Set You Free

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Here's the last part of Prisoner of Azkaban and it's dedicated mainly to the events after Harry and Hermione went back in time. It starts the political war of Voldemort's Second Rise, and I have Arcturus turning against Voldemort and extend an olive branch to a Squib member of the Black family, which is why I have the last interaction to finish off this chapter. Next one will be the Quidditch World Cup, including the games played by Y/N. Enjoy!

Dumbledore POV

I poured myself a cup of green tea, while giving my two associates their respective drinks. Garnet took a muggle bourbon, while Severus went for some fire whiskey. It was astounding at the alliance that was forged during Tom's first rise.

"The Dark Lord will return." Severus downed his glass, which was then refilled. "Pettigrew. A brilliant plan by Potter, as much as I may have loathed him and his friends. No soul would have imagined him as the secret keeper."

"Agreed." Garnet stated with disgust in his voice. "How many others were sold out due to his cowardice? Voldy," a snort could be heard from the potions master, "had the perfect spy. A weak, pathetic man who required stronger people to protect him. Something that could be manipulated without fail."

"Yes." I found myself saying. "Tom has always had a silver tongue, and very few can deny his calls. Even fewer survive after rejecting his message."

"More than that," Garnet interjected, "we finally know that he was selling information. Whenever the return happens, there's gonna be others flocking to his banner. Children raised to believe that they were better than others. We need to counteract this."

"I already took those steps." At their raised eyebrows, I let out a soft chuckle. "I contacted Ken Sterling, who is related to our dear minister. Should Cornelius attempt to remove me again, he will have no say in the replacement."

"Ken will take your place?"

"Yes. He's a pure blood, and doesn't buy into the bigotry that permeates from Tom's most ardent sycophants."

"Not to mention that he's a great duelist." Severus admitted. "Only the truly foolish would think of challenging him."

"Agreed." Garnet stated, before looking at the rising sun. "With Sirius escaping, I can safely open an investigation with the ICW's permission." Severus was still disgruntled, but accepted it. He saw the memory of Pettigrew being alive, so he couldn't try to say that Black was truly guilty.

"I have a feeling the investigation will unearth many dark secrets. Be careful, and don't hesitate to contact us for assistance."

"I'm not doing it alone." He chuckled. "A few friends have agreed to assist me, so I'll have backup."

"I assume that, once He is reborn, I'll have to maneuver my way up his ranks again?" I could hear the resignation in Severus's voice and winced. He was not a good potions teacher, but his skills with the Dark Arts make him invaluable to our efforts.

Unfortunately for him, his role was a thankless one. Not a soul, save for myself and a select few like Mad-eye, could know just how far he went. Sacrifices would be made, even though I'd love for this war to be ended before it truly began, but that's no longer in the cards.

"Yes." My voice sounded tired, even to myself. "I truly hate requesting this of you."

"Perhaps there's another way." Garnet whispered, eyes widening.

"Perhaps we could offer you assistance?" He shook his head before speaking again.

"There's a known Death Eater in the ICW's Elite Unit. He was primarily housed in Africa, but there's been a rumor going around that he was an informant. We can ask for his help in getting a new spy, but that could put us in a bind. If he was just a rat, then we could endanger our plans. If he's marked, then there's a chance he could get some allies, leading to a coup."

"The Dark Lord would still require my services as a spy." Snape stated. His eyes narrowed in resignation. "Unless we can fake my death, I'll be screwed either way."

"What if you were captured by American Aurors?"

"Wouldn't work. He would see through a ruse like that, putting out a massive bounty on my head. I'd have to leave my post here, with me requiring an entirely new identity and around the clock protection detail."

"We will find a way to make sure you can live peacefully after this war."

The train pulled out of the station, with Harry upset at the cruel twist of fate he was given. His godfather was innocent, but unable to receive a fair and just trial. Fudge would rather look good over doing good. Professor Lupin was outed as a werewolf, and forced to leave the post.

We were all, save for certain Slytherins, upset at him leaving, but Snape was blinded by his rage. Grandpa Ken showed up afterwards to discuss it with Dumbledore, but left looking more frustrated than when he went in.

"I don't understand why Dumbledore keeps Snape around. He's a horrible teacher!" Hermione ranted, catching us off guard. Grandpa Ken just chuckled in response. He had boarded the train to help protect it. At least, that's what he claims. I think he was watching over Harry.

"There's more going on than you recognize. I can't tell you everything, but know that both Snape and Lupin are vital to the future."

"I hate this." I murmured. Grandpa just nodded in agreement, as he argued for at least informing the kids about the prophecy.

"And I don't blame you. I only ask you trust us for now. While you may hate not knowing, I assure you that Dumbledore and I hate that we're forced to work outside our comfort zones. Alas, this is what we must do to protect our future."
Garnet POV

Grimmauld Place. Home of the House of Black. The exterior was the only thing that was light. It was fitting, as the interior was gloomy. The torches that lined the walls and chandeliers were ignited by magic, and they revealed the mounting dust on all of the surfaces. An old wizarding radio sat upon a small stand, with an old house-elf staring at it as another human sat in a chair.

"Garnet. I've been waiting for you to return." The other stood up and turned to face me. His salt and pepper hair was extremely thin, and the dark eyes seemed to contain exhaustion. His body was frail, but that wasn't the surprising thing. It was that I knew him to be a Squib. Someone my family hated just as much as the Muggle born.

"Marius. This is a surprise."

"I agree." His laugh turned into a coughing fit. "Arcturus brought me back into the fold after the Dark Lord fell back in eighty-one."

"I thought he supported the man?"

"Not really." Marius admitted with a smile. "He agreed with his words, but once deaths were happening, he quickly turned against him. He boarded up in the Olde Mansion, hidden alongside Potter Manor. He kept getting the Prophet due to his skills in hiding."

"Skills in hiding?"

"Yes. He served with the ICW against Grindelwald, and had been used behind enemy lines alongside Charlus Potter. From what I managed to learn while working as an archivist for the Confederation, they had two methods of achieving their missions. Either completely stealthy, causing panic within the ranks of the enemies, or they went in wands blazing. Their spells were rapid and made some of their targets surrender due to them thinking they were being attacked by a large force."

"Damn. That would have been a sight to see." Truthfully, I was always interested in the battles of the Grindelwald War. Battles waged all over the world, including South America. I just haven't had the chance to visit the ICW Library.

"Yeah." We lapsed into silence until Marius sighed. "Garnet, I'm dying. You and Sirius are the last two Blacks. Arcturus wrote a Will, leaving everything to you two, along with disavowing Riddle and his followers. I'm here to pass on a message."

"What's the message?"

"He used the darkest of magicks to ensure his survival. Regulus discovered this, and died trying to end the reign."

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