Gazing Into The Abyss

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I barely felt whatever the teachers did to bring me to Madam Pomfrey, along with Penelope and Mione. Tears pricked the corner of my eyes as Snape muttered words that, under any other circumstance, would be classified as comforting.

Now? They're just hollow. I failed. All because I realized everything too late. There's no excusing my lackadaisical care about her going to the library!

She must've been so goddamned terrified, and I wasn't there to comfort her! What type of friend am I!?

People can try to say that it wasn't my fault, but they're wrong. It is my fault. For instead of thinking about Quidditch and my secret admirer, I should've dedicated that time to protecting her.

How many times has Hermione gone out of her way to check on me? How often did she scold me for not getting enough sleep?

And when she needed me the most, I ran to teachers. Teachers that, last year, ended up causing me more harm. And I subjected her to the same thing.

I barely registered the door opening. I barely registered Harry and Ron's sudden intake of breath, realizing what happened. There is only one thing running through my mind.


I fucking hope the Heir tries something again. Cause I'm done playing by their rules. It's time for the Chicago training to come out again.

Which means I'll need an extra weapon other than just my wand. I'll need the dagger Grandpa had bequeathed me three years ago. The one with the latin inscription of vengeance for love.

Vindictas amare.

Cause now? Now I'm going to make sure there's nothing left of the monster. I will become their worst nightmare.

I will never let this happen again.

Ellie POV

We received the news that Y/N found his friend Hermione petrified. Porpentina Scamander, the Headmistress of Ilvermorny, allowed Aaron to leave earlier than expected. Dad was waiting for us, giving us the keys to a nice cottage.

"We need to go and check on Y/N!" I said, but Dad just shook his head. Aaron seemed to understand it, heaving a heavy sigh.

"Is the Confederation getting involved?" Aaron asked, and Dad gave us a grim smile.

"Yes. I'm heading up the taskforce, but Lucius has stalled our attempts to enter. Bastard is, and always will be, a Death Eater. However, should he go ahead with what I think he's planning, I'll be able to prevent anything from actually happening. But Fudge won't like it."

"I don't give a damn about what my stupid uncle likes!" I raged, earning surprised looks. "My son is in danger! His best friend was attacked, and the bastard who can't pull his own head out of his arse will gladly bend over for the Pure-blood bigots! I want to see Y/N!"

"Calm, El." Aaron muttered, rubbing soothing circles on my back.

"Aaron is right. Besides. I'm sure that Awstin will be more effective right now. You'll need to be there for when he inevitably enters the Chamber to kill the Heir's monster. Cause he will more than likely learn the truth."

"That he's Voldemort's son." Aaron finished, while Dad just grinned.

"Yes. And Awstin, thanks to Dumbledore's insistence, was trained by Grindelwald and myself."

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