Summer of Year 1: The Break Out

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My summer was filled with touring houses and cottages and ancient mansions with my parents. They were proud of me for my actions during the year, but were worried about how I'd be affected by the events. Thankfully, Hermione was keeping me grounded.

We owled almost every day, and she always made sure to remind me that my actions were brave. Dumbledore also sent a letter, explaining that my actions prevented Neville from being in trouble as well, though at the cost of my trust in him. Something he'd work to earn back.

Grandpa also promised me that I'd be able to spend some time at the Burrow this summer. He is officially a member of the ICW School Board, which means that he's going to be popping into Hogwarts from time to time.

He also introduced me to Awstin Constantine, who greeted me brusquely. Then lit a cigarette with a spout of fire that shot from his finger tip.

"To reach the ability to do something like this," he had begun, "will take far too long. Instead, I'll show you the ways it can bolster your abilities."

And show me he did. We had ten mock duels. In nine of them, he won after being disarmed, just by combining two different elements to give him cover.

"You've got the basic idea of dueling down. But you're also hesitant. You can't be that way unless you want to fail." (Matt Ryan the actor is the claim for Awstin Constantine. You may know him as John Constantine for NBC and DC)

From there, he went on to help me harness emotions for when absolutely necessary. His signature spell was one that created an elemental slash, but he refused to teach it to me until I was old enough to understand the risks.

"Y/N, you ready to go to the Granger's?" Grandpa called out. He had found out that Hermione asked if I could spend the night, and he was going to drive me to their house and talk to her parents.

Which is going to be interesting.

"Yes grandpa." I replied, pulling out a turquoise polo shirt out of the closet. Yes, I like to wear polo shirts on important occasions, and meeting my best friend's parents definitely counts.

"Well, well. Are you sure you're not trying to entice her into dating?" Grandpa laughed, causing me to blush. I've got black jeans on, as well as a watch my dad gave me as a 'congrats' after my first year.

"Please. Like she'd go for someone like me." He frowned at the comment, surprising me. He never frowns unless he's personally insulted.

"Y/N, you may be adopted, but that doesn't mean that you're not my grandson. Biologically or not, I'm proud to be your grandfather. You are an amazing child, and are on your way to being a man that everyone can be proud of. And I'm sure that Miss Granger will agree with me on that." I gave him a small thank you, before we went to the car.

When we arrived in London, when he began to regal me with stories about my parents.

"I remember when Aaron first visited Eleanor. He tried so hard to pretend that he was just interested in her as a friend. Did you know that she was sent to Ilvermorny for her third and fourth years?"

"No. Why?" He let out a soft sigh.

"She and Lucius Malfoy had quite the rivalry during her first two years. She was sorted into Ravenclaw, and Lucius had this.... Infatuation with her. He knew of me as the Dragon Assassin, the one person who was given nigh impossible targets by Grindelwald and still succeed. But he never realized that Dumbledore was the only person who could match Grindelwald in such a manner."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, Grindelwald was a match for Dumbledore, whereas Voldemort requires secrecy. Dumbledore, however, operates with a simple goal in mind. He and Grindelwald had a saying. For the Greater Good. To me, that's hogwash."

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