Huge thanks to kieran_w for letting me use the girl talk idea he used in his phenomenal series that I recommend reading.
"Really? I was selected?" I asked, earning a ruffling of my hair.
"Yes. You impressed the scouts, so they're willing to give you the opportunity of a lifetime!" He replied, before leaving. I was smiling all the way to where I knew there were pillows and blankets, preparing to throw the blanket over Mione.
"Sweet dreams, you beautiful angel." I kissed her temple, heading over to one of the armchairs. I had a lot to think about, since I really don't like the idea of anything being a slave. Perhaps I could ask Dumbledore about the situation. He'd know the best way to get them freedom, or at least draw attention to it.
But at what cost? I can guarantee that almost all of the big families would be upset, and they've got the power at the moment. And I can't really launch a campaign without ruffling their feathers.
Hermione let out a little groan, making me smile while watching her curl up into a little ball. I can't really deny how she makes me feel, but I am nowhere near the best she can do. If she really wants to, she could get with Harry when we're all a little older.
That's just the truth. But that's a future problem. Standing up, I walked over to the couch and lifted her head gently, moving the pillow under her.
"You're my favorite pillow Y/N." She mumbled, making me blush. She snuggled up closer, allowing the briefest hint of a smile to be shown, before it disappeared. I couldn't help but smile and run my fingers through her hair. No matter what, I would do anything to protect her.
Even if it meant my death.
Hermione POV
It was the last week of November, and Y/N was back in America, trying out for their Under 18 National team. I hope he gets it, just so I can brag.
And so I can see him in another Quidditch jersey. I never understood what my oldest cousin meant about a guy wearing a jersey until Y/N. Now? Now I've seen the light.
The way he ran his fingers through my hair ever so softly to that small smile that always melts my heart. And the way his dark eyes light up when things are dark.
"So, Hermione," Fay said. She, Lavender, and Parvati had asked me to help them with some homework, and I agreed. "Tell us about Y/N!"
"What!?" I squeaked out in surprise. Parvati just giggled.
"It's time for girl talk! And you and Y/N are awfully close." She waggled her eyebrows, making me blush.
"H-He's my best friend!" Sadly. I wouldn't say no to him asking me out or a signed photo.
"Yeah. Who you sleep on. And call your favorite pillow." Lavender stated, causing the other three to giggle.
"So, tell us, do you like him as more than just a friend?"
"Yes." The girls squealed, before delving into everything about our relationship. Even asking if Y/N has abs. To which I just developed a goofy grin.
"That grin tells us there's a story!" Fay said in a singsong way.
"I saw him while he was buttoning up his shirt. No abs yet, but whatever training he's been doing with his dad and for Quidditch is clearly benefitting him." I stated, trying to contain my drooling. It's not my fault his training has made him look more incredible.
"What about Harry?" I offered, in an attempt to break the attention from Y/N.
"Oh gods. He's dreamy" Parvati whispered, before sighing. "He's so modest about his celebrity status, and is just so nice and kind to everyone."
"Shame Ronald isn't the same way." Fay tacked on, before explaining. "He's not a bad person, but he doesn't exactly come off as a nice guy. A first year was upset, and he tried comforting them like they were aliens."
"Ron has the emotional range of a teaspoon. I don't think it's intentional, but Percy is his brother, so it may be a case of Percy always outshining him." I added, earning a soft smile from Fay. (Would you guys like Ron to be with Fay? Or would you rather an original character?)
"Neville is a great guy. Shame he has no confidence." Lavender said, which we all agreed with her. Seeing him interact with others and his passion for Herbology, I'd be willing to bet that he'd be popular with a little bit of extra confidence.
"Oh!" Fay yelled, pulling out a piece of parchment. "We could rank the guys! List our favorite thing about them and the one thing we'd like to see–or help–them change!" We quickly agreed.
I gave Y/N a ten, with my favorite thing being how protective he is. The one thing I would like to see him change was something small. Extremely small.
I wanted to see him change his current wardrobe. Polo shirts look great, but I'd think he'd look better in just plain old t-shirts.
Lavender surprisingly gave Neville a high score of eight, with her talking about his passion for helping as something she loves. In a sibling way, at least. And the confidence was something she wants him to work on.
Fay gave Ron a ten, explaining that she does like him because he's just himself, but he needs to broaden his emotional range.
Parvati gave Harry a seven and explained that she thinks he's going to get with Ginny. So, she wants to help him explore what a regular life is. So he knows what to expect after Hogwarts. He just needs to change his timidness. A little aggression is healthy if handled correctly.
Harry POV
"So, Ron," I started, holding back my nerves. "Tell me about your family. I only get to interact with Gred, Forge, you, and occasionally Ginny." He gave me a deadpan look.
"I'm not saying anything. I got money riding on you and Ginny getting together in year five at the earliest."
Well fuck.

The American Enigma
FanfictionTwo years before Harry Potter became The Boy Who Lived, there was a child. One who was forced to bear the sins of his parents. As such, he was forced into a new identity. Cornelius Fudge-the eventual Minister of Magic-wants the kid to be left in the...