CoS: Murder is Illegal

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While the Weasley's were in Diagon Alley, I was in a small box with spikes poking holes in my shoulder. Harry was here to, but was better protected from the spikes. We were in some type of store that, from what I can understand, is a place to dump dark items. While normally that wouldn't be bad, we were listening to Draco complain about our superior Quidditch skills, and about how Mione was a "know-it-all" that didn't deserve to magic.

Goddamn ferret, escaping because of the holes in my shoulder. As soon as the coast was clear, we fled from the box. We stumbled outside, into a dark and dingy alley. Shops were lit by lanterns, yet were separated by dark alleyways with sinister eyes peering out upon the street. Some voices heckled us, while others oozed with malicious intent, offering their help for a price.

"Harry! Y/N! What're ya doin down 'ere!?" A voice bellowed. One that belonged to a good friend, and the Keeper of the Keys at Hogwarts. Hagrid.

"We got lost." Harry started, only for me to scoff.

"We didn't. You did. I just made the conscious decision to follow your lead."

"Come on! Ya don' want ter be caught 'ere. Skulking round Knockturn Alley!" He continued to rage, explaining that he was getting flesh eating slug repellent. Apparently there were some in the crops, causing him to do this before the school year.

"Harry! Y/N!" We were tackled by a bundle of bushy brown hair belonging to the angel–I mean, amazing person known as Hermione Granger. Nope. No crush here. To assume I have a crush on her is just wrong.

I definitely have a crush on her. She's just so darn wonderful, it's hard not to crush on her.

"We're fine Mione. Thanks to Hagrid." He flushed at the attention, turning his eyes towards my mom. Hermione took the time to heal the slight wounds on my shoulder.

"Didn' expect ter see ya Ellie! How're ya doin?"

"Fine Hagrid. Hopefully Y/N hasn't given you too much trouble." She giggled, surprising us.

"Nah. He's bin a great student. Jus a tad disrespectful ter Snape, but that's ter be expected."

"Sadly. I do wish he and Lily patched their differences up. But he did something unforgivable by himself." I noticed Harry perk up, but mom brushed it off. We then walked around, with Hermione dragging us to get more parchment and ink before mom took Ginny over to Ollivander's. After they finished, mom gifted the quintet with wand holsters from America. Of course, my dad did introduce them to my friends with some theatrics.

"These are top of the line. MACUSA gifted me them due to my work helping out the No-Maj parents navigate the Wizarding communities. Or Muggleborns, as they're called here."

"What difference is there?" Hermione asked, making mom smile.

"Well, I'm sure you've all heard of Grindelwald, right?" They trio nodded, although Ron wasn't exactly familiar with it. Harry heard it due to the Chocolate Frog card, and Hermione definitely read about it. "Well, he was good for one thing. The Congress was debating on whether or not to repeal Rappaport's Law since The Great Depression, but him being active caused them to constantly delay. Once he was dealt with, they agreed to repeal it in 1965. By doing so, it allowed the Canadian, Mexican, and Caribbean branches explain things to their governments earlier. When Lincoln talked to President Lyndon B Johnson, the pair bonded over a love of all things musical. It led to the No-Maj President briefing his successor about it, and a great deal of both societies have come to an understanding of one another." She nodded, before asking more questions as we stopped in for some ice cream. Mom had a blast answering the questions, and I could see Harry giving me a smug grin. Like I didn't see how surprised he was at the sight Ginny.

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