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The defeat-and apparent death-of Lord Voldemort has caused most of the Magical world in the United Kingdom to celebrate. The price, however, was heavy. The Potters were killed, save for their infant son, who became the Boy Who Lived. A few days later, the Longbottoms have been tortured into insanity by the actions of Rabastan, Rodolphus, and Bellatrix Lestrange with Barty Crouch Jr helping them out. But the worst was the child who couldn't learn about his parents out of fear.

Millicent Bagnold had to put him in the same Orphanage as his father. While she didn't think he would end up like his father, it was to appease Fudge. After the whole Sirius Black situation, she had to bend on removing him from the Magical world. Otherwise it would be a massive scandal. And that was something unacceptable. She wasn't exactly popular at the moment, and should she be removed, odds are the poor child would be in more danger than ever.

However, Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Hogwarts, didn't agree with such actions.

"Minister Bagnold" a wizened old voice drew her attention. Albus Dumbledore stood in the doorway of her office, wearing a set of ruby red robes and a tired smile. The leader of the Order of the Phoenix was the person she wanted as the next Minister. But she also felt that he was more loyal to Hogwarts than anything else. With the other option being Barty Crouch, she wasn't sure if there'd be a way to get someone who is less volatile in office. As it stands, if it isn't Crouch, it's the spineless coward Cornelius Fudge.

"Professor Dumbledore. A pleasure." She greeted. It was clear that the half moon glasses that laid upon his nose could magnify the twinkle in his eyes. His silver beard reached his chest. All in all, he'd appear harmless. But that was a strength of his.

"You must forgive me if I surprised you. However, I do have a plan regarding the current situation you're facing. Regarding his child."

"Oh really?"

"Yes. I have been talking to the President of the MACUSA, Arcturus Graves. He has assured me that, should you agree, the correct measures will be taken in protecting him."

"What measures are those? Remember that he's going to get a letter to Hogwarts, so it's hard to believe that there's anything that can be done to permanently remove him from our world. Unless we want to turn into a Death Eater, of course."

"Ethan Lewis, head of their Auror Division, will watch over him and his new family, along with his protégé Troy Alvaro. Surely you know his reputation." Minister Bagnold nodded in agreement. Ethan was a man who would go through hell for friends and family. And if he was going to be an honorary uncle, the kid would have a good support system. "Good! Then, on your end, will provide him with one thing that will be important should his identity be revealed; protection by the MACUSA. However, should you agree to this, he will be arriving at Hogwarts the same year as Harry Potter."

"Tell me something. This family... Do you trust them to warn you if he's becoming like his father?"

"No. I trust them to inform him of his lineage when the time is correct and show him the love that had been denied to his father, and prevent the same thing to befall Y/N. Gellert trusted me in raising him all those years ago, and I am returning the favor." She bit back a groan, remembering the stories from her childhood about the war Grindelwald waged. As well as the duel between former lovers.

"Who are they?"

"Aaron and Eleanor Stafford. Miss Eleanor is Cornelius's niece, and has been vocal about not trusting anyone who claims they were under the Imperius curse. They will take full responsibility over him and in return for their work, a Gringotts vault will be opened for him. When he comes of age, he shall make the toughest decision. I pray that the decision is not made lightly."

"If you trust them that much, alert Graves that I agree to the deal. Let us both hope he shall be known for good rather than evil."

Garnet Black let out a soft sigh as he greeted Ethan. The child was relatively quiet, but he had a bad feeling. After his two cousins were apart of You-Know-Who's army, he didn't want to risk the boy being taken and turned into another version of his father. "Ethan, tell me. Do you think he can be different than his father?"

"I'll tell you what Carter told me when I learned I would be a dad. 'A father can leave at any moment, but a dad will stay there. He will guide you until you're confident in your path.' Aaron will be his dad in all but blood. That's enough for me, and Carter will be protective of them. No one will try to hurt him, or create another monster."

A/N: I would like to give a shout out to ElectricZenith TotalKO123 SKY3H1 TheArkhamKnight27 and TomasGranger003 for their amazing stories The Lovegood of Gryffindor, Forever and Always, You Are The Reason, Potters, and Lady In Red. They helped spur me to begin writing here, and all of them are great.

I'm going to use summer chapters as a way to kinda answer questions regarding the previous book and upcoming one(without massive spoilers of course).

If you guys want me to do face claims, I will. And I don't expect The Philosopher's Stone to be very long. I'm also not going to take that long to reveal Y/N's parentage, cause it is one of those things that will lead to quite the situation come The Prisoner of Azkaban that will be fun to delve into.

I'll be adding a cover later on, as this should cover all of the books barring unforeseen circumstances. 

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