated me, as if I was a piece of horse shit on your boot.
I tried for 3 weeks to speak with you and you ignored messages, phone calls, knocking on your door.
Well if you don't want to marry me I'm sure someone else will and we'll live the dream I wanted for us. Here's your ring back as you broke that promise. Maybe you can get some money back for it.
I love you Ty Borden, always have, always will , but I cant force you to love me.

Goodbye my love.
Amy xx


Ty sat there ,Lisa could see tears coming slowly down his cheeks.
"What did she say Ty, if you dont mind me asking ".
Ty handed Lisa the letter and she read it then passed it to Jack.
"Well I'm sorry Ty, but everything Amy said is true , but it's not to late you know, she said she still loves you son, so dont give up".
"How can I talk to her when her phone says number no longer in use".
"Ohh, do you know what Ty, that same thing happened to Amy when she tried to phone you".
"Yeah okay I get it".
"Try her Email Ty, I know that still works ".
"Are you telling me you don't have her new number ".
"No, we don't Ty. Amy phones us once a week and her numbers set to Private, we have asked but she said no, I think it's so Lou and Tim can't get it, you see she phoned about a month after she left and we had it on speaker, Tim and Lou kept shouting at her, telling her to come home , and Amy was trying to tell us that she was in hospital after one of the rescue horses pushed her down then reared and came down on her.
It banged her up quite badly.
Then Tim and Lou wouldn't let it go so Amy blocked them. If you don't mind giving us your number we could ask Amy to phone you, what do you reckon ".
"Yeah that would be great, thank you".
"I'm sure you two can work this out Ty, be positive".

A week Later Ty's phone rang, he looked and saw Private, then realised that it was Amy, he answered and things were a little awkward to start with and Ty couldn't stop apologising for his actions and told Amy she was spot on about him being scared they talked for over an hour.
Afterwards Ty felt so much better and wrote an Email to Amy explaining everything, even Marion and the dream.

Ty and Amy continued to correspond so much that Amy gave Ty her number but asked him to keep it private due to certain family members.
They continued like this for about 2 months, then Amy invited Ty over as she had a cottage all to herself on the Matthews Ranch, but again to keep it to himself , Amy explained that she'd never had it so peaceful, no arguments with Tim or his insulting comments or Lou trying to control her life or her business .
Two weeks later Ty turned up at the Brussels South Charleroi Airport not far from the Ranch.
When Amy saw Ty walking out of the Arrivals doors she threw caution to the wind and ran straight to him, Ty caught her and wrapped his arms around her waist, Amy looked into his eyes and saw tears, she went up on tippy toes and Kissed him and he kissed her back.
Amy couldn't believe they were together in Belgium with no family around trying to control what they did, even though Amy was almost 24 she sometimes felt like she was being treated like she was still 14yrs old not just by Lou and Jack but even her Dad.
Since he showed up 9/10 yrs ago he still treats her like she can't make her own decisions.
Ty noticed that Amy hadn't stopped smiling while they walked in the evening air with her arms around his arm just like she used to.
"You no what Amy , you've definitely changed, and I mean that in a good way, you look more confident, Relaxed, and happy ".
"Why thank you kind sir".
As they walked back towards her Truck she showed Ty the sites they were both relaxed, they'd had a lovely meal at Amy's favourite restaurant earlier on.
Amy was driving back to her little cottage when she mentioned something to Ty.
"Ty, Do you think we waited too Long, I mean we've been together for what nearly 9 years, we know everything there is to know about each other, and we've had to wait because of my family telling us what we can or cannot do".
"Well, when you put it like that then I suppose Yes we've basically been forced to wait, and I think your right, Its done probably more harm than good to us as a couple, we should of been married probably 2 or 3 yrs ago".
"Had I not been raised by an old man who still lives in the early 1940s and an over protective father who refused to accept I'd grown up into an adult we'd probably of been sleeping together from when I was 18yrs old, yes or no".
"Ohhh definitely Yes".
"Good because I only have a double bed, so were sleeping together from now on, and Ty, I dont mean just sleeping ".
"Well I didn't, err haven't got protection ".
"Good Job I thought ahead then isn't it.".
Ty was totally gobsmacked, he always thought Amy may be a little wild when it came to the intimate part of there relationship because she certainly was when just making out and now he was going to find out".

To be continued

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